Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 783: Mu Qianyue VS Chu Yuzhen [1]

When Qiao Zixian heard that Mu Qianyue was about to challenge Chu Yuzhen, her eyes widened in surprise, an anxious look appeared on her face, and she quickly shouted, "Qianyue, don't..."

Although Qian Yue's strength is good, Chu Yuzhen's strength is not bad either! What's more, Chu Yuzhen is still a ninth-order paladin! She didn't want Qian Yue to suffer any harm because of herself!

"It's okay." Mu Qianyue turned to look at her with a relieved look, "Sooner or later I will have a fight with her, but now it is ahead of schedule."

Seeing Mu Qianyue's confident and indifferent face, Qiao Zixian could only suppress the tension and anxiety in her heart. Qianyue had a calm temperament and was never an impulsive person. Since she took the initiative to challenge Chu Yuzhen, she should have overcome her. Method!

"There is indeed this rule in the wild ancient world. Since the two of you want to fight, you can solve it by force. I will be the referee this time and be fair and just." Mu Changqing said.

Soon everyone opened a field, and two equally slender and stunning figures stood in the field, facing each other.

An invisible aura circulated on the two of them, fierce and solemn, full of terrible murderous intent, terrifying.

After everyone felt this murderous aura, their faces changed slightly, and they stepped back to avoid being affected. Although a woman is a weak life, sometimes when a woman starts, it is more terrifying than a Warcraft!

Now they felt the strong smell of fire in it!

"Mu Qianyue, this time I will make you regret that you provoke me!" Chu Yuzhen's murderous aura emerged from her charming hands, like a storm surging, and the long sword in her hand surged with terrible true energy, and the fierce momentum came from her. It exudes, permeates this piece of heaven and earth, and shocks everyone.

The peak of the ninth-order paladin! Sure enough!

Under this momentum, Qiao Zixian's expression also sank instantly, as if there was a huge mountain pressing on her heart, Chu Yuzhen's power was really much stronger than that of Han Narcissus! Although they are all ninth-order paladins, they are not of the same level at all!

"Chu Yuzhen is really strong! She is indeed the goddess of Tianyin Pavilion! I think Mu Qianyue will be miserable this time!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that Chu Yuzhen's strength would be so terrible! It is estimated that it will not take long for her to break through to the realm of a martial artist!"

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, raised her chin, and stared at Chu Yuzhen on the opposite side. At this moment, her aura was no longer hidden. With the nine changes of Tai Chi turned on, her strength instantly changed from the seventh step. Became a ninth-order paladin.

But this is not over yet, "The Azure Dragon Bloodline is on!"

The red streamer gushed out of her body and spread all over her body, forming a beautiful and unmatched red armor. The ink hair flying in the wind gradually turned blood red, and the red light flashed in the black pupils, bloodthirsty and cold. .

At this moment, Mu Qianyue's aura soared, instantly rising from the ninth-tier paladin to the peak of the ninth-tier paladin!

The momentum is as good as Chu Yuzhen!

Everyone's complexion changed, and their eyes showed deep shock. They opened their eyes in horror, staring at Mu Qianyue in the venue unblinkingly. They were not dazzled, right? Mu Qianyue's momentum has reached the pinnacle of a ninth-order paladin? !

"Almost forgot, Mu Qianyue is a person with the Azure Dragon bloodline! It is said that the bloodline has reached the perfect level. I heard that the talent of the Azure Dragon bloodline has the effect of forcibly enhancing strength! I don't think she will lose!"

"Yes, yes! How could the inheritor of the Azure Dragon bloodline be weak?"

"This battle is absolutely wonderful! Haha, blessed!"

Someone in the crowd said.

"I don't think it's necessarily! Mu Qianyue has magical techniques and bloodlines, but it's only relying on special methods, not her true strength, I'm afraid she will be defeated after a long time."

"I think Chu Yuzhen will win," said a Chu Yuzhen supporter.

"Cut! I bet Mu Qianyue wins!" said a Mu Qianyue lover.

"Chu Yuzhen wins!"

"Mu Qianyue wins!"

The two sides almost fought because of this matter, and the quarrel was fierce, and some people even made a bet on this. They weren't gambled on gold coins, but high-level healing pills and qi pills.

Pills are scarce in the wild ancient world, and there is no offering station here, so gold coins are not of much use here.

Chu Yuzhen's eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of astonishment and astonishment flashed through her narrow eyes, but she was hidden in an instant. No wonder Mu Qianyue dared to challenge herself. It turns out that she still has these other means. , It seems that this is a hard battle.

At this time, even if Chu Yuzhen wanted to go back, he could only bite the bullet and fight.

Otherwise, what is her face?

She is the goddess of the City of Holy Light, the supreme being, the goddess worshipped in the eyes of everyone, this battle, she can only win, never defeat!

In addition, Brother Jing is also hers. Only by defeating Mu Qianyue and killing Mu Qianyue can Brother Jing see his goodness and return to his side!

Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, Chu Yuzhen's beautiful face was as icy as frost, and the long sword in his hand was raised, his body skills were cast out, and he swept a distance forward in a blink of an eye.

A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, the true vitality in the air agitated, and the terrifying sword aura intertwined into an airtight giant net and rushed towards Mu Qianyue, shrouded from the top of the head, as if she wanted Mu Qianyue to be enveloped in it!

"So strong sword spirit!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Qiao Zixian couldn't help widening her eyes, clasping her hands tightly together, looking very nervous.

Feeling this fierce sword aura, Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly, her eyes became a little dignified, and the Extinction Sword in her hand gathered.


Several angry dragon howls rang out from the extinction sword in her hand, and saw five Yuanlongs of different colors flying out from the extinction sword, hovering above her head, making bursts of roar.

"Yuanlong kills!"

Five yuan dragons whizzed out and rushed towards the sword net above their heads.



The hoarse wind and the painful dragon roar intertwined, deafening.

The powerful sword auras collided with each other, and Chu Yuzhen's sword net suddenly disappeared, but the figure of the five Yuanlong also slowly faded, and then disappeared into the air.

In the first round, the two barely tied.

"En?" Chu Yuzhen frowned slightly, his eyes drooping, and he landed on the Extinction Sword in Mu Qianyue's hand opposite. Is this a divine tool? Could it be possible to condense the Yuanlong with true energy? !

Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue still has such magical soldiers in her hands! No wonder she had nothing to do just now!

Mu Qianyue is just a hillbilly from the Tianwu Continent, so why does she have such a supreme treasure as an artifact in her hands?

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