Then everyone dispersed.

"Miss Mu, Miss Qiao, this area is a lodging area, this row of courtyards are all vacant, you two can choose a residence you like at will." Jin Yicheng brought Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian to a row of staggered rows. Youzhi smiled in front of the house.

"The environment here is much better than that of the ancient five and six, and there is such a spacious and elegant yard." Qiao Zixian's lips curled slightly, as if thinking of something, she stretched out her hand to hold Mu Qianyue's arm and smiled, "I share with Qianyue. A yard will do."

The design of each courtyard here is the same, with two rooms inside.

"Thank you for today's affairs." Mu Qianyue looked at Jin Yicheng, her expression on her eyes with rare seriousness and gratitude.

"Thank me, you don't have to. It's my responsibility to protect you." Jin Yicheng grinned. Suddenly, his face changed and became mysterious. He stepped forward and said softly, "But I'm really curious about you. How did you kill Yinniang and Mu Changnan? Did they really use poison? There is such a powerful poison in this world that it can poison a martial artist, tusk tusk!"

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's face changed, and there was a look of alertness in his eyes. He already knew? Then why did he pretend to believe that he is innocent?

As if guessing Mu Qianyue's thoughts, Jin Yicheng raised his hand and rubbed Mu Qianyue's hair, and smiled, "If I don't act like it, doesn't it prove that you are the murderer? Don't worry, my niece, uncle I won't cheat you!"

Uncle? Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes.

Qiao Zixian looked like a cloud and mist. When did Qianyue have an uncle?

"Is your mother named Jin Yixin? I come from the Jin family of the Jin family of the Huanzhou continent? I am from the Jin family, and Xin'er is my sister." Jin Yicheng said helplessly. There is no expression on this little guy's face. What? At any rate, he should show a little excitement, a little doubt, and a little shock!

Obviously it is a beautiful and deceptive face, but it is like an ancient well, without waves and traces, without any influence!

Really doubt that she is really only eighteen years old? Why is my mind so calm!

Feeling horrible!

"My mother's name is Jin Yixin, so what? I don't remember that my mother said that she has an older brother." Mu Qianyue's face became cold, and she turned and left.

"Hey, little niece, Xiaoyueyue, don't you go!" Jin Yicheng was taken aback, and quickly followed, with a smile on his face, "I know you are resenting my things in your heart... Hey, Forget it, explaining so much to you, it’s almost gone, but it’s just the past."

While speaking, Jin Yicheng's expression suddenly changed, becoming a little depressed and sad, and then turned and left.

Looking at his desolate and lonely back, Mu Qianyue frowned, and a trace of unbearableness passed through her heart.

"Qianyue, it seems very sad to look at him. Although I don't know your family history, maybe he has some difficulties?" Qiao Zixian said softly, seeing Mu Qianyue still frowning, she couldn't help but continue." Forget it, don't think about these things."

In the evening, Jin Yicheng came again, just to tell something about the seventh floor of the Wild Ancient Realm, but at this moment, there was a slight smile on his face, and there was no daytime sadness.

"After half a month, you will go to Yougu Mountain to go to the cracks in the space there. You can stay in the house during this period of time to practice and consolidate your strength. Don't walk around at night. The accommodation area is the safest area. ."

Mu Qianyue naturally understood Jin Yicheng's words, nothing more than that, don't go out at night, just stay in the accommodation area, even if Mu Yongli and Chu Mingzhi wanted to kill themselves, they couldn't find a chance to start.

"This area of ​​the lodging area not only has a protective cover to prevent monsters from rushing in, but also patrolling people. The safety value is absolutely first! Anyone who has hatred will not dare to be here, and will not start here! Unless you can silently Killing without interest!" Jin Yicheng continued.

Silently killing? The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips raised a cold and bloodthirsty arc. Mu Yongli and Chu Mingzhi had better not provoke themselves, otherwise she wouldn't mind sending them to reunite with Yinniang and Mu Changnan.

Looking up and seeing the cold and evil smile on the girl's face, Jin Yicheng couldn't help but shudder, "Little niece, why do you look so evil? Did you listen to me?"

"I heard it." Mu Qianyue raised her head and glanced at him lazily, her tone indifferent.

This made Jin Yicheng very speechless, and finally met her little niece, but why is her character so indifferent? Although Xin'er looked cold and cold before, at least she was very lively and lovely in front of him. She always loves to haunt him and act like a baby...

After the mother-in-law's confession, Jin Yicheng got up and left.

"Qianyue, it seems that your uncle cares about you very much. If I had such an uncle, I would be happy to die." Qiao Zixian said.

Mu Qianyue raised her lips and pulled out a smile that was not a smile. She did not speak, but looked at Jin Yicheng's disappearing back and frowned.

A faint light flashed quickly in the narrow black eyes, Jin Yicheng was her uncle, yes, but she didn't want to recognize the problem.

Back then, the Jin family could abandon her mother, and did not help when her mother and Mu family were in danger. Why did she recognize him?

Now he is eager to recognize her niece, who knows if it is true or false?

Can't blame Mu Qianyue for thinking too much, but the reality is too cruel, without absolute trust, she would not easily open her heart to a person.

At the same time, in the command courtyard in the center of the accommodation area, there was a slight voice of conversation in a room.

"Shangguan Lengyi, what you said during the day is true!" Mu Yongli asked with a pair of red eyes, looking at the young man in front of him.

"Naturally it is true!" Shangguan Lengyi replied.

"Do you know what happened to deceiving me?" Mu Yongli raised his head and a terrifying cold light surged in his eyes, threatening coldly.

"Commander Mu, I and Namu Qianyue have no grievances, why should I lie to wrong her? All this is what I have seen with my own eyes, there is no lie! The world knows that Mu Qianyue is a pill master, but Few people know that she is very poisonous, and her knowledge in poisoning is also very high. I saw her use poison in a trial match. At that time, she was only a junior paladin, but she was able to use it. Poison fascinated a high-level paladin and made him lose his combat effectiveness." Shangguan Leng Yi said in a calm tone.

While he was speaking, Mu Yongli kept staring at him closely, without moving a minute, and found that Shangguan Lengyi's expression was calm, his eyes were clear, and there was no sign of lying.

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