Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 711: City of Light

She once watched the lord and the master love each other so much, so affectionate, and she also fantasized about love, but now she can't believe it. At the same time, she was also full of doubts.

"Xuan'er, I believe the lord, the lord will not betray the lord." Mu Xueying's cold and beautiful face showed a firm look on the side.

"Xueying, why do you trust the lord so much?" Xiao Xuan'er frowned and said in confusion.

"The lord can even give up his life for the master, how could he betray the lord and marry someone else? There must be something hidden in this." Mu Xueying continued.

"Hehe, Sister Xueying is still smart." Feng Lingyu smiled cleverly.

Nalan Xueling walked to Mu Qianyue's side, shook her hand and looked at her hopefully, "Mother, let's go to the temple together. I want to find Daddy, and I believe Daddy won't Betrayed my mother."

Mu Qianyue reached out and rubbed her hair, "Okay, we will go tomorrow."

The phoenix eyes flickered, cold and fierce, she wanted to see who would dare to separate her and Jing, forcing the family to separate!

Early the next morning, after Mu Qianyue had done everything he needed to deal with and explained, then he set off for the temple. Because Jingyue Pavilion couldn't be left unattended for a long time, Xiao Xuan'er, Chu Tiange, and Mu Xueying were left behind. Only Tian Shuo and Meng Ximo were walking with them.

Because the two of them are martial artists, they are the strongest, and if they encounter any strong opponents, they might have a response.

Tian Shuo and Meng Ximo usually stay in the space of Tongtian Tower.

Within five days, Mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling rushed to Licheng, and the temple was on the holy mountain behind Licheng.

Mu Qianyue walked in Licheng with the hand of Xue Ling wondering. It was bustling and crowded, and the strength of pedestrians everywhere was basically on the king martial artist, and the imperial warrior could also be seen everywhere, and even occasionally saw the saint martial artist passing by.

"Mother, shall we go to the temple now?" Nalan Xueling asked.

"Don't worry, let's stay in Licheng for one night to find out the situation." Mu Qianyue said, now she is like an ordinary woman with her child out shopping.

Then Mu Qianyue found a teahouse and asked Xiao Er to make tea. The busiest person in the teahouse is always the most leisurely. People who come to the teahouse to drink tea are generally more leisurely. When there is nothing to do, he likes to brag. Or gossip something.

"Hey, have you heard? The young master of the temple is married!"

"I've heard about this too! The young master of the temple is in the 21st year, with outstanding appearance and handsome as a jade, he should be the age of marriage!"

"The young master of the temple is really amazing. He has reached the realm of a martial artist at a young age, and he deserves to be a direct disciple of the holy master!"

"Nonsense, will the talents of the holy masters be inferior? The young master of the temple is talented, and he is the first genius of the Magic State! Whoever marries him will definitely die of happiness!"

"Although the goddess of Tianyin Pavilion is not as talented as the young master of the temple, but at the age of twenty, she has reached the realm of an eighth-level paladin, and can be considered as a young master of the temple."

"Yes! The two of them are a match made in heaven, and they are in perfect harmony!"

"This time, the young master of the temple and the Tianyin Pavilion goddess made a marriage appointment. It is estimated that the wedding will be handled by the end of the year, right?"

"If it's me, what kind of marriage will be booked, and directly visit the bridal chamber, haha..."

"Hahaha, that is, directly to the bridal chamber, this is the most enjoyable..." There was a loud noise on the scene.

"There is one thing that you don't know?" Suddenly a mysterious expression appeared on someone's face, which immediately aroused the curiosity of everyone in the teahouse and asked, "What is it?"

"I heard that the young master of the temple has already been married outside! And that woman is Mu Qianyue who is in the limelight recently! I heard that they have a daughter who is already five or six years old!"

As his voice fell, there was a roar!

"What? The Young Master of the Temple has already married a wife? Have a daughter?"

"It's Mu Qianyue? That six-pin pill pharmacist, Mu Qianyue who studies bleeding vein pill?"

"That's right! It's her! I heard that the woman is also a powerful person. At the age of eighteen, she reached the realm of a first-order paladin. She defeated Mu Rutian, the genius of the Mu family in the sect comparison, and she was still of the Azure Dragon bloodline. , And reached the perfect level! Now that the young master of the temple marries her another person, do you think that Mu Qianyue will be willing?"

"Certainly not!"

"I also think she definitely won't! Maybe she is already on the way to the temple, and the temple will be disturbed by then."

"Hey, it's a pity! I heard that Mu Qianyue is equally talented and beautiful, but it's a pity that her birth was a bit short, and it is inevitable that the young master of the temple abandoned her."

There was a sigh now.

But if these people knew that Mu Qianyue was not on the way to the temple, but had already sat next to them, would they be scared to pee?

Hearing these people talking about her mother, Nalanxue's face turned pale with anger, she stood up and went to find those people to reason, but was pulled back by Mu Qianyue.

"Xiaoling, the mouth grows on someone else's body, we can't control it, but we can choose to ignore it and just treat them as air."

"Hmph!" Nalan Xueling snorted angrily, and sat back angrily, the expression on her little face still cold.

Mu Qianyue found out that seven days later it was the day of engagement, so she took Nalan Xueling and left the teahouse. Because she did not receive the invitation from the temple, it was difficult to go to the temple. Method to enter the temple.

In fact, the engagement between the young master of the temple and the goddess of Tianyin Pavilion was not too big, so no invitations were widely posted, but the news was announced, even some families in Licheng did not receive the invitations.

As for what Su Mengling said earlier, she just wanted to irritate Mu Qianyue, and she wanted to see Mu Qianyue angry and disappointed, but it was a pity that Mu Qianyue didn't make her wish.

Mu Qianyue took Nalan Xueling’s hand and walked along the wide and neat streets of Licheng. Suddenly, she saw a lot of people in front of him. Out of curiosity, Mu Qianyue stepped forward and saw a picture on the wall in front of him. The notice stated that the Xia family in the City of Holy Light recruited a group of strong men to go to Tiandang Mountain to look for blindly herbs.

After seeing the news, everyone surrounding the notice showed excitement on their faces.

"The City of Holy Light? The Xia Family?" Mu Qianyue frowned slightly. Where is the City of Holy Light and the Xia Family? It seemed to have a high reputation.

Seeing Mu Qianyue's puzzled look, the person beside her kindly explained, "This girl, I think you must not be a local, you don't even know the City of Holy Light!"

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