Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 629: The magnificent stunning

After a pause, he continued, "But I brought two jars of wine. This is the Thousand Flower Herbal Dew that I brewed by myself. It is made by collecting thousands of flowers and hundreds of rare spiritual grasses. It will make people fascinated by the smell. "

Haha, isn't it just thinking of the medicine in her hand? She won't take it out! Take none!

The smile on Shangguan Patriarch's face became stiff, but it was not easy to say clearly, so he laughed and said, "Haha, a thousand flowers and herbs, I think this name is good."

"Hehe, Girl Mu is so polite. She came over with two jars of wine from a long distance. It really moved me." The elder Shangguan said in a sour tone.

There were a lot of guests present, and everyone showed contempt and disdain on their faces.

It was so stingy that he brought two jars of wine over! Will the Shangguan family be short of alcohol? Why do you have to get some high-end things?

"There is no need to be moved. Although the brewing process of this Thousand Flowers and Baicao Dew is very troublesome, it is necessary to collect thousands of flowers with aura, first dry them, and dry them for sixty-six and thirty-six days, and then collect Baijinglings The grass also needs to be dried for sixty six thirty-six days. The next step is to collect the dewdrops on the peak mountain every morning, and as long as the hour, and then take the ice and snow hidden deep in the heart of the North River, and melt it. After seven to seven forty-nine days, it was roasted and melted, and then brewed."

Mu Qianyue's voice is calm and talkative, and the voice is full of sincerity, "Speaking of the brewing process is even more complicated, there are hundreds of processes, and every step cannot be wrong, otherwise it will affect the taste of the wine. After the preparation is completed, it will be hidden under the snow-capped mountains on the top of Beichuan for ninety-nine and eighty-one days before being taken out."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, it seemed that they didn't expect to make a wine so troublesome?

In fact, this wine is made casually by Mu Qianyue. Although it is a little more complicated, the roots are not so complicated. The reason why she said this is just to brag, so as to reflect the value of this wine!

After hearing Mu Qianyue's words, the originally stiff expression of the Shangguan Patriarch couldn't help but stretched out, and licked his tongue excitedly. The taste of this wine must be very good! He can't wait!

As soon as Mu Qianyue raised her wrist, the wine jar immediately flew to the upper platform.

Standing on the side, Shangguan Qingfeng quickly reached out and took it, stepped forward, handed it to Shangguan's Patriarch, and said with a smile, "Patriarch."

Shangguan Patriarch nodded, reached out his hand to take it, and slapped the mud seal. A breath of time, a clear and mellow fragrance of wine overflowed from it, and instantly filled the sky over the entire martial arts field, making everyone intoxicated.

What a strong aroma! They can't stand it just by smelling this scent!

"Patriarch, I'll pour wine for you." Shangguan Qingfeng walked up to please, took the wine jar, and quickly poured a glass for Shangguan Patriarch.

Shangguan Patriarch thought about the wine bottle, his eyes closed slightly blurred, he was almost drunk with the fragrance of the wine, he couldn't help taking a sip, and his eyes suddenly stared. Everyone saw the strange expression on Shangguan Patriarch's face. , Could not help but fell silent, staring at Shangguan Patriarch with a pair of eyes.

What happened to Shangguan Patriarch?

"Good wine! Good wine! Hahaha..." After a long while, the Shangguan Patriarch burst out with a hearty laugh, "It's really worthwhile to drink such good wine in a lifetime!"

Everyone heard such high comments from the Shangguan Patriarch, and their eyes flashed with excitement, and they all looked at the wine jar in the hands of the Shangguan Patriarch with excitement and expectation.

After Shangguan Qingfeng continued to pour a full glass for Shangguan Patriarch, he hugged the wine jar and began to pour the wine for Shangguan Elder and others. Because there is too little wine, everyone only gets a little bit, so it's time to taste the taste.

The faces of the people showed unfinished expressions, and Mu Qianyue said helplessly, "this kind of wine is too precious, and it's hard to get two altars in a few years."

In fact, there is still a lot of space in her Tongtian Pagoda. All she has to do is to suspend their appetites and make them feel uncomfortable if they can't get up or down.

When Shangguan Moyan saw that Mu Qianyue had passed the test with ease, he didn't even get a pill, and he bought people's hearts with just two jars of wine, and the expression on his face couldn't help but become a little difficult to look.

"Where did Shangguanmo go? Why didn't he see him? Didn't he know that today is Grandpa's birthday?" Shangguanqiong frowned, and said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone, "Even if he and I had some feasts and grievances, he should watch it. For the sake of Grandpa's birthday, take it easy."

The Shangguan Patriarch turned his head and looked at the crowd. After making sure that there was no Huo Xi's figure, he couldn't help but frowned, "Where has Mo'er gone?"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a sensation in the crowd. Looking sideways at the entrance of the martial arts field one by one, they saw a red figure walking on the golden light.

The bright red dress was flying in the breeze, and the golden sunshine poured on him, like a god!

Fenghua peerless. Pour the world, no one can match!

Everyone looked stupidly at the slow-walking man ahead, with graceful and fascinating steps, exuding a noble and arrogant atmosphere all over.

The man's face is like the moon of Mid-Autumn Festival, and his exquisite and perfect facial features, like magical carvings, are imprinted into everyone's eyes without warning, which makes people feel amazed. However, when everyone saw those eyes, they couldn't help being stunned. His eyes seemed to have a strange magic power, as if they could **** their souls in.

The corner of Huo Xi's mouth was smiling, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were fascinated. His expression was filled with evil spirits. This was just the beginning!

Everyone has already sunk ~ lost in this stunning ~ show, regardless of men and women!

It turns out that there is such a beautiful man in the world, charming but not coquettish. His body exudes an aura of unruly and reckless madness. His ink hair is casually draped on his back, and finally he is tied loosely with a red ribbon. , A few strands of ink hair fell to his ears, fluttering lightly with the wind, brushing his delicate jade cheek, on the contrary, it added a bit of stunning beauty!

Even Shangguan Moyan is no exception. Her beautiful eyes are as small as a copper bell, and she sits in a dazed position. At this moment, her eyes can't hold everything, only the bright red hunting. Yi, she was like being sucked away from her soul, and her heart almost stopped beating. The feeling was very magical. There were ripples in her heart, and the ripples grew bigger and bigger, and the waves surged. With.

When Shangguan Qingfeng in the crowd saw Huo Xi, he couldn't help but opened his eyes in horror. Even he was lost for a moment with such eyes, let alone these people? Looking at this Huo Xi, Shangguan Qingfeng seemed to see the majestic woman in red, with a layer of crystal water mist in her dark eyes, Wu'er, I was unable to protect you back then...

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