Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 911: Provoking disputes [1]

Although they were fighting just now, they were all paying attention to the Nine-Leaf Golden Lotus, and they obviously didn't see anyone approaching the Nine-Leaf Golden Lotus!

How come the nine-leaf golden lotus disappeared?

At this moment, the stone room was quiet. Everyone stared at each other with wide-eyed eyes. They all felt that the other party had secretly taken the Nine Leaf Golden Lotus.

Mu Qianyue was standing outside with Nalanjing, Mu Rutian, and Moshang Fengling, so the suspicion at this time was relatively small.

A pair of eyes immediately locked on the person closest to the position of Jiuye Jinlian, his eyes revealed fierce and murderous aura.

"Grass! Why look at me with such a look? I have been fighting with you just now, how can I have time to get the nine-leaf golden lotus!"

"I didn't take Nine Leaf Golden Lotus either! I didn't even have a chance to get closer!"

"Hi! Why did you look at me like this, it wasn't me who took it!"

"Damn! Whoever took the nine-leaf golden lotus and stood up honestly to Lao Tzu!"

A series of roars sounded in the stone chamber, simple and rude.

After a brief silence, bursts of unstoppable roars erupted.

At this moment of tumult, Yan Qingya walked out, with a touch of coldness and arrogance hanging on her beautiful face, "I know who took the nine-leaf golden lotus."

Her voice was like a bomb dropped into the lake, which immediately caused a boil, and she looked at her one after another.

"Girl, who did you see took the nine-leaf golden lotus?"

"Whoever took it, just say, I am here, and no one will dare to hit you!"

"Yes! Nine-leaf Golden Lotus has nine leaves, which belong to everyone! It's not good for one person to steal it! Anyway, I have to share it evenly!"

Voices came one after another.

Yan Qingya's gaze swept across everyone's faces, and finally fell on the lavender figure behind the crowd, "She took the nine-leaf golden lotus."

Everyone followed her gaze. When they saw Mu Qianyue, their eyes flashed with different gazes, and they suddenly became murderous. No matter if what Yan Qingya said is true or not, I would rather kill by mistake and can't let it go. !

Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a sneer, "I'm standing at the back, and I don't even have a chance to get in. How can I get the Nine-Leaf Golden Lotus?" As she said, she looked up at Yan Qingya, and her black pupils were surging With a scornful look, "Yan Qingya, do you think you can get my husband's love by removing me by someone else's hand? Humph, my husband only likes gentle and kind women, like you, a snake-hearted woman, why? It might be in his eyes!"

Mu Qianyue's words undoubtedly told others that Yan Qingya was because of love and hatred, and wanted to kill with a knife.

The eyes of everyone suddenly showed doubts, and the gazes looking at Yan Qingya became contemptuous. Yeah, Mu Qianyue had been behind just now, and couldn't even get inside. Where would the time be to get the nine-leaf golden lotus?

Xiao Lanyan's eyes lit up when he heard this. He likes gentle and kind women? If you perform well in front of him, will you win his favor?

"Who are you? Could it be you who took the nine-leaf golden lotus?" Xiao Lanyan looked at Yan Qingya with vigilance, her eyes full of vigilance and suspicion, Nalanjing was the man she fancy, this Women want to grab?

She felt that this Yan Qingya was the most dangerous. After she solved Yan Qingya, she would find a way to kill Mu Qianyue.

Anyway, Nalanjing belongs to her in the end!

"I didn't take it!" Yan Qingya's face turned blue with anger. She wanted to kill Mu Qianyue with everyone's desire for Jiuye Jinlian, but she didn't expect to be provoked in a few words, and now another idiot came out! She's so annoying!

"Huh! I think it's you! When we were in a group just now, you didn't seem to be by the side!" Mo Shang Feng Chime added fuel to the fire at this time.

"Yeah! I also remembered that she has been by the side without making any moves, she must be waiting for an opportunity to steal the Nine Leaf Golden Lotus." Mu Rutian said quickly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Immediately one after another eyes locked on Yan Qingya's body.

"I seem to remember that she attacked in the direction of Jiuye Jinlian, but then Jiuye Jinlian disappeared." One person said with confusion.

"Okay! It's the nine-leaf golden lotus you took, hand it over to me!" Xiao Lanyan seized the opportunity, and even more bit Yan Qingya.

Yan Qingya's delicate face was extremely ugly, and her eyes were filled with appalling blue energy.

"You idiot woman, Mu Qianyue took Jiuye Jinlian away." In a rage, Yan Qingya cursed directly.

"What? How dare you call me an idiot! The fourth elder, the fifth elder, kill her!" Xiao Lanyan roared.

Of course, Hao Kailin could not miss such a good flattering opportunity, and hurriedly stepped forward, "I, Hao Kailin, generally never beat women, but you should never mess with my Yaner! You two together Go get her up and vent my anger at Yan'er!"

He sneered and said to the two Poison Dance Sect elders behind him.

Seeing the four emperor martial artists approaching, Yan Qingya suddenly became difficult to look, Yan Fengxie immediately stepped up in front of her, her handsome face was cold.

The atmosphere suddenly became rigid and solemn, and a battle was on the horizon.

Looking at the scene ahead, Nalanjing squeezed Mu Qianyue's hand, and a faint resentment flashed in her purple eyes, "Lady, are you using me as a shield?"

"Well, don't use it for nothing, I didn't expect the effect to be good." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a sly, the corner of her lips twitched, let the two women fight!

In fact, what she said later was deliberately spoken to Xiao Lanyan. Using Xiao Lanyan's eldest temperament to deal with Yan Qingya, it seemed that the effect was not bad.

"Lady, you are so bad."

Nalanjing's purple eyes stared at her depressedly, humming, and then punishing her this little fairy when she returned.

Seeing Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing being infinitely affectionate, Yan Qingya's face looked even more ugly. The kind of anger and desire that couldn't be asked for grew crazily in her heart, and she was scratching her heart and lungs and was extremely uncomfortable.

But there were four emperor warriors in front of her, and she had no chance to attack Mu Qianyue. What's more, Mu Qianyue was guarded by Nalan Jing?

Yan Qingya raised her eyes and glanced coldly at Mu Qianyue and Xiao Lanyan. With a movement, she flicked to the side and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Yan Fengxie immediately followed.

Everyone looked up and found that there were several passages next to them. Because of the dim light just now and the crowds, they didn't know which passage Yan Qingya had entered.

"Damn it! Let her run away! The Nine Leaf Golden Lotus must be on her!" Xiao Lanyan was slightly angry.

"You two, go after it!" In order to perform well in front of Xiao Lanyan, Hao Kailin ordered the two Poison Dance Sect elders to chase.

The two Poison Dance Gate elders respectively entered a passage and chased them in.

When the others saw this, they looked at each other and followed their respective channels. There were originally more than 30 people in the stone room, but dozens of people were left in the blink of an eye.

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