Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 848: See also Shangguan Lengyi【2】

"Do I look that old?" The middle-aged woman's face was slightly distorted. In fact, she didn't look old. On the contrary, she was very beautiful, her charm still existed, and her skin was still smooth and white.

"Well, but you seem to be much older than us. If you don't call you aunt, do you want to call your sister? If you call your sister, you will suffer a lot from this generation! In order not to take advantage of you, I think it's more appropriate to call you aunt." Mu Qianyue said seriously.

"Qiao Yue, you are always so considerate. I want to learn from you." Qiao Zixian looked very moved.

The two sang together, leaving the middle-aged woman speechless. The expression on her face looked like constipation. It was very ugly and hated her. "Hmph, with sharp teeth, let you talk verbally. How about a little benefit? Later, you don’t even know how to die! Let’s be honest, did you kill Yinniang and Mu Changnan?"

"It's said that we don't even know the two you mentioned, and we haven't even seen each other, but you ask three times, or do you want us to kill both of them? Or did you kill both of them and marry Blame us?" Mu Qianyue looked at her suspiciously and vigilantly, with suspicion and suspicion on her beautiful face, "It must be you and them, killed them, and blamed both of us! Why do you want to Do this?"

Being so inverted by Mu Qianyue's black and white and distorting the facts, the middle-aged woman suddenly became angry. She really didn't expect Mu Qianyue's mouth to be so powerful. She pointed the finger at herself in a few words and couldn't help but furious, "Yin Niang I belong to Tianyin Pavilion, my junior sister, how could I kill her!"

"Then we have no reason!" Qiao Zixian said innocently.

"Chu Mingzhi, don't guess wildly and wrong people. Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian just came here, how could they kill people?" At this time, a man's mellow and friendly voice sounded from the crowd.

Mu Qianyue looked up, only to see that the other party was a handsome man about 30 years old. Although he looked very young, he was actually at least 40 or 50 years old, but the cultivators looked very young.

When she saw this man, Mu Qianyue suddenly felt a little familiar and kind, as if she had seen him somewhere.

"In the next gold, you are also the deputy commander of the seventh floor of this wild ancient world. Welcome you."

Jin Yicheng? When she heard this name, Mu Qianyue was stunned. The name sounded very familiar. Suddenly she remembered that her mother's name was Jin Yixin.

Is it a coincidence?

"Jin Yicheng, this matter is very strange. The matter hasn't been found out yet, do you want to favor these two people? Don't forget who is the orthodox leader of the seventh floor of the wild ancient world!" A middle-aged man in the crowd was angry. Dao, he looks like a tiger with a bear and a tall stature. He looks two or three minutes like the dead Mu Changnan.

As he said, he looked at Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian, "You'd better confess honestly, don't hide anything, otherwise no one can save you! Let's talk, how did you kill Yinniang and Mu Changnan?"

There is a strange light in his eyes, which is very shocking. If the concentration is not enough, he will easily be bluffed by him and break down the defense line of the heart to tell the truth.

But who is Mu Qianyue? How powerful is his mental power, how can he be bluffed by his short words and one look?

"I don't understand what you're talking about, are you trying to get rid of it? Or are you bullying us newcomers and letting us take the blame?" Mu Qianyue sneered.

"Mu Yongli, you are too much!" Jin Yicheng said angrily, "Don't just rely on your position as the orthodox leader, and just mess around! Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian are just first-order martial artists, how could they be Yinniang? And Mu Changnan’s opponent? Don’t forget, Yinniang is a fourth-order divine warrior, and Mu Changnan is a fifth-order divine warrior. Even if we want to kill them, it’s not easy. Do you think Mu Qianyue? Can you do it with Qiao Zixian?"

Hearing this, there was a flash of surprise in Mu Qianyue's eyes, and she couldn't help but glance at Jin Yicheng. Is he helping herself?

Mu Yongli's face changed, it was very ugly, almost gritted his teeth and forced him to ask, "Then you tell me why Yinniang and Mu Changnan's life cards are broken?"

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes very innocently, "You ask me, who am I asking? I am not responsible for keeping the life card."

"You..." Mu Yongli was so angry that his face turned blue, endless anger rolled in his chest, as if about to gush out, he sneered, "Okay, very good! Don't say yes, then don't blame me You are welcome!"

This morning Yinniang was originally invited by herself, but in order to prevent Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian from seeing Mu Qianyue first, he sent Mu Changnan out. He didn’t expect to get Mu Changnan. How did the news of Nan's death make him not shocked and angry?

Without even thinking about it, he could be sure that Yinniang and Mu Changnan were definitely killed by Mu Qianyue!

"Mu Yongli, don't go too far! This is a wild ancient world, not a place where you want to kill people at will!" Jin Yicheng saw this, his face changed, his figure moved, and he quickly stood in front of Mu Qianyue. Don’t forget, there are still law enforcement officers here! If you kill at will, I can only ask the law enforcement elders!"

Mu Yongli looked at Jin Yicheng with hatred in his eyes, his eyes looked like eating people, which was very ugly. His chest was violently up and down, obviously trying to suppress the anger in his heart, even the leader here, he had to worry Measure the power of law enforcement elders.

Mu Qianyue was very surprised for Jin Yicheng's help. Of course, she was also grateful. Although she was not afraid of the revenge of Mu's family and Tianyin Pavilion, she did save a lot of trouble.

"Okay! Today I will look at the face of the law enforcement elders and spare them both of their lives, but if I find evidence in the future, they must die without a place to bury them!" Mu Yongli's eyes widened and angry. Tao.

"Commander Mu, there is no need to find evidence, I am the evidence." At this moment, a man's dull and cold voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw a slender and tall figure coming in from the door. The man was dressed in a black mysterious robe, his face was like a crown, and he was very cold.

When Mu Qianyue saw this figure, her expression changed. This person was not someone else, but Shangguan Leng Yi, who had had enmity in the past.

He was the one who just spoke!

"What do you mean by this?" Mu Yongli narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

Chu Mingzhi, the middle-aged woman in Tianyin Pavilion, was pleased with a cold and cruel expression on her face. She looked at Shangguan Leng Yi who walked in and asked quickly, "This little brother, do you know something? If you have anything to say, no one can hurt you! If you can help our Tianyin Pavilion find the murderer, you will be the noble person in my Tianyin Pavilion in the future!"

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