Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 681: Put it to death and live

"You think too much, this is Xuan Mingshui, but it definitely does not come from Jiuyou Hell. You think, this space was originally created by Momo. Although there were people from the Feng family to help, but with their strength, It is absolutely impossible for them to attract Xuan Ming Shui in the Nine Nether Hells. It may be just a coincidence that they discovered Xuan Ming Shui and introduced it into the Star Secret Realm." Tian Shuo explained.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue thought about it carefully, and she really felt that it made sense. No one knew where the Jiuyou Hell was in Bijian and how strong they were. It would be as difficult as reaching the sky to attract Xuanming Water from Jiuyou Hell.

"What are you still thinking about, do you want to go there?" Tian Shuo asked nervously.

"What's the hurry? Are you sure that your body can withstand Xuanming water? Even if it does, I'm afraid my body will be injured. I am thinking, can I introduce these Xuanming water into the space of Tongtian Pagoda?" Mu Qianyuening Eyebrow thought.

"Damn! You want Xuan Ming Shui to be drawn into the Tongtian Tower space, do you want to freeze me to death?" Tian Shuo cried.

Mu Qianyue gave him a white look, "Anyway, you don't stay in Tongtian Tower."

"Xiao Yueyue, don't you be so ruthless, okay? Although I don't stay in the Tongtian Tower often, the Tongtian Tower is my body at all. I am afraid that I will not be able to bear so much Xuanming Water at once." Tian Shuo Looking at her pitifully.

"You are an ancient artifact anyway, how can you be so unpromising? Don't worry, I just introduced a little Xuan Ming Shui, maybe I can use it in the future, you know, after going out this time, I won't have a chance. Come in again." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a sly color, and then with a thought, she entered the space of Tongtian Tower, found an open space, and began to dig a hole.

As a paladin, it is very easy to dig out a big pit. It took about an hour to dig the soil with the Extinction Sword and finally dug a big pit that was two meters long, wide and high.

As her strength increased, the space of the Tongtian Pagoda gradually became larger. The surrounding space was a chaotic cosmos. The visible place of the flesh has reached a distance of one thousand meters, and a nine-storey Tongtian Pagoda stands in the center.

And this big pit is dug beside the Tongtian Tower.

Then Mu Qianyue exited the Tongtian Tower space, and led a part of Xuan Mingshui into the big hole dug in the space.

"Okay, we can set off now." Mu Qianyue's face showed a rare solemn color in the dimness, "Tianshuo, you enter the space. Although I am not as strong as you, I practiced Tai Chi Nine Change, the body's firmness has reached the seventh level, so I can hold on to these mysterious waters for a short while."

"Be careful yourself." Tian Shuo didn't insist, he thought for a while, nodded, and moved into the space of Tongtian Tower.

After all, after passing through the water pool of Xuanming Water, it is a black stone gate. As for what is behind this stone gate, Mu Qianyue and Tian Shuo don’t know. It may be a miracle, but it may also be an unknown danger, so Tian Shuo must Save your strength and protect Xiaoyueyue's safety.

After Mu Qianyue experienced the water pool of Xuanming Water, she would be injured somewhat, and her strength was greatly reduced. This was another reason why Tian Shuo entered the Tongtian Tower.

Mu Qianyue first opened the seventh layer of the Nine Changes of Tai Chi, and then opened the Azure Dragon bloodline, condensing the Azure Dragon bloodline armor. After making all-round preparations, this figure moved and swept towards the secluded black pool.

Just as Mu Qianyue stepped on the surface of the water, her body did not sink freely. Sure enough, this mysterious water was like the legendary, its feathers were not floating and could overwhelm everything.

The ice-cold Xuanming water covered the top of her head, causing bursts of tingling sensation. The feeling was like the soul was about to be deprived of it, making her extremely uncomfortable.

Xuan Ming Shui was already very heavy, but at this moment, it was added to the pool and the power of the water pressure, pressing on her body, like being crushed by a mountain of thousands of kilograms, and she could barely breathe.

As she reached the depths of the pool, this feeling became more intense, as if the soul was about to be deprived of her body, and the feeling was to be pulled out of her body. This feeling made her extremely uncomfortable, her pale little face The above is also full of pain.

Mu Qianyue gritted her teeth and continued to walk forward.


It didn't take long for a crisp sound from outside the body, and the armor of the Azure Dragon bloodline that resisted the outside of the body could not withstand the power of this mysterious water, it was broken!

Mu Qianyue's face became more solemn, no, she must speed up and reach the opposite shore as soon as possible, otherwise she might be turned into dregs by Xuanming Water if she has not found Meng Ximo.

But Xuan Mingshui's weight was as heavy as Qianjun, no matter how fast she wanted, she couldn't increase her speed, but she was a step slower.

Fortunately, after practicing the Nine Changes of Tai Chi and reaching the seventh level, although the armor of the Azure Dragon bloodline was broken, these mysterious waters did not cause much damage to her for the time being, but Mu Qianyue clearly felt it in the time. Physical changes.

A trace of blood seeped out of the skin, and a more icy feeling spread across the body, as if she would be frozen into an ice sculpture next moment.

No matter how difficult it is, Mu Qianyue clenched his teeth and persisted.

The silver-purple dress gradually dyed a deep red, and even the dark water around her turned dark red.

Gradually, Mu Qianyue felt that she was going to be unable to hold on anymore, and her body became more and more tired, as if her body was no longer her own, as if the soul would fly away by itself in the next moment.

Consciousness began to blur gradually.

In a daze, Mu Qianyue seemed to hear Xiao Ling's call, Jing Shen's affectionate eyes, and Huo Xi, Tian Ge and others...

Suddenly Mu Qianyue woke up sober, she bit the tip of her tongue quickly, a smell of fishy sweetness filled her mouth.

No, I must hold on to the other side, I can't die!

An imposing consciousness of survival rose up in her heart, and a battle intent suddenly spread across her chest.


With a muffled sound, Mu Qianyue only felt that her body suddenly became relaxed, her whole body seemed to be full of strength again, and the **** wounds and skin that had been corroded by Xuan Ming water healed automatically little by little.

The next thing is to get hurt and bleed constantly by Xuan Ming Shui, and then heal continuously under the action of the power of stars, and so on...

A strange color flashed through the dark eyes. Is this the true meaning of after death?

Let it die and live?

With no extra time to think about other things, Mu Qianyue continued to walk hard at the bottom of the water step by step, not knowing how long it took, and finally successfully reached the other shore.

Before she could catch her breath, Mu Qianyue immediately sat cross-legged, the true vitality in her body circulated, and the power of the Nine Dragon Soul Devouring Art couldn't help but see the Xuan Ming water in her body!

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