Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 859: Go away! 【1】

"Lady, do you need to kill someone? Give it to your husband to ensure that the task is completed perfectly." Nalanjing snorted, looked at Yu Huanfeng's purple eyes with a trace of coldness, and began to gear up.

When Yu Huanfeng saw this, he waved his hand and said, "Hey, you guardian wife, I am your brother, do you want to kill your brother?"

"Yue'er said you know too many secrets." A weird smile appeared on the corner of Nalanjing's lips.

Yu Huanfeng puckered the corners of her mouth fiercely when she heard the words, this short guard...

In desperation, he pretended to be puzzled and said, "Huh? Why can't I hear anything? Am I deaf? Oh, it's over, my ears are deaf. It seems I have to see a doctor... …"

Seeing his fake appearance, Mu Qianyue couldn't help covering her lips and smiling, "Forget it, let him live for the time being, if any secrets leak out, it won't be too late to kill him."

"Okay!" Nalan looked at her, and her eyes were full of pets, and she could just squeeze Mi'er.

Mu Qianyue smiled and blinked. In fact, she didn't even think about killing Yu Huanfeng. It was just a joke, and Jing just cooperated with her to mess around.

Yu Huanfeng sighed while shaking his head, and finally couldn't help but laugh, "Haha, you two are a good match."

"Nonsense, do you still have to talk about it?" Na Lanjing looked up and gave Yu Huanfeng a big eye.

"Well, I'm leaving, don't disturb your affection." Yu Huanfeng knew that it was just boring to stay, so she found a reason to slip away. He already knew what he wanted to know anyway. But I didn't expect Mu Qianyue's strength to be so terrible that he would kill Mu Yongli as well.

This strength is really shocking!

After Yu Huanfeng left, Nalanjing looked at Mu Qianyue, a trace of displeasure and helplessness in her purple eyes, "Sure, isn't it waiting for me to solve it?"

"As long as I don't meet the **** warrior, these people are not threatening to me. When I encounter problems that cannot be solved one day, I will find you." Mu Qianyue raised her lips and smiled, with such a powerful and talented change? There is a big tree to enjoy the shade.

But she doesn't want to rely on him for everything, so she will get used to him by her side, she will rely on him everywhere, she will lose the motivation to move forward, and she will wipe out the belief in her heart!

So she will only look for him when she can't solve the problem. This is also due to her character.

Just because she is too stubborn and persistent.

"Okay, you must remember, don't try to be aggressive, or I will punish you." Nalanjing hugged her tightly, spitting soft and soft words into her ears, bringing bursts of hot breath.

Thinking of the ‘punishment’ of that month, Mu Qianyue didn’t realize that his ears became red. In order to relieve the atmosphere, she lifted her head from his arms and asked, "What is your relationship with Yu Huanfeng?"

"In the past, I played together because of similar temperaments. The Huanfeng people were not bad." Nalanjing said lightly, but from his glass-like purple eyes, it can be seen that he still trusts Yu Huanfeng very much and his feelings are also good. .

The recognition by Nalanjing proved that Yu Huanfeng was indeed very wrong.

This was the first time she heard Jing compliment people.

It is rare to see that Nalanjing has a deep acquaintance, and Mu Qianyue couldn’t help being happy for him. Before that, apart from Cang Ming and Xuanye, there were really no one who could be called a deep acquaintance. .

At this moment, Qiao Zixian walked in from outside the courtyard with a serious expression, "Qianyue, Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian are here."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly, are they here for Mu Yongli's business? In any case, Mu Yongli is also a member of the Mu family, and they come to ask for trouble.

Nalanjing held her hand, her purple eyes flashed coldly, and said to Qiao Zixian, "Bring them in."

Qiao Zixian nodded, turned and walked out.

Mu Qianyue turned her head to look at Nalanjing, with a helpless expression, "Zixian is my good friend, when did he become your servant?"

"I'm just calling her, you are jealous? Xiaoyue'er, you have to remember that I'm your husband!" Nalanjing looked at her bitterly, and Qiao Zixian stayed with Yue'er day and night. His side really makes him a little jealous!

"Okay, I see, big vinegar bucket." Mu Qianyue smiled helplessly.

After a while, Qiao Zixian walked in with Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian.

Now the strength of the two of them has reached the realm of the martial artist.

Mu Ruke was very surprised when he saw Nalanjing, "Aren't you supposed to be punished in the ancient eighth-layer purgatory? How come you are here?"

"This is my business, you have too much control." Nalanjing snorted coldly.

Mu Ruke's face changed, only then did she realize that she had failed to say anything, she couldn't help but raised her lips, revealing an apologetic smile.

Mu Rutian, who was on the side, stopped doing it, his eyes were displeased, "Nalanjing, what does this mean? Is it bullying my sister?"

"What do you mean? What does that mean." Nalanjing's momentum remained undiminished, unparalleled.

"You..." Mu Rutian was furious, and Mu Ruke quickly grabbed him and shook his head at him, "Big Brother, I was wrong with this matter. I was the one who made a mistake."

"Humph!" Mu Rutian glared at Na Lanjing and stopped talking.

Looking at Mu Rutian's short-term protection, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but think of Da Mu Rufeng, who also protected short-terms like him, and didn't know how big brother is now.

"Let's talk about business. The elder of the Mu family sent us brothers and sisters here to investigate Mu Yongli and Mu Changsi, as well as the cause of Mu Changnan's death. After all, you had conflicts with them when you first came here. "Mu Ruke said directly without circumstance.

Sure enough, it was just as she had guessed. The corners of the lips were gently bent, and an innocent smile appeared on the beautiful face, "I know that your Mu family has lost so many powerful people at once. It must be very distressed, but you want to investigate, shouldn't you come to me?"

"Actually, you don’t need to worry. Our siblings are just coming here for a formality. In fact, my father has long wanted to get rid of Mu Yongli, but he has never had a chance. However, if you really kill Mu Yongli, you will go in the future. Gu Ninth Floor, then you have to be more careful. Okay, I've finished talking about it." Mu Ruke showed a deep smile on his face, raised his head to look at the man aside, "Brother, let's go. "

Soon the two left the yard together.

Seeing Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian disappearing back, Mu Qianyue pulled the corners of her mouth helplessly. Is she doing that obvious? Why is everyone suspicious of her? What a personal spirit!

"In the Ancient Seventh Floor, except for you, everyone else is less suspicious than you, but they are not sure of your strength, so they can only come to test you." Nalanjing saw her thoughts at a glance. Said softly.

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