Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 834: Imprisonment【3】

It's just that there is a bit of bitterness and contempt on her face, which just destroys this cent.

"You shamelessly imitated my master!" When Xiao Xuan'er saw Zi Ya'er's dress, she couldn't help but jumped up.

Qiao Zixian's face also showed a look of contempt.

"Huh, who imitated her? This princess is naturally beautiful, so does she need to imitate others? It's ridiculous!" Zi Ya'er's face became stiff and quickly recovered. She adjusted her dress and made a cold look. Haughty gesture.

I have to say that Zi Ya'er's dress like this is indeed much more beautiful and more attractive than before. Such a fresh and beautiful dress is undoubtedly more suitable for her. After all, she has a slightly immature appearance, dressed too old, and looks very mature. It's not like that natural maturity, so it's a bit weird.

It's just that Mu Qianyue didn't expect that she would imitate her own clothes.

"I imitate if I'm stubborn, don't you admit it? Ha, but even if some people are stubborn, they will never be able to imitate the temperament of my master. That is innate." Xiao Xuan'er raised his head and gave Zi Ya'er a look. With a big white eye, Zi Ya'er's face turned blue with anger, and she almost didn't jump her feet.

"You! Hmph, okay, very good, make your mouth hard, and soon I will let you know the end of doing the right thing with me." Zi Ya'er's face was gloomy, and she waved her hand and suddenly four tall monsters Wei came over.

"Three princesses, what's your order?"

"Get these three people up for me and put them in a cold water jail. I will give them a severe lesson and let them know the rules of my magic palace. Not everyone can offend here." There was a cruel arc in the corner of Ya'er's mouth. It sounded that this woman was restrained by Wang Shang's brother, and she was only released recently.

Although Brother Wang Shang will still run to Yaoge recently, he is not as diligent as before, and it is said that he is not as spoiled as before.

Isn't it a good time for revenge? It's best to kill her so that Brother Wang will not worry about it, and then fake a trap for her to insult Wuya Country, hum.

As long as she thinks of revenge and relief, Zi Ya'er thinks beautifully in her heart, her heart is full of joy, and she feels very happy.

"Why are the four of you still stunned? Don't you put this princess in your eyes?" Zi Ya'er saw that the demon guard was stunned in place, and had no intention of doing it, so she couldn't help but furious and shouted angrily.

The four of them suddenly showed embarrassed expressions on their faces, staring at each other, still not daring to do anything.

This woman is a woman of the king, who will inherit the position of queen of Wuya in a few days. How dare they play with the future queen?

That night, Tu Jian and this woman moved their hands, but the king kicked him off. Tu Jian was the celebrity next to the king, and he was the most trusted and powerful subordinate of the king. They were all kicked by the king. Kick Fei, if they catch her, maybe the king is going to get them cramped!

However, the three princesses were not easy to offend, and they were cruel and terrifying.

It's really embarrassing! Why do you always make it difficult for them to be subordinates!

"Haha, you really laughed at me. Are you really the third princess of the Wuya Kingdom? I think you are a fake? Otherwise, why is no one listening to your words!" Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help but laugh out loud. .

Zi Ya'er's face instantly sank, extremely ugly.

The four demon guards shook their bodies, and quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look at Zi Ya'er's sinking face.

Xiao Xuan'er stepped forward, walked in front of the four demon guards, and smiled, "Your four choices are wise. My master is the future queen. Do you think the power of the queen or the princess is greater? Well, you don’t want to think about how much Wang Wuya treats my master. If you dare to touch my master’s finger, I think you will definitely die miserably.”

The four demon guards were so frightened that their bodies shook again, no matter what they were dead!

Seeing them crying, Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't worry, my master is here, and you are absolutely safe. You can go now." Then, she waved at them.

The four of them looked at each other, raised their heads and gratefully glanced at Xiao Xuan'er and Mu Qianyue, and then quickly left the place where the matter was wrong.

"You, you..." Zi Ya'er stomped with anger when she saw her. The four demon guards had already run out of sight before she could finish her words.

In contrast, they didn't want to offend the future queen. Moreover, the queen's personal maid had already spoken and would keep them safe, and they did not want to get involved in the troubles of the three princesses.

"Hahaha...I'm so laughing. The three princesses of Wuya Kingdom have so little power. It's really small." Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help but attack.

A slight smile appeared on Qiao Zixian's face. As her eyes rolled, a faint light flashed across her eyes, "Well, there is no one in this garden now, Xuan'er, do you want to do something? "

Speaking, his eyes fell on the opposite Zi Ya'er.

Seeing the bad expressions on Xiao Xuan'er and Qiao Zixian's faces, Mu Qianyue twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly, seemingly nothing happened to her. However, she was also trying to teach Zi Ya'er a lesson, so as to save her from being arrogant and thinking that she was a bully.

So Mu Qianyue walked to the stone bench next to him and sat down, leaning on the stone table with her back, her hands around her chest, and the corners of her mouth were curved like a smile, and she looked extremely lazy.

"You guys, what do you want to do?" Upon seeing this, Zi Ya'er snorted in her heart, giving birth to a bad premonition, and a panic and scared look appeared on her delicate face.

"What to do? Well, I haven't thought about it yet." Xiao Xuan'er made an innocent look, with a sly and mysterious smile in his eyes, "Zixian, what do you say we are going to do?"

"Draw a big flower on her face?" Qiao Zixian asked seriously.

"Vulgar! Flowers and grass are all outdated. Now it's popular to draw animals. Let's draw a big turtle on her face!" Xiao Xuan'er smiled.

"This can be."

"Dare you!" Zi Ya'er said angrily, "I am the third princess of the dignified and infinite kingdom. If you dare to do this to me, my king brother will definitely put you to death!"

"Huh, we are not afraid of kings or not." Xiao Xuan'er snorted coldly, rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards Zi Ya'er, clenched her pink fist and punched Zi Ya'er directly in the face. Past.

Xiao Xuan'er is the strength of a Tier 1 sacred beast, and Zi Ya'er is only a Tier 5 spirit beast, not her opponent at all. After a few rounds, Xiao Xuan'er was beaten to the ground and couldn't get up. Her original white and delicate face was tall. It is swollen and swollen like a pig's head.

"Originally, you imitated, but you want to pretend~*** I hit you! You asked for this! Humph!"


Another punch fell without mercy.

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