Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 806: Strong return [3]

Everyone on the scene is basically an intermediate paladin, but the terrifying defensive power and offensive power of Warcraft makes them one or two tiers stronger than humans, so this battle is destined to be extremely difficult.

The battle is on the verge.

Countless monsters swarmed in, even if many people came to support the Gaolan Mountains, it still felt that there was a shortage of personnel.

All kinds of true energy exploded in the sky, and sword light flew across, like a series of brilliant fireworks, flying elegant and charming, but behind this beauty is full of fierce and terrible murderous intent.

The sword aura was agitated, and the entire Gaolan Mountain Range was in a bloodthirsty and gloomy murderous aura.

At some point, the bright sun in the sky also hid in the clouds, and seemed to be afraid of this fierce battle.

These monsters seemed like they could not be killed, killing one and rushing up several. Tong Ling had just been promoted to the sixth-order sacred martial artist, so it was quite difficult to deal with, and he almost died several times, thanks to Xuan'er being busy with him.

Mo Yang had just been promoted to the sixth-order sacred warrior not long. Under the fierce offensive of these monsters, dangers were everywhere. Fortunately, Qiao Zixian was by his side, who saved him several times, otherwise it would be really dangerous.

"Thank you." Mo Yangchao Qiao Zixian said.

"It's all a family, don't be so polite, be careful," Qiao Zixian said, and joined the battle circle as soon as she moved.

Mu Changqing and Yan Fengxie turned into terrifying killing gods, and a few fierce sword lights swung down, and several monsters fell.

In addition to the two of them, there was another person who was particularly conspicuous, and that was Chu Yuzhen.

Today, she wore a dark purple splendid long dress, wrapping her figure perfectly, curvy, and the sword in her hand was imposing and unparalleled.

A sword beam shot out, and several monsters fell to the ground in an instant. At this moment, she was like a murderous **** with no emotions, constantly killing and killing...

The terrible battle lasted for a full day and night. Most of the low-strength monsters were beheaded, but the situation of humans was not much better. This tide of beasts caused even greater casualties, countless.

Even Mu Changqing and Feng Yanxie felt a little overwhelmed.

The strongest and most terrifying among this group of monsters were the dozen green fur monsters. Mu Changqing and Yan Fengxie almost exhausted all their true energy before finally beheading all these green fur monsters.

Without these green fur monsters, everyone suddenly felt a lot easier.

Before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the whole earth shook violently, and an extremely angry roar rang out, "Aw..."

When the remaining group of monsters heard the roar, their eyes flashed with excitement, and they let out a roar, and then ran back and gathered together.


A loud foot sound rang, making a deafening noise, and the whole earth shook.

"Boom boom..."

Something seemed to be coming in from a distance, and with each step it took, the earth trembled, and it trembled more and more violently, as if there was an earthquake.

Everyone frowned, and couldn't help but look up, and saw a green figure slowly coming from a distance. The figure was several tens of meters high, like a majestic mountain, covered with green fluff, huge. His eyes are like a pair of red lanterns, shining with a cold and strange red light.

Everyone stood in front of it, as small as an ant, and a strong sense of oppression came to them, making everyone's complexion changed!

"You humble reptiles, dare to kill my descendants of Tu Jian, I must kill you, and cramp you!" There was a fierce red light in Tu Jian's eyes, which looked weird and very strange. Horror is terrifying.

The mighty and terrifying aura permeated this space, and everyone felt a suffocation in their chests, and there was a feeling of bowing their heads.

Even Mu Changqing and Yan Fengxie's expressions changed and became extremely ugly.

"Damn it, this Green Hairy King has at least the strength of a Tier 6 Divine Martial Artist!" Yan Fengxie squinted his eyes, his face was rare and solemn.

"Although it is a Tier 6 Divine Martial Artist, but at least able to display the peak strength of a Tier 8 Divine Martial Artist, I am afraid that we are not his opponents." Mu Changqing has a calm face. In this year, his strength has changed from a Tier 5 Divine Warrior The person has been promoted to the realm of the seventh-order divine warrior, but it is obviously not the opponent of this green hair king.

Yan Fengxie is also a Tier 8 Divine Martial Artist, but facing the Green Hair King, he has no confidence in his heart to win. If these people are not used, he can escape from the Green Hair King alone with his strength. of.

But as a member of the savage ancient world, it is his duty to maintain the peace here and drive away monsters. How could he abandon these people?

Chu Yuzhen's eyes were deep, making it hard to see the expression in it, but she had already taken two steps backwards before she knew it, and obviously she also felt unprecedented pressure and shock from Tu Jian's body.

"Oh, back again? Wouldn't you imagine the same as you did last year? Turn around and run away while everyone is dealing with the King of Green Fur?" Qiao Zixian noticed Chu Yuzhen's hands, and the corners of her lips raised a cold mockery .

Chu Yuzhen's expression suddenly changed, and everyone couldn't help but cast doubtful or contemptuous eyes at Chu Yuzhen. At this moment, she wanted to escape alone again? What a shame!

Even Yan Fengxie's face showed a trace of dissatisfaction, and he gave Chu Yuzhen a cold glance.

"Nonsense! How could I run away? Qiao Zixian, you are here to insult my reputation! I just wanted to go around behind the Green Hair King and cooperate with Captain Mu and Senior Yan to kill this Green Hair King. "Chu Yuzhen said angrily, pretending to have a firm and just awe-inspiring expression.

"Unexpectedly, when Chu Yuzhen had such a deep sense of righteousness, I was so touched. Then I would thank you for everyone and all the people in Huanzhou." Qiao Zi suddenly suppressed the sneer on his face, serious. Said very solemnly.

Chu Yuzhen choked, his face was so ugly, it made her feel disgusting and uncomfortable like swallowing a fly. This **** Qiao Zixian, she didn't bother her, she even dared to be rampant in front of herself, it was really annoying Up!

But in the face of everyone's gaze, she had to pretend to be kind and generous, "You don't need to say that, as a member of the Huanzhou Continent, this is my responsibility."

"Well, I believe you will not let us down. After all, besides Captain Mu and Yan Fengxie, you belong to the highest strength." Qiao Zixian smiled, a sly flash in her narrow eyes.

"Everyone retreat, you are not the opponent of this green-haired king at all, this green-haired king is dealt with by me, Yan Fengxie, and Chu Yuzhen." Mu Changqing said to everyone, but his eyes were staring tightly. Tu Jian in front of him.

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