"What? Killing? I don't know what you are talking about." Qiao Zixian looked puzzled and shocked.

The law enforcement officer frowned. Seeing the confusion and confusion on Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian's faces did not seem to be false, but Captain Xiao shouldn't tell lies, right? Is there any misunderstanding in this? After thinking for a while, he continued, "That's it. Captain Xiao said that the two people in charge of another area have disappeared. It was discovered that you two had a visit with them before. It is said that the two of them had been here before they disappeared I'm looking for you."

"Isn't it missing? How do you kill someone?" Mu Qianyue asked, her eyes flashing coldly.

"Captain Xiao said that he suspected that you killed them both." The law enforcement captain said.

"Captain Xiao hasn't seen them, how are we sure that we killed them? Could it be that Captain Xiao couldn't see it with his own eyes?" Mu Qianyue asked back, looking up at Xiao Muyu, her piercing eyes, like a sharp sword light, seemed to be able to wear it instantly It was so perceptible that Xiao Muyu could not help but feel guilty.

"How could I have seen it with my own eyes! If I saw it with my own eyes, I will definitely prevent you from killing." Xiao Muyu said with a straight face.

"Since Captain Xiao didn't see it, why should we slander us for murder?" Mu Qianyue asked coldly.

The law enforcement captain frowned slightly when he heard this, and looked at Xiao Muyu and asked, "Captain Xiao, remember that before you came, you said that the two people were missing. Before they went missing, you had contact with Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian. Why are they now? Said it was Mu Qianyue who killed someone?"

"This..." Xiao Muyu hesitated, the guilty conscience on his face became even more panic.

"Haha... Captain Dong, Captain Xiao meant that at first I felt that the two were just missing, but later found some evidence, so I dared to conclude that they were both killed." The voice of Meiyin standing beside Xiao Muyu was bewitching. When the words fell, she lifted her head slightly, glanced at Mu Qianyue with cold disdain, and obvious jealousy flashed in her eyes.

"Master, this woman is also from Tianyin Pavilion. She was instigated by Chu Yuzhen to kill you, and Xiao Muyu was also bewitched and arranged by her." Chu Tiange's voice came from the ear, snow white. The cat curled up on her shoulder, this is Chu Tiange's secret transmission.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, and looked up at Meiyin's eyes with a cold cold light. Meiyin shuddered unexpectedly when she felt the murderousness and coldness in her eyes.

How can this be? She is a Tier 4 paladin, so she would be afraid and terrified of a Tier 1 paladin? Do not! This is simply impossible! It must be an illusion! No matter what, this Mu Qianyue is absolutely irresistible. I heard that Mu Qianyue is a person who has revenge and is not a soft knead, otherwise Chu Yuzhen will not suffer in her hands. Up.

Thinking of this, Meiyin's face became even colder.

"What evidence? You take it out and let me see." Dong Jian asked.

Xiao Muyu flicked his palms, and took out two **** robes from the ring space in his hands. They were covered with blood stains, and they were all messy, looking a little shocked.

"I found these two clothes in Heiyanling." Xiao Muyu sneered.

Meiyin's face was also full of sullen expressions.

Dong Jian's brows wrinkled tightly, and after taking the two blood suits, the blood stains on them were a little dry and looked a little dark red.

"Captain Dong, after my careful observation, I found that these two pieces of clothes are the clothes they wear on weekdays. So I guess they have been poisoned by Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian!" Xiao Muyu said coldly.

Dong Jian still frowned, his eyes fixed on the blood suit, as if thinking about something.

Qiao Zixian's face changed slightly, and his eyes were filled with anger. It was obvious that Xiao Muyu had found these two clothes at will. I didn't expect Xiao Muyu to be so mean!

But Mu Qianyue's face was still indifferent and leisurely, and her white face became more and more charming under the dim sky, with a tranquility and distance in her elegance and beauty, as if she was far away from the hustle and bustle of the red lotus.

The corners of her lips twitched lightly, pulling out a sarcasm, "Captain Xiao found two pieces of clothes at random and said that we killed people. If these two clothes were found in Captain Xiao’s room, then Did Xiao team also kill? Besides, Heiyanling is already very dangerous. Are there few people who die in Heiyanling? If they did enter Heiyanling, it would be normal for them to come out without a life. It's just that the two People are not from Heiyanling, so why come to Heiyanling?"

Xiao Muyu was taken aback by such a long list of questions. He didn't come back for a long time. He didn't seem to expect Mu Qianyue's mouth to be so sharp and his thoughts so quick.

"Yeah, why did they enter Heiyanling? Leaving the post without authorization will be punished!" Dong Jian said.

"I heard that the two of you seem to be getting along with the two of them, so it's no surprise that they came here to find you!" Meiyin sneered.

Mu Qianyue sneered, did not answer her, but looked up at Dong Jian and asked, "Captain Dong, what is the strength of those two?"

"The strength of those two people are all Tier 5 paladins." Dong Jian replied.

"Zixian and I are only Tier 1 Saint Martial Artists, how can we kill them?" Mu Qianyue's eyes were slightly cold.

Dong Jian was taken aback, yeah, Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian were only Tier 1 paladins, how could they be opponents of those two, let alone kill them! I heard Xiao Muyu say that Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian had killed people before, so they came in a hurry.

Xiao Muyu and Meijian were also taken aback when they were questioned. Xiao Muyu choked and said, "Maybe what you did. In short, the death of the two of them must be related to you."

Mu Qianyue ignored him, but looked at Dong Jian and said, "We are innocent."

The woman's eyes are as bright as stars, and they are like clear and clean water, without a trace of impurities. Dong Jian was stunned for a moment, "I will investigate this matter clearly. You will still be patrolling in Heiyanling these days. If this matter has nothing to do with you, I will pay you back."

"Thank you Captain Dong." Mu Qianyue smiled. She knew early in the morning that Dong Jian was not with Xiao Muyu. His face was calm and majestic, and he was obviously upright.

Dong Fitness is the law enforcement captain on the fifth floor of the Wild Ancient World, and even Xiao Muyu has to give him three points.

"This..." Xiao Muyu's face showed unwillingness.

Meiyin didn't expect that Dong Jian would make such a decision, and his face suddenly showed dissatisfaction, "Captain Dong, is that all the matter? These two are murderers! Don't let their beautiful and weak appearance. Deceived!"

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