Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 825: The Endless King [2]

The sedan chair driven by the eight white wolves is very prestigious, and Mu Qianyue is the first time to take such a sedan chair, with his hands around his chest and lightly leaning on the soft mink cushion.

The interior space is spacious, luxuriously furnished and very comfortable.

"Master, have you seen Qiao Zixian?" Bing Yan asked, sitting aside.

"The guard there was too strict. I didn't see Zixian, but Xuan'er did." Mu Qianyue raised her eyes to look at him, sat upright, and looked at him with bright eyes, "Xiao Bingbing, you What did he say when I saw Wang Wuya today?"

"No..." As soon as Bing Yan said, the car curtain was lifted, and a figure stepped onto the car in spite of it, and it was Zi Ya'er who came.

"Three princesses, what are you doing with you?" Bing Yan looked at Zi Ya'er, who was sitting straight to the side, with a displeased expression. He couldn't help swallowing the words that came to his lips because of her appearance.

"Brother Yan, you finally came back and didn't accompany me much." Zi Ya'er walked to Bing Yan and sat down, her wrists naturally took Bing Yan's arm, showing a bright and innocent smile. When she looked at Mu Qianyue, she stared at Hengbrow and didn't have a good face.

Mu Qianyue couldn't help but marvel at the speed of this face change.

Bing Yan's face was still cold, and he pulled his hand back from Zi Ya'er's hand, but Zi Ya'er did not show a sad expression on her face. She would have been used to it since she thought about it. Brother Yan has always looked cold, proud and indifferent. , Domineering and arrogant, isn't it what she likes?

It's just that she thought that Brother Yan would always be like this, but she didn't expect that this time Brother Yan would bring back a woman!

Humph! She's so annoying!

Mu Qianyue didn't even look at Zi Ya'er, she just closed her eyes lightly, treating her as air, not seeing her as pure. Seeing Mu Qianyue look like this, Zi Ya'er was so angry that her mouth was crooked, and she pointed to Mu Qianyue angrily, "Bold and cheap maidservant! Why don't you hurry up when you see this princess? So there is no rule! Still use, you have How qualified to sit on this sedan chair, and how qualified to sit next to Brother Yan?"

"Third princess, if you are rude to Qianyue any more, don't blame me for throwing you down!" Before Mu Qianyue spoke, Bing Yan's face turned blue with anger and looked at her coldly.

She insults her master is insults him!

"Brother Yan..." Zi Ya'er pouted and looked at him aggrievedly.

"You said I am not qualified?" Mu Qianyue opened her eyes, and a deep cold light flashed across her scribbled pupils, which was as sharp as a knife. "I am his savior, and also the savior of your boundless kingdom. Right? Is this how you Wuya Kingdom treats saviors?"

Zi Ya'er choked, her eyes glared at Mu Qianyue unwillingly, and finally closed her mouth, but her face was not to mention how stinky.

Seeing that she stopped talking and making troubles, Mu Qianyue closed her eyes again, and this kind of savage princess just ignored it.

Without anyone talking, the atmosphere in the sedan chair suddenly calmed down, and she returned to the demon general's mansion without incident. After returning to the mansion, Mu Qianyue went straight back to the yard where she lived. Zi Ya'er was so angry that she chopped her feet unwillingly.

I really don't understand, this woman is so rude, why does Brother Yan keep her?

"Brother Yan..." Zi Ya'er raised her head to look at Bing Yan. Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted. "The third princess, I still have things to deal with, so I won't accompany you. You can play by yourself."

Then he turned and left.

It was not good for Mu Qianyue, and when Bingyan hit the wall again, Zi Ya'er's mood was suddenly lost and sad to the extreme. The maids in the Demon General's Mansion saw the three princesses' faces that smelled like a pit, one by one. He retreated three feet, didn't dare to approach, and took a detour.

"Ahhhhhh! Is this princess so terrible?!!! I am really angry!"

The maidservants in the distance glanced at the three princesses secretly, bowed their heads and left. As if they hadn't seen them, they couldn't help but slander in their hearts. It was more than terrifying, and could be described as cruel! That girl Mu is much better than you. Although girl Mu is not talkative, she has a gentle and casual personality and is very easy to get along with.

If there must be a mistress in the Demon General's Mansion, they all hope that it is the Mu girl, not the third princess.

It wasn't until it got dark that Bing Yan came to the courtyard, and Mu Qianyue learned that Bing Yan had just sent Zi Ya'er away.

"Master, the king will hold a banquet to celebrate tomorrow night. This is a great opportunity. At that time, the guards of all places will be relaxed, and I also heard the king say that tomorrow night he will meet with everyone that human woman." Bing Yan The light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a slightly solemn expression.

"Oh?" Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up when she heard this. This is indeed a good opportunity. It seems that Wang Yawang wants to make Qiao Zixian a queen or concubine, and then introduce it to everyone?

Xiao Xuan'er also said excitedly, "That's great, then we will do it tomorrow night."

"En, then I will prepare some things first." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a light, the so-called preparation of some things is naturally some poison powder, poison, such as Ecstasy, or the beast element in the body of the beast Medicine powder that temporarily disappears.

After returning to the house, Mu Qianyue entered the Tongtian Pagoda. As for Xiao Xuan'er, she did not let Xuan'er follow. Because Xuan'er didn't understand alchemy matters, Mu Qianyue let her play.

It was midnight after finishing the pill. Mu Qianyue came out of the Tongtian Pagoda. She felt a little tired. He did not rest for several hours and refined dozens of bottles of pill, and his grade was not low. The mental power was consumed a bit, he needed Get a good night's sleep to recharge your energy.

"En? It's so late, why hasn't Xuan'er come back?" There was no Xuan'er in the room, nor on the bed. Mu Qianyue frowned suspiciously, and felt that Xuan'er was in the demon commander. In the mansion, Mu Qianyue was relieved.

Because she was sweating just after finishing the pill, Mu Qianyue called her maid to call in hot water, ready to take a bath.

After a while, the maidservants had already prepared the hot water. After retiring the maid, they closed the door of the house. Only then did Mu Qianyue take off her clothes and went into the tub.

The hot water washed away the exhaustion from her body, and Mu Qianyue closed her eyes comfortably.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue opened her eyes suddenly, and a sharp and cold flash flashed through her dark pupils. With a flick of her white wrist, a silver-purple dress appeared in her hand. The other hand was slapped in the tub, and water splashes were suddenly stirred up.

The crystal clear water and the steaming mist, hazy and dreamy, obscured the emotion in the house.

When the water splash and water vapor dissipated, Mu Qianyue had already put on her dress and slashed against the window with the Extinguishing Sword in her hand. Hearing a bang, a dark figure fell out.

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