Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 870: like her? ! 【2】

Before he finally made Mu Ruke look at herself more, remembering herself, and now a strange man suddenly appeared, how could this make him not annoyed?

He remembered that the man with blue hair and blue eyes was with Mu Qianyue before.

"What are you talking about?" Bing Yan's face suddenly became cold, and there was a fierce color in his ice blue eyes.

Shangguan Lengyi shuddered when he saw the look in his eyes, and shuddered with some fear, but when he thought of Mu Ruke, he couldn't help being bold, "I said you are obviously a beast, why do you want to wear a human? Skin, do you want to get close with this? I tell you, even if you put on human skin, you can't change the fact that you are a beast!"

"Looking for death!" Bing Yan's lips curled up with a hideous arc, and he blasted over with a palm of his hand.

Shangguan Lengyi was blasted off before he could avoid it, but his strength was not bad, his body turned around in the air, and he was already standing firm when he landed. He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, the expression on his face was cold and cruel.

"I think it's you who really want to get close to Kerr?" Bing Yan looked at him coldly, cold light surging in his ice blue eyes.

"Ke'er's name is also yours?" Shangguan said irritably. He looked at Mu Ruke, "Ke'er, don't get too close to him. He is a Warcraft, and Warcraft will never change him. Bloodthirsty nature. Who knows if he is at ease near you!"

"Enough!" Mu Ruke's face gradually cooled, and her phoenix eyes were full of dissatisfaction, "Shangguan Lengyi, I am very grateful to you for helping me before, but Bing Yan is my friend, I don't allow you to insult him so much! If you insult him like this next time, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Keer!" Shangguan Lengyi's expression changed.

"Shangguan Leng Yi, I don't know you so well, please don't call me Miss Mu by my nickname." Mu Ruke said coldly, who is good and who is bad, who is sincere and who is false, will she not tell?

Furthermore, Bing Yan didn't intend to approach her deliberately at all. He was arrogant and lonely. He had dismissed himself before. It was because of Qianyue's relationship that he became familiar with each other these days and became friends.

Otherwise, Yi Bingyan's cold temperament would never speak to strangers at all.

"Ker..." Shangguan Leng Yi shouted unwillingly.

"Please call me Miss Mu!" Mu Ruke's face was as cold as frost, and her voice was not as light as before, but with a hint of coldness and pride, a noble and strange breath burst out of her slender body.

Shangguan Lengyi's face became stiff and uncomfortable, "Miss Mu, I will see you again in two days."

After all, turning around and leaving quickly, staying will only make him more embarrassed.

"Bing Yan, let's go." After seeing him leave, Mu Ruke's expression eased and looked at Bing Yan.

Bing Yan's brows were furrowed tightly, and deep cold light flashed in his ice blue eyes.

"Bing Yan, are you angry about what happened just now? Actually, in my heart, you are the same as us. Both humans and monsters have their own dignity. I believe you!" The black bright eyes of the girl surged With a serious look, like a shining black gem, it is very fascinating.

Bing Yan gathered his thoughts, and a small smile appeared on his cold face, which melted like ice and snow in an instant, "How can I be mad at you, well, let's go for a walk, don't ruin the mood because of a villain."


The news of Mu Rutian's resurrection and waking up, like a hurricane, blew over the entire ancient seventh floor, but suddenly the ancient seventh floor seemed to explode.

"This is too bragging, right? If you die like that, you can actually save it! Na Mu Qianyue is not a human being!"

"Really! I saw Mu Rutian walking down the street this morning. At first I thought I was dazzled!"

"I heard that Mu Rutian is not only well, but also jumped three steps in a row. Now he is a sixth-order divine warrior!"

"What?! After resurrecting, you still jumped three steps? Are you sure you didn't brag?"

"Who brags to you! Everyone knows about this, okay?"

You can hear this fierce discussion wherever you go, and you can imagine how much shock Mu Qianyue has brought you this time!

It can be described as shocking!

Behind the crowd, there was a dark look, hateful eyes, fingers under the sleeves were tightly clenched, and they squeaked, and they could not vent the anger in his heart.

Mu Qianyue, Mu Qianyue again! Damn Mu Qianyue, I hate you!

If it hadn’t been for Mu Qianyue’s sudden appearance to take Mu Rutian away, he would be able to perform well in front of Mu Ruke, or if Mu Qianyue hadn’t rescued Mu Rutian, he would have a chance to get close to Mu Ruke and get His heart is supported by the whole Mu family...

Now all his plans are broken!

The appearance of Mu Qianyue two years ago caused him to lose his grandfather's love and the support of the Shangguan family overnight, and was abandoned, only to wander!

Now I have failed because of Mu Qianyue, and there is that nasty beast! A beast dared to **** him! dream!

Mu Qianyue, one day, I will kill you!

Shangguan Lengyi felt that his heart was full of anger.


Originally, Mu Qianyue was going to go to the ancient ninth floor a few days ago, because the rescue of Mu Rutian was delayed. Now that Mu Rutian is resurrected, it is time for her to go to the ancient ninth floor.

When Mu Qianyue was about to step into the portal, Mu Rutian suddenly walked over from the side, "Master, I will accompany you to Gu Jiu. I have already applied for the law enforcement elder."

"Let's go together then." Mu Qianyue nodded.

After reaching the Ancient Ninth Floor, there is no one to take you here, and everything depends on yourself.

The law enforcement elder had said this before coming in.

There are a total of forty-two Emperor Martial Artists on the Ancient Ninth Floor, yes, forty-two. Before that, she thought there were only a handful of emperor martial artists, but she didn't expect there to be forty-two!

There are also emperor martial artists in some big families in the Huanzhou Continent, but they have long been ignorant of the world, and have been closed for many years in order to understand the mystery of the gods.

So many people on the mainland thought that there was no emperor martial artist in the world, and that the ninth-order divine martial artist was the highest level.

If it weren't for this time to have the opportunity to enter the Ancient Ninth Floor, Mu Qianyue wouldn't know this either.

Generally, you have the opportunity to come into contact with deeper things or things when you reach a level. Otherwise, you will know a lot and it will be meaningless.

The sight is full of verdant mountains, clear mountains and green waters, beautiful flowers, beautiful as a fairyland.

The aura here is also very rich, much richer than the other layers, here is simply a holy place for cultivation!

It turns out that there are no time and space cracks here, and there are no monsters who will come in looking for death. The reason there are ancient nine layers is specially for those emperor martial artists who do not want to leave.

Here, these powerhouses, each of them is separated by a mountain, occupying the mountain as the king, as a place for cultivation.

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