Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 880: Yin Crazy Woman [2]

After resting in the cave for three days, her body recovered almost, and Mu Qianyue decided to go to Yinfeng Mountain to find a Yin Crazy Woman.

"Master, do you want to drive away alone?" Mu Rutian, dressed in a tight black robe, set off his slender and tall figure in a tight black robe, with a hint of playfulness on his lips.

Fortunately, he had known the master's mind a long time ago and had been waiting here early in the morning.

"Then go together." Mu Qianyue said lightly, and walked down the mountain.

Yinfeng Mountain is not far from Luyun Mountain, probably only a few tens of miles away, under the speed of Bingyan, but in just a few minutes, the two came to the foot of Yinfeng Mountain.

Yinfeng Mountain is not as cold as imagined, but the mountains here are a bit steeper, the cliffs are high, and the dense forest is quiet, so quiet that there are no insects or birds.

"It's a little weird here, be careful, you can follow behind me and follow my steps." Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and her black eyes glanced at the forest, and said to Mu Rutian beside her.

"En." Mu Rutian nodded and followed Mu Qianyue's side.

After entering the forest, the corners of Mu Qianyue's lips raised a slight arc. No wonder there were no insects and birds in this forest. It turned out that there are powerful poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers everywhere in this forest.

I am afraid that all the worms and birds in this forest have been poisoned to death before!

"Huh? What kind of flower is this? It's so beautiful!" Mu Rutian looked surprised at the bright red flower next to him.

The red petals open gently to meet the morning dew, like magnificent gems, dazzling, and the center of the flower core is a faint purple stamen, which is very attractive.

People can't help but have a feeling of holding it in the palm of your hand and taking good care of it!

Thinking about this, Mu Rutian involuntarily stretched out his hand.

"do not move!"

Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly, and she raised her hand to hit the back of Mu Rutian's outstretched hand. Mu Rutian suffered from a pain, and immediately responded, with a slightly wrong expression, "What happened to me?"

"You were stunned by this flower demon just now. The fragrance of this flower can be psychedelic." Mu Qianyue said as she shook her palm, she took out a jade box from the Tongtian Tower space, and then took out a pair of scissors. Carefully cut out the flowers, put them in a jade box, and put them into the space of Tongtian Pagoda.

"Master, why do you carry something like scissors with you?" Mu Rutian was really curious.

"As a pill pharmacist and a great poison master, I naturally need to prepare some tools for collecting medicinal materials." Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes. Anyway, he is also the young master of the Mu family, how could he feel so white! I don’t know such simple common sense!

In fact, Mu Rutian's life from childhood to adulthood was very simple, that is, practicing, eating, sleeping, studying, and he has never been exposed to things such as collecting medicine.

"Okay, let's continue walking." Mu Qianyue got up and continued to walk forward.

After walking for a while, Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up again, there are so many poisonous weeds in the Yinfeng Mountain! I met a lot better all the way!

"Unexpectedly, there are poisonous spider grasses here!" With a flick of his palm, he took out the medicine **** from the Tongtian Tower space without hesitation, and dig directly.

At first Mu Rutian was still very surprised, and then slowly got used to it, standing by and watching Mu Qianyue dig out poisonous weeds and let her go.

They walked in this way, and it was past noon when they reached the top of Yinfeng Mountain.

"Who are you? Dare to break into my Yinfeng Mountain!" A woman's cold voice suddenly sounded in front.

Mu Qianyue looked up and saw a woman in a dark purple dress standing in front of her. She was about thirty years old. One face was white and delicate, but the other half was covered with sword marks like ghosts, because After a long time, the flesh of those scars turned outward, very hideous.

Is this the yin crazy woman?

When she hadn't seen Crazy Yin before, Mu Qianyue thought Crazy Yin was an elderly grandmother, but unexpectedly she was so young, which really surprised Mu Qianyue.

"Xiao Nizi, you are very courageous. Picking my medicinal herbs along the way, is it happily?" Crazy Yin stared at Mu Qianyue with cold eyes, grinning with grinning white teeth.

"You planted all the medicinal materials of Yinfeng Mountain?" Mu Qianyue asked rhetorically without fear.


"Since it's not, why should I say that I use your medicine?" Mu Qianyue stared at the yin lunatic woman opposite, with a sharp tone in her cold tone.

"This Yinfeng Mountain is my site, naturally everything here belongs to me! Oh, Xiao Nizi, you are the first person who can make it to Yinfeng Mountain in such a safe and sound manner. You are indeed capable! But you Dare to speak to me in this tone, are you impatient?"

Yin Crazy Po angrily said with murderous intent in her eyes.

Seeing this, Mu Rutian hurriedly moved, blocking Mu Qianyue behind him.

Mu Qianyue stretched out her hand and patted Mu Rutian's shoulder, indicating that he didn't need to worry, stepped over him, stepped forward, and looked at Crazy Yin and smiled, "Crazy Yin, I just want you to make a deal."

"Huh! I rushed to Yinfeng Mountain for no reason and collected my medicinal materials, and now you dare to negotiate a deal with me? Xiao Nizi, if you don't want to die, get off the mountain immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Crazy Yin smiled. After that, turn around and leave.

Mu Qianyue noticed that her left foot was limping while she was walking.

"Crazy Yin, I heard that there is a Seven-Colored Flower in your hand. If I can heal the wound on your face and your leg disease, can you give me the Seven-Colored Flower?"

The young girl's clear voice resounded between the heavens and the earth, with a trace of firmness and fascinating self-confidence in the beautiful sound.

After hearing the words, the mad woman stopped and turned around, her cold gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, and a sneer of disdain appeared at the corners of her lips, "Little girl, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when talking big! Who are you? Why do you say that you can heal the wounds on my face and leg problems? One last word of advice, hurry up, or you will annoy me, be careful I kill you!"

"How about you, it's so unreasonable!" Mu Rutian was furious when he heard the words, his eyes showed dissatisfaction, and he always said murder, who she thought she was.

"Smelly boy, you're looking for death!" The mad woman's eyes were cold, her expression was extremely cold, bloodthirsty and hideous.

"Crazy Yin, don't you dare? Or are you afraid that I will be against you?" Mu Qianyue said, her lips curled slightly.

"Actually, you just need to treat this as a bet. If I can cure your face injuries and leg problems, it means you have a healthy body again! If I can't, you have nothing to lose!"

The expression on the yin mad woman's face changed constantly, and she thought for a long time, "Okay, I can promise you, if you can't heal my injury, humph! Don't blame me for being polite!"

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