Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 889: Mu Qianyue VS Yan Qingya [2]

Seeing the huge blue dragon pounced, the expression on Mu Qianyue's face did not change too much. The realm of life suddenly changed at this moment. Numerous ghosts and resentful spirits appeared, roaring in anger, and making a stern sob. .

The air was overcast and windy, the temperature plummeted, and the world was dim.

Looking at the scene ahead, everyone almost thought that they had come to **** on earth!

Countless ghosts and resentful spirits suddenly merged together, forming a huge monster that is hundreds of feet tall. The two huge palms are blue and green, and the sharp nails are colder and terrifying than the blade.


The demon let out an angry roar, and directly rushed towards the Qinglong rushing forward!

When everyone saw this scene, their faces showed horror. Why did the sky suddenly change? And there are countless ghosts and resentful spirits, what is going on? Did they suddenly come to hell?

When they saw the demon that had been fused with countless ghosts and grievances, their hearts trembled fiercely, and they were greatly shocked, and many people showed horror in their eyes.

"This, this is the realm of death?" A flash of horror flashed across the chief referee's eyes, his eyes widened with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"What? Death, the realm of death?" After hearing this, the second referee was frightened, and swallowed fiercely. When he looked up at the giant demon, there was a trace of palpitations in his eyes.

After hearing this, everyone around opened their mouths in horror.

"What? The referee said this is the realm of death?"

"What is the realm of death?"

"I heard that the realm of death can summon the evil spirits in hell, which is equivalent to opening the door of hell!"

"Damn! So awesome!"

"But isn't Mu Qianyue the realm of life? Why does a realm of life suddenly appear?!"

Just as everyone was in awe of the discussion, the chief referee's shock sounded again next to him, "Mu Qianyue, is definitely a genius that is rare in thousands of years! What she has realized is the realm of life and death! Life and death! , Life and death, change at will, unpredictable!"

"What? Realm of life and death?"

Everyone is not calm at this moment!

The realm of life and death is a dual realm! How could Mu Qianyue's luck be so good! Actually realized the dual realm!

The people around were so jealous that their eyes were reddened. !


The demon and Qinglong collided fiercely.

A huge sound and a powerful explosion severely tore the space open a huge crack, and the two referees quickly flew up into the air to heal the space with true energy.

The two forces entangled, ripped, merged and turned into a huge mushroom cloud.

The powerful and unparalleled energy oscillated between the world and the earth, causing the space to be distorted again, and for a while, dust flew in the air, and rocks shot.

Some people who were close by were violently scraped out by those violent vigor, shaking so that their internal organs were about to shift.

Yan Qingya's face turned pale, her figure flew upside down fiercely, and crashed into the competition platform, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, as if seriously injured.

And Mu Qianyue was also smashed out by that force, and fell to the other end of the competition table, vomiting blood, and was also seriously injured.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being stunned. Is this peace?

However, they saw that Mu Qianyue's eyes were still deeply shocked, and she actually made a tie with the first-order emperor with the strength of the fifth-order divine warrior! !

This is incredible!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it was true!

Because all this is really incredible!

The two referees looked at each other, and one of them murmured, "Who loses and who wins in this situation?"

"Win both?"

"How can it work, there is only one in the dream!"

"Those two lose? Give this token to someone else?"

"I'm afraid this is wrong!"

"Whoever falls first is the one who loses!"

"The problem is that they both fell together!"

The referee suddenly got into trouble and looked sad. This is the first time he has encountered such a difficult problem!

"Yes! Let the two of them draw lots! Whoever catches it will get a dream order!"

"Hey, it seems that this method can only be used!"

"Can you two get up?" The chief referee looked at Yan Qingya and then asked Mu Qianyue.

Yan Qingya's beautiful face was bitterly cold. She looked up at Mu Qianyue who was opposite, with a trace of resentment in her eyes. What a miscalculation! Actually tied with Mu Qianyue! This is simply a shame to her!

Mu Qianyue is only a Tier 5 Divine Martial Artist, but she is a Tier 1 Emperor Martial Artist. Although the two were tied, in general she lost, to someone who was below her five realms!

No matter how unwilling she is in her heart, it is true!

Mu Qianyue's eyes were deep, and she took a few breaths without speaking.

"Ahem...Since you can't stand up, let's grab it..."

Lot...The word hasn't come out yet, but Yan Qingya stood up, her lips raised slightly with a sneer, "Wait, I can fight again."

Everyone couldn't help but their gazes changed. They looked at Mu Qianyue with a trace of sympathy. It seemed that she was defeated, and she seemed to be unable to get up.

"Okay, then I will pronounce Yan Qing..." The referee was sentenced again before he finished speaking.

"Wait! I can fight again!"

I saw that Mu Qianyue also quickly took a few healing pills, her breath became much more stable, and she stood up again, even speaking more forcefully than before.

"Um..." The referee was taken aback when he heard the words. Are these two people going to continue to fight?

But seeing them like this, even walking is a problem, how to fight?

"The realm of life!"

After Mu Qianyue calmed down, she moved her mind and forcibly displayed the realm of life again, her pale face turned white again, and another mouthful of blood spurted out. But after the Realm of Life was displayed, the wound on her body healed immediately!

The pale complexion slowly returned to rosy, and the true vitality that had been consumed was also full in an instant!

This is simply resurrection full of blood!

On the other hand, Yan Qingya, who was on the opposite side, was still seriously injured, with weak aura, and it was impossible to have the ability to fight again!

At this moment, there were countless exclamations, exclamations, exclamations, and envy!

"Ahhhhhhh!! The realm of life is really good! It is an invincible existence!"

"I really want such a realm of life too!!"

"Mu Qianyue, are you accepting disciples? I want to worship you as a teacher!"

"Mu Qianyue, you really deserve to be a genius among geniuses! The dark horse among the dark horses!"

"Mu Qianyue, I really admire you! You are simply my idol!"

"You are also my idol, idol, I love you!"

"Mu Qianyue, I love you!!"

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