Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 891: Don’t forget the heart...【1】

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, and Nalanjing's voice sounded in her ears, "Lady, what are you looking at? Is he handsome?"

"No, I just think he is very pitiful." Mu Qianyue returned to her senses, and when she looked at Nalanjing, her lips raised a small smile.

Nalanjing's purple eyes were cold, and he hummed softly, "Poor people must be hateful."

After Mu Lingheng's test was over, it was Mu Rutian's turn.

Mu Rutian's opponent was a big man who had been promoted to the realm of Emperor Martial Arts for a year. He was tall and magnificent, and looked very tough.

"Hey, this round, I have benefits!" The big man grinned, his face was full of excitement and looked at Mu Rutian. He thought he would have no chance in this dream language contest, but he didn't expect it. His luck was so good that he actually met a seventh-order martial artist, who seemed to be the genius of the Mu family who had applied for it some time ago.

The nine elders of law enforcement even agreed! Many people were surprised at that time!

Mu Rutian's handsome face was a bit cold, and the narrow, black eyes were filled with cold and severe light, and the fingers under the sleeves clenched into fists.

He can't lose this battle! The master has already obtained the Dream Yuling, and entering the City of Dreams, he must also get the Dream Yuling, so as to better protect her!

This is what he promised her, and it is also his promise!

"Boy, I advise you to give up, don't ask yourself hardship, otherwise my fist will not be merciful." Mu Pengqing smiled.

In the audience, Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed lightly, "Elder Heng, what kind of strength is this person, is there hope for Tian Tian?"

"He is a supreme elder of the Mu Family in Muzhou. He is 120 years old. He is a Tier 1 Emperor Martial Artist. However, he has not yet realized the realm space. The Young Master should have some hope." Mu Linghengcha He wiped the blood from his mouth and said to Mu Qianyue.


Most of the emperor martial artists in this ancient nine levels are people from the six bloodline families and eight physical families.

Take the two referees, one is from the Bai family and the other is from the Tengshe family.

Mu's family was originally Mu Linggang, but it was a pity that they were killed by Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian.

There is also a Taishang elder from the Shangguan family who got the Dream Language Order through the competition. Speaking of Shangguan's family, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but think of Huo Xi, and hadn't seen him for a long time. After a farewell that year, Huo Xi returned to the family to accept the inheritance for a year, and she didn't know how he was now.

Speaking of it, two years have passed.

Having accepted the family inheritance, he doesn't know what level of strength he has reached!

"Oh, it turns out that he didn't realize the realm space..." Mu Qianyue deliberately said loudly, her voice was not too loud, it happened to be able to reach Mu Rutian's ears on the stage.

Mu Rutian's eyes brightened when he heard this, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and his expression became excited. The other party has no domain space, which is much easier! The domain space is really powerful! Especially after seeing Mu Qianyue's domain and space, Mu Rutian became a little jealous.

Therefore, when Mu Qianyue said that Mu Pengqing hadn't realized the realm space at this moment, she couldn't help but feel a wave of joy and excitement.

"Smelly girl, who made you talk nonsense! You are clearly cheating!" Mu Pengqing's expression changed as he turned to look at Mu Qianyue with a trace of anger and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"The referee didn't say that people onlookers are not allowed to speak. If even speaking is considered cheating, then everyone has cheated before." Mu Qianyue's lips pulled up with a smile.

The referee of the Bai family nodded when he heard the words, "Mu Qianyue is right, saying that is not cheating. Mu Pengqing, don't be okay to find trouble. If you want to fight, fight quickly."

The crowd of onlookers also nodded their heads, expressing agreement with Mu Qianyue's words. Mu Peng was so angry that his face suddenly became black.

This is obviously a loophole! But he knew that Mu Qianyue deliberately took advantage of the loopholes, so what could he do?

The rules of the game did not say that onlookers could not speak! Moreover, what Mu Qianyue said did not violate the rules of the game or anything!

"I haven't fought an emperor martial artist yet, now let me try the strength of an emperor martial artist." Mu Rutian snorted coldly, his body moved, and took the lead in attacking Mu Pengqing, preemptively.

Mu Pengqing looked cold, holding his fist in his hand, and rushed towards Mu Rutian.

Mu Rutian and the Mu Family's Supreme Elder Mu Pengqing fought equally fiercely. Various true energy and martial skills collided, rubbing the air, and found a harsh and sharp sound.

"Qinglong blood, talent is unlocked." With fingers pinched, Mu Rutian directly displayed the power of Qinglong blood, and the terrible blood pressure radiated from him, majestic and heart palpitating.

Mu Pengqing, as the inheritor of the eight physique wood family, is not weak in strength, possessing lignin elements, and his combat effectiveness is also amazing.

At first, the two were on a par, but gradually everyone found that Mu Pengqing was actually suppressed ~ at a disadvantage!

Suddenly there was a groan on the scene.

"Mu Rutian has actually reached the bloodline of the grandmaster level, lady, did you help him?" Nalanjing asked with her purple eyes narrowed, head sideways.

"Well, he accidentally saved him that time. He not only jumped three steps, but also broke through the bloodline and rushed to the realm of the Grandmaster. Oh, yes, he also absorbed a lot of the aura from the Ring of Life." Mu Qian Yue thought for a while and said.

"No wonder I felt a familiar breath in him." Nalanjing said.

"What familiar breath?"

"He absorbs not only the vital energy of the Ring of Life, but also Sheng'er's life essence, so his blood can break through to the Grandmaster level so quickly." Nalanjing said lightly.

Mu Qianyue's eyes stared incredibly at the words, "Sheng'er's natural spirit?"

Why doesn't she know? Why didn't Shenger come out and say?

"Will this affect Sheng'er?" An uneasy feeling surged in her heart. Mu Qianyue hated her momentary carelessness, but she didn't expect that Mu Rutian would absorb Sheng'er's life essence.

"Lady, don't worry, you lose half of your life essence. This will not have much impact on Sheng'er. As long as you recuperate for a period of time, you can bring it back. But in the future, the fate of Sheng'er and Mu Rutian may be tied up. Together." Nalanjing comforted, frowning involuntarily.

"If Mu Rutian is injured, Shenger will be injured?"

Nalan spotted his head.

"Then what if Mu Rutian is dead?"

"Even though Sheng'er won't die, she will suffer a great backlash." Nalanjing said, lowering her head to see Mu Qianyue's self-blame and worry, she couldn't help but said, "This is Mu Rutian's good fortune, and perhaps it is also It’s the fate between Sheng'er and Mu Rutian. Everything will come naturally."

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