Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 632: Angry Shangguan Patriarch

"Yes, it's me. When I poured the wine, I quietly put the blood-devouring Yuandan powder in your wine. It melts when it touches water, it is colorless and tasteless, you can't detect it at all." Shangguan Qingfeng snorted coldly Tao.

Everyone showed horror on their faces when they heard this. They were just guests who came to the birthday party! Isn't this innocent lying down with a gun?

"Don't worry, this is my personal grievance between Shangguan Qingfeng and Shangguan, and will not involve innocent people. You can leave now, those who don't want to leave, don't blame me if something happens later." Shangguan Qingfeng The stern eyes swept over the people on the martial arts field, everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, and then quickly left the Shangguan mansion.

The Shangguan Mansion is about to change, and they don't want to be involved. Even if they want to fish in troubled waters, they don't have the ability. They have all been hit by the blood-devouring and transforming essence pill, and they have no real energy. It is better to go first.

Except for members of the Shangguan family and Mu Qianyue's party, everyone else left quickly, and the entire martial arts venue was instantly empty.

"Shangguan Qingfeng, what on earth do you want to do?" The master of Shangguan's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he had also consumed the wine mixed with the blood-devouring essence, but because he is a martial artist, the situation is much better than that of the elders!

"What do you do? Naturally it is revenge!" There was hatred in Shangguan Qingfeng's eyes.

"How can you have the blood-devouring essence? What is the relationship between you and Poison Master Mo Romance?" Shangguan Patriarch squinted and asked angrily.

"It doesn't matter, because I am Poison Master Mo Yanqing." Shangguan Qingfeng's eyes were filled with icy sarcasm and coldness.

When the Shangguan Patriarch and others heard this, their eyes were staring, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes, what? He is the Poison Master Mo Yanqing?

Poison Master Mo Yanqing is a new character in recent years. No one knows who he is. He only knows that his character is withdrawn and cold, and he is out of sight. He has always liked wearing a black cloak and a strange mask.

The reason why Poison Master Mo Yanqing is famous is that his poison is very powerful and it makes people tremble.

What they didn't expect was that Shangguan Qingfeng was Poison Master Mo Yanqing!

Even after Mu Qianyue heard his words, their faces showed surprises. They remember that the Shui Family bought Qingyuan San from Poison Master Mo Yanqing before in order to deal with Tong Family. The effect of Yuansan is still relatively weak.

Hmm... It seems that during this period of time, Shangguan Qingfeng's poison skills have increased a lot, and he has developed a new blood-devouring and transforming essence pill, not bad!

The most shocking person was Huo Xi. His graceful green brows were tightly frowning, and his narrow and charming eyes flashed with unpredictable light. He raised his chin slightly, and his eyes fell tightly. Shangguan Qingfeng's body in front of him.

"Absurd! My dignified Shangguan family, for nearly ten thousand years since the establishment of the Huanzhou Continent, has been open and upright, you went to study drug making! What a shame to my Shangguan family!" Shangguan Patriarch said with a sullen expression.

Poison masters are more than people!

In the eyes of the world, the poison master is like an evil devil, and he is intolerable!

"Huh! Why did I learn how to make drugs? Isn't this a gift from you? Huh... Shangguan family? What a majesty! Have you ever acted openly? You are greedy, timid, selfish, self-righteous, like You are even more disgusting than the Poison Master! If it were not for you, Wu'er would not die! My biggest regret in this life is to bring Wu'er back to this home!" Shangguan Qingfeng roared.

"Once, I was proud of being a member of the Shangguan family, once I was proud of the Suzaku blood flowing in my body, I love this family with all my heart, but what about you? You took my wife’s life, It insulted her!"

Shangguan Qingfeng's eyes were red and crazy, he looked up to the sky and laughed so that tears came out of his laughter. He was happy and sad, "I have endured the humiliation for fifteen years and have not left here. Do you know why? I just want to stay and replace it. Wu'er takes revenge and kills you! All those who have hurt Wu'er must pay for it! I know that it is difficult to take revenge on my strength, so I tried poisons day and night, and finally did not hesitate I tried the poison, and now I finally succeeded!"

"Shangguan Qingfeng, you lunatic! Get out the antidote quickly! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!" The elder Shangguan yelled at Shangguan Qingfeng.

"Do you think you still have the ability to yell at me?" Shangguan Qingfeng raised his hand and slapped his face. The elder Shangguan was slapped and fell to the ground. His face was covered with incredible shock. Look, he dared to hit himself! But the true vitality in his body disappeared, and at this moment, he was like a waste person, letting anyone rub it.

"Is Qing Yuan's death related to you?" Shangguan Patriarch seemed to think of something, with a trace of horror and gloom on his face.

When Huo Xi heard the word ‘Qing Yuan’, his body suddenly stagnated, and a chill burst into his evil eyes.

"Yes! It was my hands and feet! I planted the newly developed Thousand Insect Heart-Eater Gu on his body. You may not know what Thousand Insect Heart-Eater Gu is, it is just a small bug, after entering the human body It will multiply one insect in the human body every other day, one every day, and it will slowly eat that muscle, blood, bones, tendons, and even the true vitality, as well as the dantian. According to one per day It will take more than three years to fully reproduce a thousand at the speed of, and at this time, his body will be hollowed out, leaving only an empty skin.

Shangguan Qingfeng said softly, as if talking about the weather, "Oh, forgot to say, he won't die at this time, a thousand insects will slowly gnaw his internal organs, and the last is His brain drained his brain and died slowly after suffering pain. I believe that Shangguan Qingyuan will enjoy this process very much!"

"Ahhhhh! Shangguan Qingfeng, you bastard, how dare you treat Qingyuan like this!" Shangguan Patriarch was so angry that he trembled all over. Shangguan Qingyuan was his eldest son and one of his favorite sons. Among the many sons, Shangguan Qingyuan has the best talent.

Just four years ago, Shangguan Qingyuan was seriously injured when he came back from a trip. He was lying in bed to recuperate. He was injured, and it didn’t matter. As long as he recuperated, he was fine. But I don’t know what happened. Shangguan Qingyuan’s body is getting worse. The worse, I finally lie in bed and can't move. I suffer every day and my whole person is skinny.

For this reason, the Patriarch of Shangguan invited the pill masters from almost the entire Huanzhou Continent to come for diagnosis, but no one could find out the reason. In the end, almost the entire Vermillion Bird City could hear Shangguan Qingyuan’s heartbreaking pain. Scream!

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