Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 652: Leaving Nangong Mansion smoothly

Elder Nangong and others also showed disdain and suspicion on their faces

"I want her to try, no matter what the result is." Nangong old ancestor said, he looked at Mu Qianyue with a soft smile in his eyes, "Little girl, I heard you are a pillist?"

"Although your disease can be cured, it is particularly troublesome. I need to customize a treatment plan. After all, your blood has a big problem." Mu Qianyue condensed her eyebrows.

Patriarch Nangong's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she could tell at a glance that there was a problem with her blood! This ability is really strong! It took three or four years for King Dan Qian Yeming to find this reason!

And these years, Qian Yeming is also wandering around, aiming to find a cure for his condition.

Even the faces of Nangong Patriarch and Elder Nangong were shocked, and they even wondered if someone had told her! Otherwise, how could she tell at a glance?

"If Girl Mu doesn't dislike it, let me temporarily stay with my Nangong family. My Nangong family will definitely treat you as a guest of honor, and no one will dare to hurt you a hair!" Nangong ancestor looked at her excitedly Said, after she said the key to her own illness, he had completely believed that she had this ability.

Mu Qianyue shook her head, "No, because the medicinal materials in my hand are not complete, I have to go back to Baihu City. If Nangong Patriarch wants to heal, I must go to the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce in Baihu City."

"Presumptuous..." Patriarch Nangong shouted angrily. What does this mean? It's too much to ask his father to travel all the way to White Tiger City after seeing a doctor. What kind of identity is his father? What if something goes wrong? ?

But before Nangong Patriarch's words were finished, he was interrupted by Nangong ancestor displeasedly, "You shut up!"

When the words fell, she looked at Mu Qianyue and said, "Okay, when will I leave?"

"It's better after a month, because I need to prepare something in this month." Mu Qianyue said truthfully.

"Okay, then I will go to the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce to look for you in a month. Girl Mu, please take care of you if you are sick." Nangong Ancestor said politely.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"Little, let's go." Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand to Tong Xiaoxiao, and Dan Feng's long narrow eyes stared at her unblinkingly. The gentle eyes seemed to melt her.

"En." Tong Xiaoxiao put his hand in his warm and generous palm, showing a beautiful and happy smile on his face.

Such a smile fell in An Lanxin’s eyes, but it was full of deep jealousy and hatred. Why is Tong Xiaoxiao so good, not only has Ming Mo favored him, but now he can still get another one, whether it is talent or appearance. , Mu Rufeng's favor is slightly better than Mingmo!

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng's devotion and infatuation make her envious.

Although Ming Mo treats her well, it just likes a deeper level, but it's not a love without complaints, let alone a love that is willing to sacrifice for her! So she was very jealous of Tong Xiaoxiao in her heart!

Of course, Tong Xiaoxiao will not care about these careful thoughts of An Lanxin, and will not pay attention to it. It is good to be happy. If An Lanxin dares to destroy her happiness, she will never let her go!

Later, Tong Xiaoxiao, Mu Rufeng and Mu Qianyue left the Nangong family together.

The expressions of everyone in the courtyard were still petrified, and they couldn't return to their senses for a long time. I thought I would see the scene of the three of them falling, but I didn't expect the final result to be greatly unexpected. It was not following the plot!

Because the protagonist of the bridegroom was seriously injured and unconscious, the wedding was aborted. Although An Lanxin did not complete the chapel ceremony with Nangong Mingmo, and no one came to lead her into the bridal chamber, the wedding was barely completed. Not only there is no worship hall, but there is no sweet wedding night. Instead, she guards the injured Nangong Mingmo and has to take care of him all night, which makes her feel full!

What made her angry even more was that Nangong Mingmo’s mouth was calling Tong Xiaoxiao’s name all night, not a thousand times, but hundreds of times. She was so angry that her face was blue, her body was shaking, and her whole body was ill. Up.

No way! This thing can never end like this!

Why can Tong Xiaoxiao get happiness? And on the wedding night, he has to guard Nangong Mingmo, who is seriously injured and unconscious?

"Huh! The Nangong family let you go, it doesn't mean that I will let you go!" An Lanxin suddenly stood up from her position, her eyes flashing with anger and ferociousness, she summoned her maid to take care of Nangong Mingmo, and then she stayed overnight. Quietly rushed to Anfu.


As soon as An Lanxin arrived in Anfu, after seeing her parents, she immediately cried, "Daddy, you must be the masters of your daughter!"

"What's wrong? My dear girl?" Patriarch An asked quickly.

"Do you still need to ask what's wrong?" Madame An's graceful and luxurious face flashed anger, she directly twisted An Patriarch's leg and said angrily, "What happened in Nangong Mansion during the day, almost the entire Linglong City was empty I don’t know that everyone knows it. Almost everyone has spread it. Although we are not as powerful as the Nangong family, we are also one of the best families in Linglong City. Since childhood, I am not willing to let Xin'er suffer a little grievance. Now that I have just married to Nangong Mansion, I have begun to feel angry and left out. How will I live after this?"

"It's true to be angry, so where do you start with being left out?" Patriarch An said.

"I never heard that Nangong Mingmo was holding Xin'er's hand when he was about to pay a visit. After seeing the vixen coming out, Jie Da immediately left his heart and walked towards the vixen. As a result, the vixen didn't appreciate it. Nangong Mingmo provoked a sorrow, huh..." Madam An's dissatisfied tone was full of acrimony.

An Zhuzhu frowned, "Okay, don't take a bite of a fox, I'm afraid it will be bad for the Nangong family to hear it."

"What are you afraid of? This is for us to settle down. No matter how good his Nangong Patriarch is, he can still hear us fail to speak?" Madam An said disapprovingly. "Heh, Nangong Mingmo treats Tong Xiaoxiao as a treasure, but he was put on a green hat directly under the public. It really deserves it! However, if that Tong Xiaoxiao leaves, no one will rob him in the future. The mother-in-law is now."

A smile appeared on An Lanxin's face, "By the way, mother, I have something to ask you and daddy for help this time I came here."

"What's the matter, just talk about it, what's the kind of politeness with your parents." Madam An said in love.

"Before I was married to the Nangong Mansion, Tong Xiaoxiao often ridiculed me, and even hurt me that day. Today, her wild man hurt Ming Mo again. Patriarch Nangong was afraid of the ancestors. Something happened, but the daughter couldn't swallow this breath in her heart." An Lanxin cried.

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