Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 820: Go to the Devil[3]

"En." Xiao Xuan'er nodded and walked to Mu Qianyue's side. When the two of them moved, they immediately turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the dark night.

"Master, how do you get to the Demon Realm?" Xiao Xuan'er asked after seeing Mu Qianyue stop in midair after she followed Mu Qianyue.

"Of course it is tearing up the space. Xiao Bingbing said that tearing up the space here will reveal a time and space path leading to the demon world. This is an important channel for the demon world to link the wild ancient world." Mu Qianyue stopped, body Standing in the air, said lightly.

"Xiao Bingbing? Who is Xiao Bingbing?" Xiao Xuan'er frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Xiao Bingbing is the ancient ice snake." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly.

"Hey, beauty, I am Xiao Bingbing in the main population. My real name is Bing Yan." At this moment, the little ice snake wrapped around Mu Qianyue's wrist suddenly poked her head out and said to Xiao Xuan'er. A faint smile flashed across the ice-blue pupils, and he shook his head, his eyes flashed, "I can feel the breath of monsters in you, you are also a monster, right?"

As he said, the ancient ice snake closed its eyes and smelled it, with a look of intoxication, "Ah! I smelled the smell of snakes on you! You are also a snake clan? Which snake clan are you from? Are you the same clan as me? ?"

Bing Yan opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Xuan'er shiningly.

"Are you an ancient ice snake?" Xiao Xuan'er asked after hearing this, rubbing her teeth with her hands.

"Um...yes, you can call me Bing Yan, or you can call me Xiao Bingbing like the master..." Seeing Xiao Xuan'er's expression, Bing Yan couldn't help but shudder, why you think she is Does that look very permeating? It feels like eating people!

It feels so terrible.

"Xuan'er, he is now my contract beast." Feeling the anger in Xiao Xuan'er's heart and the hostility at the moment when he saw the ancient ice snake, Mu Qianyue said quickly.

She was afraid that Xiao Xuan'er would be crippled in anger, that would be no fun.

Now we have to go to the Demon World!

"Master, don't worry, I will treat him well." Xiao Xuan'er moved her wrist, grinned at Bing Yan and showed white teeth, and said with a smile.

"Um...Thank you, anyway, we will serve the same master in the future. Miss Xuan'er, don't you think?" Bing Yan couldn't help shaking her body.

"I don't care if you are Xiao Bingbing or Bingbing Xiao, don't get close to me!" Xiao Xuan'er suddenly closed the smile on his face, her eyes widened, and she directly reached out to pinch Bing Yan's seven inches, "Also, I warn you , Be nice to my master in the future, otherwise I will break your neck!"

Humph, if it weren't for his master's contract beast, she would tear him up now!

If it weren't for him, how could the master almost die? !

"Ahem..." Bing Yan's blue body gradually turned into a sauce purple, coughing violently.

"Xuan'er, lighten your hand, don't choke him to death." Mu Qianyue said.

"Master, he used to bully you!" Xiao Xuan'er pouted dissatisfiedly, but slowly let go of her hand.

Bing Yan's body shook, transformed into a human form, and fell by Mu Qianyue's side, panting violently while saying, "Cough cough...or...cough... good master."

This Xuan'er looks so beautiful and charming, how can he be so cruel when he shoots! Almost killed him! Also, how could she look exactly like her master with her motionless appearance of pinching a snake seven inches!

It really deserves to be a pet beast of any kind! Have pity on him, he can't even tell the truth, he can only pick up a good-sounding speech and coax the two aunts, otherwise he will be pinched again.

He used to be proud of being an ancient ice snake, but now he hates himself for being a snake!

"Master, you don't want me if you have him?" Xiao Xuan'er continued to look at Mu Qianyue dissatisfied, eyes full of wounds.

Mu Qianyue silently twitched the corner of her mouth, pulled Xiao Xuan'er over, and whispered in her ear, "You choked him to death, choked him to death, don’t you have to play with it in the future? Whether it’s a toy, It’s still a pet, so I have to cherish it, so that it can last a long time."

After hearing this, Xiao Xuan'er's eyes lit up, and she turned her head to look at Bing Yan, with a sly smile on her face, bright eyes and white teeth, and she was extremely charming, but how she looked at Bing Yan's eyes, she felt permeated.

"Why are you staring at me so spooky?" Bing Yan couldn't help swallowing, and said with some fear.

"No, I found that I seem to like you." Xiao Xuan'er smiled, with a very treacherous and cunning smile.

like him? Did you make a mistake? real or fake? Bing Yan looked suspicious, how could it feel like he had fallen into a trap.

Mu Qianyue hooked her lips, stretched her hand to the space, and directly tore the space apart, suddenly revealing a black vortex, which is the gate of time and space.

"Master, can you tear open space with bare hands?" Xiao Xuan'er said in surprise.

"You don't know this? When the master came back from the void, he tore the space with his bare hands in this way." Bing Yan smiled, well, although she is a human, her strength is not bad at all, she finally didn't give it to herself. Shame!

In the future, the strength of Tier 1 Divine Martial Artists can tear open space with bare hands, which is impossible for some Emperor Martial Artists!

"Huh, don't scumbag here, you don't know where to play in the mud when my old lady followed the master." Xiao Xuan'er gave him a big eye.

"You!" Bing Yan choked with anger, his face turned blue, and he snorted coldly, spit out four words depressed, "rude, vulgar!"

This woman is so rampant! Too arrogant! No, he is very angry! I really want to teach her a lesson!

Forget it, calm down, don’t be as knowledgeable as women...

It seems that her temperament is the same as that of the master, and even her tone of voice is such annoying!

Are all women like this?

Well, he should not marry his wife for the rest of his life, women are all tigresses!

No, more terrible than tigress!

"Okay, don't make any noise, let's go ahead and talk about it, this space channel can only be maintained for a few seconds, I don't have that much energy." Mu Qianyue turned and glanced at the two.

"Huh!" Xiao Xuan'er snorted coldly. With a move, Bing Yan quickly followed. After seeing the two of them enter, Mu Qianyue's figure moved and flashed in.

After the figures of the three of them disappeared, the space quickly closed again.

If someone sees Mu Qianyue tearing through the space with her bare hands, she will be surprised that her eyes pop out!

Because if you can tear the space with your bare hands, you must at least reach the strength of the **** king, but there are also some advanced emperor martial artists who can tear the space with your bare hands, but such people are rare.

So far, it has been a long time since the Huanzhou Continent has reached the **** king, let alone tearing the space with bare hands.

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