Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 650: Backlash

As he said, he coughed violently, opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood. The bright red blood instantly stained his pale blue robe, like a flower of blood on the grass, shocking.

There was an uproar in the audience, moved by Mu Rufeng's affection, amazed by Mu Rufeng's crazy behavior, and shocked by Mu Rufeng's perverted and powerful combat power. In short, this is simply not human! Definitely a pervert, a lunatic!

With the strength of the first-order paladin, he defeated the fourth-order paladin and surpassed the third-order!

Cross-tier combat is already extremely difficult, so it's better to cross the third tier at once!

It's incredible!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they almost thought it was a dream!

Mu Qianyue walked quickly to Mu Rufeng's side, shaking her palm, quickly took out a golden lotus resurrection pill from the space ring and fed it into Mu Rufeng's mouth. Fortunately, she made six on that day. Now I will serve another one for the eldest brother, and there are four more.

This is an absolute life-saving medicine!

But for a while, I saw Mu Rufeng's pale, paper-like complexion instantly improved a lot.

Upon seeing this, Nangong Patriarch couldn't help but his face changed, with an unpleasant look on his face, and shouted to Mu Qianyue, "Miss Xiao, what do you mean? You are the medicine master of my Nangong family, and you went to save my Nangong family. Enemy? Bring me the pill now!"

Mu Qianyue's face became cold, she stood up and looked up at him, her phoenix eyes with a trace of mockery and sarcasm, "Nangong family, I think you made a mistake? When did I become your Nangong family's pill? The pharmacist? I obviously only promised to help you refine a batch of medicinal materials, and you paid me the corresponding remuneration, it was just a fair deal!"

The Nangong Patriarch's face was a little embarrassed, ashen, "Even so, you shouldn't take the pill to save my Nangong family enemy!"

"It's true that he is your enemy, but he is my relative." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with coldness.

Patriarch Nangong's face suddenly changed, "What do you mean?"

"He is my eldest brother, I am not Xiao Xuan'er, my name is Mu Qianyue." With a finger move, Mu Qianyue tore off the human skin mask on her face, revealing that beautiful and white face, perhaps because After wearing a human skin mask for a few days, her face looked as white as snow, tender and tender, just like baby-like skin.

"So you sneaked into my Nangong Mansion for a purpose!" Nangong Patriarch said angrily.

"Just ask, what benefit did I get from your Nangong Mansion? I refine the pill for you, shouldn't you pay me for it? Other than that, I didn't take any of your Nangong Mansion." Mu Qianyue voiced Indifferent and disdainful, he looked at Nangong Patriarch coldly.

Patriarch Nangong's face was so gloomy, even though he was so, he still felt the malicious deception, and his heart was furious, "Take out the pill, otherwise none of you will want to leave alive today!"

"Do you think it's possible? Besides, your son didn't die, but his injuries were a little serious. Just rest on the bed for a few months. That day, in the wild city, the three elders of your Nangong family killed my elder brother for no reason. If it weren't for my elder brother's strength and forcibly breaking through, I am afraid that he would have died in your hands! Now it is an exceptional gift for my elder brother to save him." Mu Qianyue's eyes flickered coldly.

Apart from being shocked, everyone was watching the show. Apart from watching the show, everyone was left shocked.

Unexpectedly, so many shocking things happened in the wedding of the young master of Nangong, but thinking of the entanglement between Mu Rufeng and Nangong Mingmo and Tong Xiaoxiao, according to Nangong Mingmo’s fierce thoughts, he sent someone to Mu Rufeng. It is no surprise that the killer under the maple.

"Huh! He doesn't know good or bad. Tong Xiaoxiao, as the cold and exquisite body of my Nangong family, should marry a member of my Nangong family and reproduce the descendants of the cold and exquisite body! If not for him~ Zangtong Xiao Xiao, how could we kill him!" Patriarch Nangong snorted disdainfully, his voice was very righteous, and even thought it was time to kill, he paused and continued, "As for what he saved my life for, it's all nonsense! His own strength is not good! A sword stabbed to the side!"

"Heh...A paladin will stabb the sword to the side? Even a three-year-old child won't believe it, right?" Mu Qianyue's lips raised a sneer.

It turned out that Mu Rufeng's sword didn't pierce the heart of Nangong Mingjie, but a few centimeters away. Otherwise, depending on Mu Rufeng's strength, how could such a low-level mistake of piercing happen? The reason why he deliberately stabbed him and left Nangong Mingmo for his life was to give Xiaoxiao the kindness of the Nangong family, and second, because they were still in Nangong Mansion.

If he kills Nangong Mingmo in such a grand manner, he will definitely anger the Nangong Patriarch completely. If the Nangong Patriarch issues an order to kill, none of them will be able to escape by then, and they will definitely be buried here.

He couldn't make fun of Xiaoxiao and Yue'er's life, so under such circumstances, he had to keep Nangong Mingmo.

If he were outside, he would definitely kill Nangong Mingmo! Sometimes the necessary forbearance is impossible!

Impulse is the devil, it only affects loved ones and loved ones.

While talking, the second elder of Nangong had ordered someone to take Nangong Mingmo and handed it to the pharmacist in the mansion to treat the wound.

"Forget it, I don't want you to talk about this." Mu Qianyue's expression flashed a little disdain, and she turned to Tong Xiaoxiao and Mu Rufeng and said, "Little, big brother, let's go."

"Grab them for me!" The Nangong Patriarch yelled, and the disciples of the Nangong family swarmed up again and surrounded Mu Qianyue. "I want to see how you get out of this Nangong Mansion today!"

Mu Qianyue's face became cold, "Are you turning back?"

"I don't have one. Mu Rufeng was in a duel with my son, but my son was seriously injured and passed out, and Mu Rufeng was also seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness, so this matchup has not yet been determined. I must stay in Nangong Mansion for a while, and try again after my son wakes up." The Patriarch of Nangong looked arrogant and cold.

In the previous competition, anyone could see that Mu Rufeng had won, Nangong Mingmo had lost, and Nangong Patriarch was clearly playing a rogue!

But none of the people present dared to stand up and speak up. To offend the Nangong family, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat, so don't even think about hanging around in Linglong City!

Mu Qianyue lifted her eyes and squinted at him, "Patriarch Nangong is going to fall back on the bill? Oh, I really didn't expect that the head of the house would do things like public shame, how is it different from the market rascal?"

"What if it is? Anyway, none of you want to leave today! Capture all of you!" Patriarch Nangong shouted angrily.

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