Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 765: Because we are friends [1]

"Hey, it's a pity, Qianyue has been refusing to let us go out for practice and inspection." Qiao Zixian sighed depressed, but she knew that Qianyue was for the sake of her and Hao Yun's body, so it was just a small heart. Depressed all of a sudden.

"It's been a long time since I've been fighting, and I feel itchy hands." Hao Yun showed a shy smile and rubbed his hands. He looked like he wanted to find a monster to fight with him now.

At this moment, a slender figure outside the courtyard walked in the afterglow of the sunset, like a fairy Lingbo. Before the person arrived, the clear and pleasant voice had floated over, "You two can go out to practice from tomorrow, but you still have to Be careful."

Qiao Zixian and Hao Yun were overjoyed when they heard this, and they could finally go out to practice! They have been holding back for two months and they are almost sad, and now they finally don't have to bear it anymore!

"Okay, okay, oh, after holding back for two months, I feel like I am going crazy!" Qiao Zixian pouted and said with a smile.

"Then we can practice from now on?" Hao Yun asked Mu Qianyue with bright eyes.

Under the nervous gaze he expected, Mu Qianyue smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Then the palm of his hand shook and took out a pile of crystal stones, "You hold these crystal stones first, you can absorb as much as you can."

"Wow! Qianyue, where did you get so many crystal stones? Remember the last time we picked up all of them, right?" Qiao Zixian looked at her incredulously when she saw it, eyes full of shock and disbelief .

"I got this from the cave in Heiyanling last time, because your health was not healthy during this period, so I didn't take it out." Mu Qianyue's lips raised a slight arc, and couldn't help adding it. One sentence, "I'm afraid that after you have these fine spar stones, you are too excited and couldn't hold back it for a while. You secretly practiced with me behind your back, so you didn't take them out."

"Ah! Qianyue! You are good or bad!" Qiao Zixian stared in depression, how could she even know what she was thinking?

"In the past, I only accidentally obtained some crystal stones during the patrol in the Black Rock Ridge, which greatly improved my strength, but the total crystal stones in the past two years have been only two hundred." Hao Yun's face was full of sorrow.

Qianyue's luck is so good, as soon as she found so many crystal stones, it seems that Qianyue is destined to become a peak power.

It is said that people who can become peak powers have great luck!

After that, Hao Yun and Qiao Zixian each took some crystal stones and went back to the house to practice. Seven days passed, Qiao Zixian smoothly promoted from the fourth-order paladin to the fifth-order paladin realm, spending a full 300 pieces. White fine spar.

And Hao Yun only spent a hundred white crystal stones, promoted to the realm of the fourth-order paladin.

"Yes, you are now a Tier 5 Saint Martial Artist." Mu Qianyue smiled slightly when she looked at Qiao Zixian who was out of the gate, "I'll get you some crystal stones later."

Qiao Zixian immediately waved her hand when he heard the words, "Now these crystal stones have no effect on me. The aura in a crystal stone can be enough for me to absorb a lot of aura, but now it has very little effect. But these crystal stones are in the door. But the brothers and sisters of the siblings have a great effect, so don't waste it. Leave them to the brothers and sisters in the door. If their strength is stronger, our Jingyue Pavilion will be stronger!"

As he said, there was a longing smile on her face.

"Don't worry, these fine spar stones will definitely have a great effect on you." Mu Qianyue's black Danfeng's eyes flashed a sly smile. In the breeze, her beautiful face revealed a mysterious smile, and she saw her palms flicker. , Twenty red crystal stones suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

As soon as these red crystal stones appeared, the air immediately fluctuated slightly, and there was a strong and pure breath all around.

"Wow! What a strong spiritual energy!" Qiao Zixian opened her mouth wide when she saw it, and his eyes fell unblinking on the twenty red crystal stones in Mu Qianyue's palm.

These twenty red crystal stones are the size of a pigeon egg, exuding a charming brilliance in the sun, magnificent and alluring.

"These red crystal stones are more aura! Qianyue, where did these come from?" After a long pause, Qiao Zixian was taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face.

"The same was found in that cave. You can take these for training first." Mu Qianyue stuffed the twenty red crystal stones in her palms into her arms, and Qiao Zixian took them with joy. With ten red crystals, it is estimated that she will soon become a sixth-order paladin!

So, is it far from the martial artist?

Thinking about it, the excitement and joy on Qiao Zixian's face couldn't help but deepen a bit.

"This is yours." Mu Qianyue then took out another twenty red crystal stones and handed them to Hao Yun who was aside.

"Me, mine?" Hao Yun was taken aback, staring at the girl in front of him in surprise and shock. If Mu Qianyue had rescued herself before and gave herself some white crystal stones, it was to repay her gratitude and feel guilty. What about now?

She didn't have that need at all!

She could keep these red crystal stones for herself, after all, she was not from Jingyue Pavilion!

But she took it out selflessly!

"Yes." Mu Qianyue smiled and nodded, looking at him.

"Why? You don't owe me anything..." Hao Yun asked the doubt in his heart.

"Because we are friends." The corners of the white lips raised a beautiful smile, as if the colorful clouds floating in the clouds, magnificent and elegant.

Because we are friends……

The short seven words resounded in Hao Yun's ears, resounding back and forth in his heart, shaking.

It turned out that in her heart, she had already regarded herself as a friend!

The news gave Hao Yun an expression of excitement and ecstasy on his face, and he was simply flattered! He never thought that one day he would become friends with her, because in his heart, she was so unattainable, like a **** overlooking the world!

"Girl Mu, no, Master Mu, can I join Jingyue Pavilion?" Hao Yun tried to suppress his inner excitement and asked.

"Of course." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"From now on, I will be born in Jingyue Pavilion, and death will be the ghost of Jingyue Pavilion!" He Yun put **** together and sweared by Zhitian, his expression serious and determined.

After a while, the five elders returned to the yard. Mu Qianyue was not stingy, and gave him fifty red crystal stones. This moved the five elders and almost agreed to her.

The Fifth Elder whimpered, with tears in his eyes, holding fifty red crystal stones in his hand, "My mistress treats me so sincerely, I must redouble my efforts to practice in the future, so that I can be worthy of the mistress's cultivation grace!"

This time Mu Qianyue's mouth was very speechless.

However, she has never been stingy and mean to her own people and those of Jing.

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