Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 887: Mu Qianyue VS Yan Qingya [1]

Nalanjing's voice suddenly sounded in her ears, "Lady, I really don't know her. When you go up, you can just beat her up and remember that your husband will always support you behind you."

"Okay." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly, before moving on to the high platform.

As soon as Mu Qianyue came on the court, he immediately drew a cry of exclamation. The people of the Ancient Ninth Floor are no strangers to Mu Qianyue's reputation. Her name has been heard the most in recent time. It is nothing more than to say that she has only the strength of a martial artist, but she has come to the Ancient Ninth Floor.

"Mu Qianyue, do you know how Brother Jing and I met?" There was a lovely smile on the corner of Yan Qingya's lips, which was very confusing.

Mu Qianyue thought that if she hadn’t known her thoughts early in the morning, she might have been deceived by her innocent and lovely appearance. She thought, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, "My husband told me that day. But it was he who killed a beast with itchy hands. He didn't expect to save you. If it weren't for you to speak, he really didn't see anyone there. However, it is also strange that you are such a big person, I My husband didn't see it. I'm sorry, he has always had bad eyesight, so he can only see me."

Mu Qianyue's words were ruthless and sharp, as long as she was not a fool, she could understand the meaning of her words.

Yan Qingya's face changed, and a trace of anger surged in her slightly drooping eyes, and a young girl turned around and said that Brother Jing ignored herself!

After taking a few deep breaths, after calming down, her face showed a fascinating smile again ~ a generous smile, "Miss Mu, don't get me wrong, don't get angry, there is nothing between me and Brother Jing, I just appreciate it. His life-saving grace is nothing more. Brother Jing, although he looks cold and arrogant, he is really warm."

"Well, I understand, I have never misunderstood, because I believe him, no matter how other women seduce, even if they take off their clothes in front of him, he will not take a second look." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up slightly. Said with a calm smile on his face.

Who can compare to her when it comes to venomous tongue?

Yan Qingya, who was opposite, changed her face suddenly, her expression on her face suddenly turned sullen, extremely ugly, hateful young girl, she was clearly deliberately saying that she had taken off her clothes to attract brother Jing's interest! Ahhhhh! Young girl, I must kill you! How dare you insult me ​​like this, I won't let you go!

Obviously, she was so angry at Mu Qianyue's words that she was almost confused.

The faces of the onlookers could not help showing suspicious expressions. What did these two people stand on the stage and mutter for a long time? Why don't you do it? Is it chatting?

Although Nalanjing couldn't hear it either, but seeing the lips between Mu Qianyue and Yan Qingya, she understood it all.

There was a helpless and petting smile in the purple eyes, Yue'er's small mouth was really unforgiving. But what Yue'er was telling was the truth, even if Yan Qingya took off her clothes in front of him, he wouldn't take another look! He will feel dirty at a glance!

"Brother Jing is only temporarily looking bad. I believe that one day he will see other women and find that other women are better and more suitable for him! And that day will come when you will be abandoned! "Yan Qingya sneered, and a bit of murderous intent quickly flashed through the deep and secluded eyes.

As soon as his body moved, the sword light in his hand flew, a long sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and it stabbed Mu Qianyue fiercely.

Mu Qianyue's face became cold, and the breath of the fifth-order divine warrior radiated from her body, the life-killing sword was condensed and formed in her hand, and she moved forward without retreating, and rushed to face the sword light coming from the front!

For this battle, it just started, everyone felt that Mu Qianyue was defeated.

The difference between the fifth-order divine warrior and the first-order emperor warrior is not even a little bit! !

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, "This Mu Qianyue's talent is also abnormal! I heard that she has reached the realm of the fifth-order martial artist at the age of eighteen, but facing the first-order emperor martial artist, she is sure to lose!"

"Yes, the divine warrior can never defeat the emperor warrior!"

"Yes! It is estimated that she will be defeated in a while! They were talking just now, maybe she just hopes Yan Qingya can let her!"

I have to say that the imagination of these audiences is really rich.


The two sword lights slammed together violently, making a deafening sound.

Mu Qianyue only felt the tiger's mouth tingle, and the life-killing sword in her hand almost let go and flew. There was a torn pain, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and her footsteps stepped back dozens of steps. Can stand firm.

On the other hand, Yan Qingya on the other side only took a step back and stood firm. His body and aura remained the same, without the slightest change.

Everyone's eyes were clear, look, they knew that Mu Qianyue would definitely not be Yan Qingya's opponent, and after two more moves, she would lose!

A faint smile hung on the corners of Yan Qingya's lips, she looked very elegant, "Mu Qianyue, you should give up, you won't be my opponent. Instead of wasting your energy, it is better to go back to practice, maybe a few years later, You will be my opponent."

Her voice was not too loud or too small, and it happened to be clearly in the ears of everyone present.

After hearing the words, everyone nodded in agreement, and looked at Yan Qingya with a hint of first reward. She is indeed the eldest princess of the Yanhuang Empire, she is educated! She has such a good temper and she kindly advises Mu Qianyue not to waste her energy!

If it were someone else, Mu Qianyue must have been brutally tortured.

Under the competition stage, Nalanjing's eyes were stained with coldness.

"Oh, is it?"

Mu Qianyue reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth. At this moment, she was no longer hidden. The Nine Changes of Tai Chi and the Azure Dragon Bloodline talents were all activated, and her momentum soared in an instant, rising like a rocket, frightening everyone on the spot.

Everyone opened their mouths in horror and stared at them, how could they suddenly become the peak of the ninth-order divine warrior?

This strength is also rising too fast! What martial skill is this? It's so amazing!

Yan Qingya's face changed, a little cold, with a hint of sarcasm, "Even if you barely reach the peak of the ninth-order divine warrior, what about the peak? You will still not be my opponent! I will let you understand the difference between the divine warrior and the emperor warrior. Gap!"

Having said that, an aura radiated from her, shrouded towards Mu Qianyue, that was the power of the domain space!

The faces of everyone showed the same expression, Mu Qianyue would not be Yan Qingya's opponent after all. Even if she could quickly improve her strength in a short time, she could not match the domain space.

Domain space is the biggest difference and division between Shenwuzhe and Emperorwuzhe!

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