Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 665: The bridal chamber

And Yun Chang has also successfully faded from that stubborn, willful, beautiful and weak eldest lady into a great mother.

The power of love is really powerful!

"Are you going to keep hiding from him?" Mu Qianyue's brows narrowed. After all, it is not easy for a woman to live outside with her child alone. It is really hard to imagine what happened to her over the past year or so. Survived.

Especially when giving birth, confinement, taking care of babies, etc., Yun Chang must have no experience in all this and must have suffered a lot.

However, she has survived, which is unimaginable.

"Look again." Yun Chang's eyes showed confusion, and the little guy looked around with his big cute eyes. He seemed to feel that his mother was unhappy, so he could not help but jump into her arms and hold her. On the neck, a soft voice shouted, "Mother... kiss... not... afraid..."

Mu Qianyue was a little surprised that the little guy could talk at just one year old, but thought that Yunshang must have taken a lot of medicines that can promote the fetal brain development during pregnancy, so he would talk about simple things when he was just one year old. Words are not surprising.

"Well, my mother is not afraid, there is Baoer, and my mother is not afraid of anything." Yun Chang hugged him with a happy smile on his face, and a firm light burst from her bright black eyes, "Now Baoer When I got older, I decided to start practicing again and make up for the strength I lost."

"It will be very hard to cultivate while taking him?" Mu Qianyue asked in surprise.

"No matter how hard I am, no matter how tired I am, and I have survived those hard days, have I? There is nothing left to be afraid of." Yun Chang smiled, and she did not show Mu Qianyue. Inquire about Nalan Ye.

Seeing that she didn't want to mention Nalan Ye, Mu Qianyue deliberately didn't talk about him.

After the two chatted for a while, Yun Chang took Bo'er and left. Before leaving, Bo'er waved her little hand towards Mu Qianyue, "A...Auntie, wave..."

Seeing Bao'er’s cute figure disappearing from her sight, Mu Qianyue felt a moment of emotion. In fact, she wanted to help Yun Chang, but Yun Chang’s personality was very proud and fierce, so she would not accept her help at all, so she counted. Up.

Mu Qianyue wondered in her heart, um...whether she wants to regenerate with Jing, after all, Xiao Ling feels quite lonely. If there is one more, she won't be so lonely. Well, maybe she can think about it another day.

Then Mu Qianyue went to Huangqimen and Shengyimen to inform them of the time of Mu Rufeng's wedding period. At that time, everyone could come and participate. Everyone was excited and shouted.

Time flew by, and soon came the day when Mu Rufeng married.

Almost everyone gathered in Jingyue Palace. Jingyue Palace was overcrowded and almost couldn't fit it.

No way, Mu Qianyue's reputation is too great. Some families or sects who have not received the invitation even came, just to get a little relationship with Mu Qianyue on this festive day.

Nalanjing rushed over specially and prepared a generous gift. It was a pair of concentric knots, carved into the soul of the other party, and then tied the concentric knot to the ring finger of the other party, and then the concentric knot was hidden in both sides. In the body.

As long as the distance is no more than a hundred miles, the two can sense each other's breath with the touch of the soul. This is a bit similar to the blood contract between him and Qian Yue, but it is different, because the blood contract is domineering and compulsory. It can be sensed even from a long distance, and one of them will die, and the other will die.

But the concentric knot does not. It just senses the breath of both parties. This gift is also very popular for Mu Rufeng and Tong Xiaoxiao. They can feel each other’s breath within a hundred miles, so they don’t have to be afraid that the other party will Missing, if you want to find the time of the other party, you can use your soul to sense.

The wedding was held smoothly and grandly. In addition to Nalanjing, Chu Tiange, Xiao Xuan'er, Tian Shuo and others all rushed over. Although Huo Xi did not come, his father Shangguan Qingfeng came. The congratulatory gift from Huo Xi, because Huo Xi was accepting the inheritance of the family, he could not go away, otherwise he would have lost all his previous work, so let Shangguan Qingfeng congratulate him on his behalf.

Such a lively scene is naturally indispensable for Tong Ling and Long Ting, as well as the two humanoid Wu Hai and Hei Yu. These people have already discussed and decided to make a big fuss at night.

Especially Tong Ling, with insidious smiles in his eyes from time to time, hehe, it's his turn to play his special skills, brother-in-law, who told you to protect the shortcomings before, it won't work if you don't fix you tonight!

After eating the banquet, finally came the most important link, the bridal chamber festoons!

A pair of big happy candles burned in the house, Tong Xiaoxiao was wearing a phoenix crown and a red hijab embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Mu Rufeng was dressed in a festive red robe, long like a jade, handsome like a god, with a happy smile in his eyes, he walked towards the woman sitting on the bed.

Feeling the approach of the people around her, Tong Xiaoxiao's fingers under her sleeves couldn't help but buckle together nervously, and a blush appeared on her face under the hijab. She had never been nervous about getting along with Rufeng, but now she suddenly felt that My heart beats faster and I feel nervous and sweat all over.

Thinking of the bridal chamber flowers and candles tonight, she was so shy that she wanted to hide.

"Little, it's my luck to meet you in this life." Mu Rufeng stood in front of her, using a weighing rod to stir up the red hijab on the woman's head. In an instant, the woman's bright and charming face hit him. In his eyes, his mind couldn't help but rippling, and there was a moment of loss of consciousness.

Mu Rufeng sat down beside her and held her slender, soft fingers, "I Mu Rufeng in this life, only you are a wife, holding the hand of a son, and growing old with her."

"Hold your hand, grow old with you." Tong Xiaoxiao raised her head, her dark and shiny apricot eyes were filled with firm light, and her red lips were light, repeating his words, which also represented her determination.

The next two are drinking a cup of wine, just as they stared affectionately at each other and couldn't help but approach each other, just when the two were about to kiss each other, they suddenly banged the door of the new house. Forcibly pushed away.

Then a group of shameless people squeezed into it without knowing it, "Hey, making a bridal chamber..."

"The bridal chamber, the bridal chamber!! Roar!" Long Ting roared.

"I used to have fears of women, but now it looks like it's not bad to take a wife and go home. Haha, at least someone will warm the bed at night, so I won't be lonely and cold..." Wu Hai laughed.

"Not bad, I will find a wife to go another day." Hei Yu let out a treacherous smile.

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