Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 832: Imprisonment【1】

Instead of stealing incense, he was stung into a sausage mouth. Wang Wuya was furious, his eyes flashing fiercely, and he quickly touched his mouth, which was so swollen and swollen. It faded, and recovered as before.

"Looking for death!" Angrily, he raised his hand and patted Xiao Xuan'er.

Mu Qianyue hurriedly moved Xiao Xuan'er into the space of the Tongtian Pagoda. Wang Wuya took a picture of the sky, and the anger on his face became even worse. Mu Qianyue said in a deep voice, "Take that **** Give me Xiao Teng Snake!"

"She is my contract beast." Mu Qianyue said coldly.

Wang Wuya took a few deep and angry breaths, as if he wanted to calm down the anger and depression in his heart. After a while, he saw that his mind calmed down a lot, "Today, I will spare her once for looking at Yueyue's face, otherwise it will count as her. Ten lives are not enough to die."

Mu Qianyue glanced at him coldly, her figure moved, she turned and quickly swept down the Yatai, and flew towards Yaoge.

Since he doesn't want to get too involved with this Wuya King, it's better to leave as soon as possible, so as not to let him misunderstand himself.

Qiao Zixian saw Mu Qianyue's return and immediately got up to meet him, "Qianyue, are you back? Have you seen Xuan'er, she said just now that she wants to find you, I can't stop her, she didn't cause any trouble, right? ?"

Speaking of Xuan'er, Mu Qianyue had a hint of gratitude in her heart. If Xuan'er hadn't appeared suddenly, she might have been taken advantage of.

"Zixian, we'll leave tonight, you go to my space."

With a move of thought, Qiao Zixian was directly taken into the space of Tongtian Tower. When Qiao Zixian saw the Tower of Tongtian, she was shocked for a long time and couldn't speak. He didn't expect Qian Yue to have such a life space in her body!

Life space is very, very rare. It can almost be said that there are continents rare. It is precisely because of the rarity of life space that it becomes precious. It will also cause an uproar and looting, and even cause a **** storm.

Qianyue hadn't told herself before, just in case, since she now knows this secret, then she must keep the secret for Qianyue, and not let others know.

After Mu Qianyue took Qiao Zixian into the Tongtian Tower space, he used the contract to transmit the sound to Bing Yan, and Zishi met at the gate of the Demon Palace.

Soon when I arrived, Mu Qianyue used a stealth attack to escape the time of the guards patrolling, and stayed here for ten days. During these ten days, she had already felt the time when the guards were patrolled very well. It was clear, so it was easy to reach the gate of the magic palace.

The surroundings were dark and quiet, and there was no sound of insects.

"Master, are you here?" Bing Yan quietly walked out from the dark corner.

"En, let's go now." Mu Qianyue nodded, and walked forward quickly while talking. Bing Yan followed behind, but the two did not take a few steps. Suddenly countless fire lights lit up all around. This side of the world.

At the same time, Bing Yan's face instantly became pale and solemn.

On the opposite side, I saw Wang Wuya with a cold face, walking slowly, walking beside him was a large, green-haired Tu Jian, and behind him were a group of beast-headed demon guards holding weapons. The sharp point of the sword and the spear, in the dim firelight, set off a cold.

"Yueyue, you are so disobedient. You ran out for a walk in the middle of the night. What if you get lost?" The dull voice was bloodthirsty chill, and Wang Wuya's eyes were as deep as a pool, and he walked up. Before, his eyes were locked on Mu Qianyue's body.

As he said, he turned to look at Bing Yan next to Mu Qianyue, "Bing Yan, it seems that the deity is so kind to you, he even dared to betray the deity, come, grab him for me, and eat it!"

Tu Jian flexed his hands, strode forward, with a sneer sneer on his face, "Little white face, I've seen you upset for a long time, I'm the No. 1 Demon General of Infinite Nation! I'm the most loyal servant around the master! During the ten thousand years that I have not been here, someone dared to take my place? Dare to betray my lord? I will let you know the cost!"

While talking, Tu Jian's body exudes a cold and terrifying aura, and his eyes are unabashedly murderous.

Bing Yan's face was solemn, her fists under her sleeves couldn't help clenching tightly.

"My man, you don't have that power yet." Mu Qianyue thought, and without a word, she directly collected Bing Yan into the Tongtian Tower, and her feet were hidden, and she saw her slender and soft body instantly disappeared in Yue. The color, blended into the air, silently.

"En? Why are the people missing?" Tu Jian frowned in confusion, and suddenly a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth, "Hey, want to run?"

The figure suddenly moved, and rushed forward, hitting the air with a punch, only to see a bang, and a figure fell out of the air, it was Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue's face was pale, her breath was slightly gasping, the blood in her chest was tumbling, her fingers under her sleeves shook her hands, and she swallowed the fishy sweetness that was flowing into her throat.

"Who allowed you to hurt her?" Wang Wuya's expression changed, he rushed forward, kicked Tu Jian to the side with one foot, and moved to Mu Qianyue's side, "Yueyue, how are you? Is there anything?"

Mu Qianyue avoided the hand he stretched out, "Wu Ya Wang, you don't need to be hypocritical. I can't like you, let alone be your queen!"

The fingers under the sleeves flipped, the sleeves raised, and a breeze blew across, and I saw Wang Wuya's face dumbfounded, and for a moment, Tu Jian and the demon guards beside him were already dull and dull. Looks like.

Mu Qianyue's footsteps moved quickly, the Phantom's footwork unfolded, and in conjunction with the stealth attack, several flashes fell, her figure flickered in the air, and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

"Huh! Finally came to Fulongling! The exit is ahead!" Mu Qianyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally going back. She must go back before Jing found out, otherwise the guy would definitely run into the devil world. .

"Why did the exit disappear? I obviously came here from here before." Mu Qianyue's brows wrinkled involuntarily, and her face became serious.

With a thought, Bing Yan summoned Bing Yan from the space of Tongtian Tower and asked, "Bing Yan, why is the exit missing?"

"Master, you just locked me in the Tongtian Tower space and I can't communicate with you. The passage from the Demon Realm to the Wild Ancient Realm will change, but it will only change every other month, but only now. Half a month!" Bing Yan said in confusion.

"Because I moved the position of the exit." Suddenly the icy and mellow voice of Wang Wuya rang from the sky, with a touch of irresistible domineering and majesty in the mist.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's expression changed, she looked up, and saw a stream of light rushing from the sky quickly, and it was Wuya King who arrived soon.

"Yueyue, you can't escape the palm of my hand, so don't try to leave here, because it's useless." Wuya Wang landed not far from Mu Qianyue, under the dim moonlight, There was a touch of coldness and determination on his handsome and cold face.

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