Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 617: affection

The slender jade fingers squeezed the ice sword in his hand, Mu Rufeng slashed out a sword without even thinking about it.

This move was fierce and fierce, extremely powerful, red light flashed, and the momentum was monstrous.

Two sword lights blasted together fiercely.


The sound that shook the sky and the earth shook so much that the mountains and forests at the foot trembled ~ trembling, the fallen leaves were flying, a violent momentum suddenly radiated to the surroundings.

Mu Rufeng stepped back ten steps to stabilize his figure, and the opposite Nangong Mingmo also stepped back a few steps before he stopped. He raised his head and looked at Mu Rufeng, his eyes filled with eyes. Astonished, he barely drew a tie with himself!

Although he relied on his bloodline talent to forcibly upgrade his strength to a Tier 2 Paladin, he is only a Tier 8 sect warrior after all. It will take a little effort to defeat him, but it won't be a tie, right?

The look on Nangong Mingmo's face was extremely ugly, he roared and rushed towards Mu Rufeng again.

Mu Rufeng's lips raised a sneer, holding the ice sword in his hand, and suddenly slashed out a sword. The powerful and unparalleled sword aura oscillated in this world. How mighty and powerful is this sudden sword?

The sword aura and terrifying murderous aura released by this move made Nangong Mingmo's face greatly changed. He clearly felt the power contained in this move, which had completely surpassed the power of the fifth-order paladin, and even more. high!


The long sword let out a roar, and fell in the air, with a strong momentum, unparalleled in the world!

Nangong Mingmo was shocked and quickly resisted with Yujian.


The violent power blew in the air and rolled around. The next moment the fierce power bombarded Nangong Mingmo's body, and there was a ‘bang’, and the weapon in his hand turned into two pieces!

Under this sword, his weapon broke!

Nangong Mingmo stared in horror.

"Puff!" Nangong Mingmo's body flew upside down and fell to the ground fiercely. He seemed to be immersed in horror and did not react. After a long pause, his thoughts slowly returned and looked towards Mu. Rufeng's eyes were filled with bitter anger and hatred.

The weapon was broken, and he had no intention of continuing to fight, he just didn't expect Mu Rufeng to be so strong! With the strength of the eighth-order sect martial artist, defeated this third-order saint martial artist himself!

The Azure Dragon bloodline is really strong!

"Mu Rufeng, I've written down this grudge!" Nangong Mingmo's eyes burst into anger and roared. The next moment, his figure turned into a red light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"He used the secret technique of the Nangong family to escape." Tong Xiaoxiao stepped forward. She looked at Mu Rufeng with a trace of heat and pride in her eyes. She thought that Rufeng would be defeated, but he did not expect that he would defeat Nangong Ming. street.

Seeing Nangong Mingmo escape like a dog in the family, Tong Xiaoxiao was in a good mood, and the gloomy unhappiness in his heart also disappeared.

"Your sword." Mu Rufeng condensed her breath, her hair and eyes returned to their original colors, and the scaly armor on her body also receded, revealing a delicate and cold black robe.

"Ru Feng, your strength is so strong." Tong Xiaoxiao exclaimed, if he is himself, even if he fully displays the ice exquisite body, he will not be able to defeat Nangong Mingmo, at best he will be tied.

"What are your plans next?" Mu Rufeng asked, staring at her.

"Well, I want to go to the wild island to experience it. I heard that the strength will increase very quickly there." Tong Xiao's small lips raised a light smile.

"Okay, then let's go to the wild island, and I will accompany you." Mu Rufeng's voice softened unconsciously, with a touch of gentleness that he didn't even notice.

Then the two returned to the wild city together.

Because some preparations were needed to go to the wild island, Mu Rufeng and Tong Xiaoxiao started shopping in the city.

The two walked on the street together. The man was as handsome as a god, and the woman looked like a pair of wall men made in heaven. The rate of turning back was extremely high. When the two bought things together, they were even recognized as husband and wife by vendors.

Mu Rufeng walked to a stall and stopped. He picked up a glazed plum hosta. The plum blossoms on it were carved from red glazed, lifelike, like red plums blooming in the winter, dotted with two bunches underneath. The crystal white glass beads are like a touch of wind and snow.

Tong Xiaoxiao stared at him curiously.

In the next moment, Mu Rufeng couldn't help but insert the glazed plum hosta into Tong Xiaoli's hairside.

Tong Xiaoxiaoben has a stunning appearance, and now he is embellished with plum blossom hosta, and immediately gives birth to a bit of elegance and nobility, which is even more bright and moving.

"The son is really good-sighted. This glazed plum blossom hosta is named Xiangxuehai. Your wife wears this hosta, it's so beautiful!" The stall owner quickly exclaimed with a smile.

Tong Xiaoxiao's white face was immediately stained with two blushes, and his face was slightly drooping, with the shyness and affection of the little daughter.

"How much?" Mu Rufeng asked without refuting the stall owner's words.

"Ten gold coins, this is the most beautiful hosta of all my things."

Mu Rufeng immediately paid out ten gold coins.

At this moment, the four elders of the Nangong family chased after them. They looked at Tong Xiaoxiao and Mu Rufeng with gloomy expressions, blocking their path.

"Little, you really disappoint us."

"As a descendant of the Nangong family, you actually helped an outsider hurt the young master. You must give an answer to this matter!"

"Xiao Xiao, go back with us, otherwise, the consequences are not something you can afford." said several elders in Nangong, their eyes cold and gloomy.

Tong Xiaoxiao's fair and beautiful face was slightly heavy and did not speak.

Mu Rufeng stopped in front of her without hesitation, "Little is not willing to go back, none of you can force her."

"Presumptuous! Dare to be rampant in front of my Nangong family? It was you who wounded our young master, so you will die!" Nangong Grand Elder said coldly.

"If you dare to hurt him, I won't return to the Nangong family even if I die!" Tong Xiaoxiao's face was cold, her apricot eyes widened, and she said coldly at the four Nangong elders opposite.

"Little, you can go, there is me here, and I won't let them take you away." Mu Rufeng's handsome face was full of determination.

"Huh! A small 8th-order sect martial artist, dare to be presumptuous in front of me! Don't talk nonsense with him and kill him directly." Nangong Second Elder said angrily.

A flash of worry flashed across Tong Xiaoxiao's face. She moved in her footsteps and stood in front of Mu Rufeng, "Don't hurt him, I will go with you! Otherwise, you can only bring back a corpse!"

"Little..." Mu Rufeng shouted, but Tong Xiaoxiao interrupted him before he finished speaking.

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