Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 902: Howling in the wind [1]

The expected pain did not come. Instead, he heard the screams of the demon, Situ Mingrui opened his eyes suspiciously.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the stunning figure, which slammed into his sight.

Beautiful face, dazzling black eyes like stars, bright pink lips, cool body...

is her!

That girl from last night!

Did she save herself?

"Who are you?" Seeing someone coming, the two demon's eyes suddenly became fierce and vigilant, and they stared at Mu Qianyue fiercely.

"We are naturally humans." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a slight curve, and she was holding a silver needle between her slender fingers. It was obvious that she had just shot.

Next to her walked a peerless person with the same look, but a man, dressed in a white coat like snow, like frost like a flower, and what was strange was that he had a pair of stunning purple eyes.

Behind the girl in purple is a man and a woman.

When Elder Ming and Shen Qingshuang saw Mu Qianyue's party appear, their faces suddenly showed excitement and joy, and their tight heart couldn't help letting go.

"You are so courageous, how dare you want to swallow our human true energy?" Mo Shang Fengling's eyebrows were filled with coldness.

The two demons glanced at each other, and suddenly they shook their bodies and turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the air. Obviously they saw that there were too many people, and they ran away when they knew they had missed the opportunity.

This made Mu Qianyue a little surprised. She wanted to make a move, but they ran fast.

"The old man is grateful and disrespectful for the help of several people." After taking a healing pill, the elder Ming got up and walked to Mu Qianyue and his party, clasping his hands, with a hint of sincerity on his slightly old face With gratitude, there was still a lingering tremor in his muddy eyes.

Had it not been for Mu Qianyue's sudden arrival, today I am afraid that he, the young master, and the young lady would be more ill-fortuned.

"Many of you help each other." Situ Mingrui walked up to Mu Qianyue and the others, and said with a look of gratitude. He really didn't expect it to be Mu Qianyue and the others, and he didn't expect that they would help out regardless of the predecessors.

Shen Qingshuang's face turned pale and red, alternating blue and red, looking at Mu Qianyue with complicated eyes, her fingers under her sleeves tightly twisted together, biting her lips, and asking her to say thankful words, she really couldn't say it! As long as the thought that the woman she hated had saved herself, there was an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

So she bowed her head without saying a word.

"If it is someone else, it will be saved."

Mu Qianyue said indifferently, she didn't even look at Shen Qingshuang, who originally expected her to thank her, because she had never thought of saving her.

It was just that when elder Ming and Situ Mingrui were saved, she was saved by the way.

Although Shen Qingshuang looks very annoying, but Elder Ming and Situ Mingrui are people who value love and righteousness. It can be seen from the friendship between their masters and servants that they do not abandon each other at that time. This is what makes Mu Qian. I appreciate it.

Because she will never abandon friends and relatives in crisis!

Furthermore, at any rate Elder Ming and Situ Mingrui are both humans.

"In any case, Situ Mingrui wrote down this great favor! If there is a chance to repay the favor in the future, I will never postpone it!" Situ Mingrui said.

Mu Qianyue ignored him, but looked at Nalan Jingdao beside him, "Jing, let's go, it's not early."

"En." The man reached out his hand towards her.

Ten fingers intertwined, never give up.

Peerless back, it looks like a good match, beautiful, and harmonious.

Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian still followed behind.

"Young Master, what shall we do? Do you want to follow?" Elder Ming took a breath and stepped forward and asked.

Situ Mingrui frowned lightly, and then stretched out, "Follow them, it's relatively safer. These four people are not easy."

Follow them behind, so that you can avoid encountering people from the devil world again. Although it is a bit shameful, there is no way now.

"What? Cousin, you said to follow them? Are we going to follow them?" Shen Qingshuang shouted dissatisfied, eyes full of incredible expression.

Elder Ming gave her a disdainful look, "Miss Biao, if you think you have the ability to walk to the top of the magic mountain alone, I won't stop you."

With a ‘huh’, Shen Qingshuang’s face instantly turned pale, she bit her lip, how could she have that ability!

If she had that ability, she wouldn't be helpless when facing two demons, only to be abused!

Seeing her successfully shut up, Elder Ming's face showed a trace of satisfaction. Regardless of her, he stepped up and followed Situ Mingrui.

Shen Qingshuang reluctantly followed behind, even if she didn't want to, she could only follow behind, because the devil was so terrible! Can actually eat people!

Thinking of the scene just now, her heart is still beating, even if she doesn't like that woman, she has to admit that they saved herself!

Soon, the sky dimmed, and a round of sunset hung in the sky, gilt golden afterglows covered the sky, and the red sunset glow was extremely magnificent, like a scroll of thick ink.

But Mu Qianyue and his party were not interested in watching, because it was about to get dark!

If you can’t reach the top of the mountain safely before dark, you’re in trouble!

"En? Why did they speed up? Are they afraid that we will follow them?" Shen Qingshuang muttered dissatisfied, it must be like this! Humph!

"They are not such people! If they didn't want us to follow, they would have been able to get rid of us long ago!" Situ Mingrui frowned, and all three of them were seriously injured. Although they persuaded some healing pills, they would have no problem. No recovery.

If Mu Qianyue wanted to get rid of them, it would be easier than waiting until now.

"Maybe the situation has changed, young master, we also hurry up, so as not to happen." Elder Ming thought for a moment and said.

"En." Situ Mingrui nodded, couldn't help speeding up, and quickly followed.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark for an instant, and the last bit of sunlight in the sky penetrated into the horizon, and the vast and dark sky was like a monster with a huge mouth pounced at them.

Mu Qianyue's face changed suddenly, and it was dark! But they have not yet reached the top of the mountain, there is only one kilometer away from the top!

"Ah roar!!"



All kinds of sounds suddenly sounded in the air, mixed with crying, stern roars, and terrifying.

The gust of wind whistled, the cold breath rushed forward, and countless evil spirits and wraiths were suspended in the air, spreading their teeth and claws, terrifying, as if they had arrived in the nether **** in an instant!

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