Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 837: Back to the Wild【1】

The big red robe on Xuan'er has to be changed in the future, but the hair bun has long been scattered, and the beautiful long hair like a waterfall is draped on his back, like some women running away from relatives.

However, she is indeed at large in this way.

"Why are you so tired?" Mu Qianyue frowned in doubt.

"Huh..." Xiao Xuan'er exhaled heavily before saying, "Master, is there a problem with the teleportation talisman you gave me? Why is there such a big deviation? Only teleport me to Li Wuya City One hundred Inside and out, it caused me to run over all the way, but it didn't exhaust me! I was almost found!"


Mu Qianyue was taken aback, was there such a big deviation? Is it because this is the reason of the devil world, so even the teleportation charm is restricted a lot? Or did she buy parallel imports?

This teleportation talisman was purchased by the gatekeeper from another city flower high-end. After buying five at the time, she took one by hand.

Hey, dare to sell her Jingyue Pavilion parallel imports! When she goes back, go find them to settle the account!

"Okay, you quickly enter the Tongtian Pagoda to rest, lest you be discovered. Bing Yan, you can also go in." Mu Qianyue moved both of them in, and then found a place with no one. , Disguised himself again, and then hurried towards the Black Demon Cliff non-stop.

But when Mu Qianyue had just arrived at the Black Demon Cliff and had not had time to open the space channel, Wang Wuya's voice sounded above her head.

"Yueyue, do you want to escape from me like this?"

The next moment, I saw Wang Wuya's figure descending from the sky and appeared in front of Mu Qianyue out of thin air, blocking her path.

On the top of the Black Demon Cliff, the wind screamed, blowing clothes and hunting, the vast world was inexplicably filled with a breath of solitude.

"Wu Ya Wang, I said that we are impossible, and I don't love you either! This time, no matter what, I will leave!" Mu Qianyue's dark pupils flashed with a deep color, under the sleeves Raising his bare hand lightly, the true strength of his palm was condensed, the Sword of Extinction slowly formed in his hand, and the cold blade pointed directly at the Wang Wuya opposite.

"I have such a deep love for you, but you still have to draw your sword against me! Yueyue, why do you treat me like this? Are you so reluctant to bear that person?" Wuya Wang was furious with a ferocious expression. The tenderness and affection on his face disappeared, replaced by anger and injury.

Yes, that person! That person!

He stole Qingqing thousands of years ago!

Ten thousand years later, I didn't expect that he still found Qingqing so quickly!

Had it not been for his appearance, Qingqing would have married herself ten thousand years ago!

He hates it! This time, he will never let that person take Qingqing away again. He must leave Qingqing in the demon world. He believes that time can make Qingqing forget that person and fall in love with herself.

Time is the most ruthless and the most passionate!

that person? Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes when she heard the words, and it seemed that the person mentioned by Wang Wuya should be the scene.

"There are not so many whys!" Mu Qianyue snorted coldly, and the phantom footwork under her feet unfolded. Tai Chi Nine Transformation and Azure Dragon Bloodline talents were activated at the same time, and her strength suddenly skyrocketed, instantly rising from the first-order martial artist to the seventh-order martial artist's realm, terrifying The power of her ups and downs all over her.

At the same time, the Shadow of the Blood Moon struck out and slashed towards the Wuya King ahead.

"Isn't your true strength blocked by me?" Wang Wuya showed a look of shock in his eyes, his figure moved, and with a strange posture, he flied away from Mu Qianyue's attack.

"My strength was indeed sealed by you before, but the power of the stars can rush through the seal you placed without knowing it. I'm sorry, I will let you down." Mu Qianyue gave a cold yell, with the Extinction Sword in his hand. Waving mercilessly.

Two powerful strokes of extinction and soul extinction, the sword light burst out like a long rainbow, and the terrifying power is shaking on this day!

Even the air was slightly distorted.

"It's useless, Yueyue, you can't escape the palm of my hand." Wuya Wang snorted coldly, under his wide black sleeves, raised his hands, and blasted his palms toward the front, which was easily resolved. Mu Qianyue's attack.

Mu Qianyue's face suddenly changed, and her face gradually sank. This Wuya King didn't know what strength it was, it was so strong!

"Master, let me out, I want to fight him!" Xiao Xuan'er's voice resounded in his mind.

"Master, I'll hold the king, you run, I have been with the king for so many years, he will not do anything to me, master, let me out quickly." Bing Yan's voice also thought in her heart. Up.

"Qianyue, I can also help, I am also a Tier 1 Divine Martial Artist, although my strength is weaker than you..." Qiao Zixian also said.

"Shut up all of you." Mu Qianyue replied in her heart, her tone was tough and cold, she took a deep breath, and continued to say in her heart, but her voice eased, "We add up, I'm afraid we are not boundless. The king’s opponent, so it’s useless for you to come out, wait for me to find a chance to hide your figure with a stealth attack."

"Yueyue, are you thinking of any way to escape? I said, it's useless, you can't escape from my palm." Wang Wuya's lips curled up with a cold arc, and the expression on his face was extremely high. The cold.

When the words fell, Suddenly Wang Wuya suddenly disappeared in place, Mu Qianyue was shocked, a strong wind rang behind him, and under shock, he quickly performed a stealth attack.

The light purple slender figure also disappeared into the air immediately, and quickly avoided.

The next moment, Wang Wuya appeared where she had stood before.

Wang Wuya caught a Kong, couldn't help but look up, only to see Mu Qianyue appeared five meters away from him at some point.

"Yueyue's body style is still as good as before." Wu Ya Wang sneered.

I don't know why, when he heard him shouting Yueyue, Mu Qianyue felt very awkward, but she couldn't change anything, so she had to let him go, just ignore it anyway. His body moved, volleyed and empty, his bare hand lifted lightly, tearing into the space in front of him, and suddenly a black passage appeared in front of him, and the depth of the passage was a little blue, like a vast starry sky.

Upon seeing this, Mu Qianyue couldn't help being overjoyed, as long as he entered this spatial passage, the barren ancient world was in front of him.

When Wu Ya saw this spatial channel, his face changed drastically, "Yueyue!!"

When Mu Qianyue was about to enter the space channel, she suddenly felt a tight waist, and looked down, a band of beast energy was wrapped around her waist, and a strong force came from behind, smashing her. Pulled back.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the arms of King Wuya, Mu Qianyue was shocked, and was about to make a move. Suddenly, she saw a pale golden light blasting out from the space channel above, bombarding the light belt formed by the beast energy. .

Hearing a muffled sound of ‘click’, the light tape was cut off.

A white light and shadow rushed like a stream of light.

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