Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 803: Selfish Bai Mu【2】

Hearing this, Ye Hanqing's face suddenly turned pale.

Bai Mu snorted coldly, walked forward, grabbed Mo Ying's hand, his voice was cold, with an irresistible command, "Mo Ying, you and him are impossible! Following him, it is better to return to mine. By your side! Don’t forget, once you were my woman, as long as you are obedient, I promise I will take care of you forever!"

Mo Ying's momentum surged out, without saying anything, she straightened out her sword, swung a sharp sword light, and slashed towards Bai Mu in front of her.

Bai Mu was frightened, and quickly let go of his hand, his face was so gloomy, his tone of voice was hoarse, "How dare you do it to me?"

"Bai Mu, we have nothing to do for a long time, don't do anything to me, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless." Mo Ying said coldly.

"Ying'er, believe me, I really love you! I have changed, I have really changed! After I get out of here, I will order the matchmaker to go to your house to propose marriage again, and I will marry you again. "Bai Mu looked at her affectionately.

Some people always know how to cherish after losing.

It is a pity that time does not give people room for regret.

Ye Hanqing finally couldn't help, staring at him sharply, and roared, "Love her? What do you do to love her? When she was pregnant with Liujia, you threw out a paper of divorce, not only divorced her, but also Let her be killed by Huangquan, and died with the child in her womb. At that time, why didn't you say that she was your wife, why didn't you pick her up at that time, why didn't you see her again at that time?"

Bai Mu's face instantly paled.

Ye Hanqing stepped forward, her eyes were as cold as Shura, and she stared at him motionlessly, "Now that you say she is your wife, is it too funny? Or do you think it didn't kill her, thinking Do you harm Ying'er again?"

At this moment, Ye Hanqing's body was filled with endless anger and chill, as if he was a demon **** who came out of hell.

Mo Ying's face also slowly cooled down, and icy and anger surged in her eyes looking at Bai Mu.

The twisting of ice and fire, that is the flame of hatred sprouting and brewing.

"Ye Hanqing, you have to provoke the feelings between Ying'er and me." Bai Mu said angrily, but his voice was obviously lacking in momentum. Obviously, he was very guilty at the moment and knew that he was wrong.

Seeing Mo Ying's current changes, she was cold and indifferent, and she exuded an indifferent breath. This breath made him fascinated and intoxicated. It also made Bai Mu understand that the woman he loves most over the years is still she was!

"Ying'er, I used to be wrong, as long as you are willing to come back to me, I can give you anything."

Mo Ying stared at him coldly with a sneer in her mouth, spit out five words coldly, and turned away.

"It will never be possible."

The indifferent voice was full of determination, full of determination, and full of disgust and disgust.

Ye Hanqing gave him a faint look, then turned and left, only to take two steps, and Bai Mu's roar sounded behind him.

"You two can't be together!"

Bai Mu saw Ye Hanqing pause, and the hideousness on his face grew a bit thicker, and continued with a sneer, "Ye Hanqing, Mo Ying was once my woman. She has a few hairs and a few moles. It’s very clear, do I need to tell you? If you are together, every time you love her, would you think of me..."

He didn't finish his words, he just heard a'bang', a fist fell on his face without hesitation, with a terrifying force, it instantly cracked and cracked his handsome face. A hideous opening was opened, and blood rushed out suddenly.

"Asshole! I killed you!"

Ye Hanqing's usual indifferent and widowed eyes were filled with crazy anger, and with a roar, he directly rushed to Bai Mu, not remembering any martial arts, but using the most primitive boxing.

"Bang bang bang..." The shadow of the fist fell violently.

Bai Mu was caught off guard and took a strong punch. When he reacted, he also roared and rushed towards Ye Hanqing. The two started their most primitive flesh skills, biting and fighting each other.

The two of them were of equal strength, and after a while, they all looked like pigs with swollen noses.

"Ye Hanqing, you wait for me. I'll settle this account with you in the future." Bai Mu took a sharp breath of pain and threw a sentence and hurried away.

Ye Hanqing wasn't much better at this moment, his original jade-like face was beaten beyond recognition, he slumped on the ground, panting, his heart frustrated.

Bai Mu's cold and merciless ridicule made Mo Ying's face instantly pale as paper, and her body trembled uncontrollably. Her face was ugly and scary, and her memories filled her whole mind. She didn't even dare to think about it. Picture.

She used to think that being with him was the most beautiful picture, but now it has become a nightmare in her life.

"Sorry, Han Qing, I am the one who caused you."

After a long time, Mo Ying came back to her senses, but her face was still very ugly. She raised her head to look at Ye Hanqing, her face filled with guilt, self-blame, and pain, intertwined like an invisible The giant net trapped her together, savoring the pain and despair over and over again.

"Ying'er, it's none of your business, it's that Bai Mu is too shameless!" Ye Hanqing gasped and cursed.

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't..."

"Ying'er, don't say it. You and me don't need to be so polite, and all this is my voluntary." Ye Hanqing stared at her quietly.

Mo Ying's eyes were covered with mist, "Hanqing, you don't need to do this to me, it's not worth it, I'm not..."

Before she could finish her words, Ye Hanqing stretched out her hand and held her hand tightly, "Whether it is worth it, I have the final say. I think it is enough!"

The man's eyes were deep and firm, like the stars in the sky, bright and bright, carved into her heart, making her heart tremble suddenly.

"Ying'er, forget the past and start again. There is still a long way to go in your life. You shouldn't be **** in those memories. As long as you work hard, you can also get happiness!"

Forget the past and start again?

"Well, I will try hard." Mo Ying nodded.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Bai Mu's sudden appearance, if it hadn't been for this riot tonight, she would have almost forgotten all the previous things.

But the appearance of Bai Mu pulled her back into that painful memory again. The bloody, painful and desperate days seemed to have come back...

What stuck in her heart was actually Bai Mu's last words. Even if she could forget the past, can Ye Hanqing forget her past?

Would it really be like what Bai Mu said, if one day they were together, Han Qing would remember the scene of her having a love under another man?

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