I saw the ghost in white open his big hideous mouth, sneered, and rushed towards her.

Mu Qianyue's expression changed, she quickly let go of her hand, and the Extinction Sword in her hand condensed, and was about to pierce it with a sword. The white ghost suddenly became like Nalanjing.

Affection and concern are surging in the purple eyes like glass, "Lady, what's the matter with you?"


Just as Mu Qianyue was taken aback, the next moment Nalanjing changed back to the appearance of a ghost in white clothes, rushed towards her, and bit her shoulder severely, and was torn off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The sweet smell of blood floated in the air.

Mu Qianyue hurriedly summoned the field of birth, the wound on her shoulder healed instantly, and at the same time she summoned the armor of the Azure Dragon Bloodline, her ink hair suddenly turned blood red, and her black eyes turned crimson.

Under such defense, when the white-clothed ghost rushed forward again, he got toothache and grinned, showing a hideous and angry expression.



Suddenly more and more ghosts and ghosts appeared, one, two, countless, swarming.

Even if Mu Qianyue's Azure Dragon Bloodline armor was strong, it was torn apart by Shengsheng, the power of this group of evil spirits was very powerful!

During the Vietnam War, Mu Qianyue found that the number of evil spirits increased, and their power seemed to be gradually becoming stronger. After a while, she suffered a lot of injuries.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind, is she entering an illusion?

Concentrating and holding her breath, Mu Qianyue abandoned all distracting thoughts in her heart and hugged the spirit platform. When she opened her eyes again, the surroundings were still full of chaos, resenting spirits and ghosts overwhelming the sky.

by! It's useless!

Isn't this an illusion?

It's not an illusion, where did Nalanjing go?

No, this must still be in the illusion! It's just that she has not broken this illusion!

"The realm of death!"

A coldness flashed in the black pupils, the realm of death opened, and the resentful spirit and evil ghost immediately enveloped it.

The shocking scene happened to Mu Qianyue, and the evil spirits in the realm of death that she had summoned did not listen to her thoughts! Attacking with those resentful spirits and evil ghosts already made Mu Qianyue not clear which one is her ghost!

I'm going to fuck!

What the **** is this!

This illusion is so powerful!

Now Mu Qianyue has the desire to die, this is digging a hole to bury herself!

Does it hurt? !

When Mu Qianyue was extremely depressed, suddenly there was a sudden movement in the dantian, and a blood-red flower flew out of the dantian and hovered in front of her eyes.

In the middle of the blood-red flowers, there was a baby who was only one-third the size of a little finger, with a delicate and beautiful face, soft and lovely skin, which could be broken by blowing.

At this moment it was naked, with an umbilical cord attached to the cute little belly button, and the other end of that umbilical cord was connected to her body!

This scene made Mu Qianyue's eyes widened in surprise, what's the matter? Isn't this the blood spirit flower that she had absorbed before?

However, at that time Mu Qianyue only absorbed the blood spirit flower, and did not refine the little person in the blood spirit flower.

At that time, seeing the little figure in the blood spirit flower was so cute, soft and waxy, Mu Qianyue was very reluctant, so she stored it in her dantian. Now it is alive?

A faint red light shrouded in front of his eyes, exuding a cold and bloodthirsty breath.

I saw an invisible force emanating from the blood spirit flower, absorbing all the floating resentful spirits around! All of them were sucked on the little man in the middle of the blood spirit flower in an instant!


A slight hiccup came from the blood spirit flower, and Mu Qianyue blinked in surprise, with a strange expression on her face. Is it full?

The next moment, I saw the blood spirit flower returned to her body.

Without these resentful spirits and evil spirits, Mu Qianyue held her breath again and hugged the spirit platform. This time when she opened her eyes, she saw Nalanjing's concerned face, with a worried look in her purple eyes. .

"Miss, what happened to you just now?"

"Jing?" Mu Qianyue looked at him and felt the warmth from the palm of her hand. She knew that she had broken the illusion.

Thinking of the scene just now, Mu Qianyue shook her head and smiled, "I'm fine, I accidentally entered the illusion just now. Didn't you enter the illusion?"

"I just came out of the illusion." Nalanjing squeezed her hand.

Through understanding, Mu Qianyue learned that the illusion that Nalanjing entered was a illusion full of joy and happiness, which was completely different from the illusion she experienced! Although the illusion is full of joy and happiness, it contains even fiercer murderous intent.

When Nalanjing slackened, he was given a fatal blow. Fortunately, Nalanjing had a strong spirit and was not fooled.

"Jing, the blood spirit flower saved me in the illusion just now, otherwise, I might not have come out yet." Thinking of the little man on the blood spirit flower and the umbilical cord connected to his body, admiring A look of confusion appeared on Qianyue's face.

"Blood Spirit Flower?" Nalanjing frowned slightly, thinking of the scene Yue'er was talking about, a hint of doubt appeared in his beautiful purple eyes, and a little anticipation, "Miss, are you happy?"

"Ah?!" Mu Qianyue heard this, with a look of shock and shock on her face, her pink lips were slightly open, and she was very puzzled. She quickly touched the pulse on her right hand with one hand. After a while, her face It was full of shock.

"Jing, I'm pregnant... how did you know?"

Oh, what should she do if she is not yet fully prepared for this little life that came suddenly!

Although she and Jing already have a daughter, Nalan Xueling, Xueling is the child of her and Jing in the previous life, and her body is only eighteen in this life!

Wouldn't it be bad to have a baby so early! !

"Guess it." Nalanjing's lips curled up with a pleasant arc, and Yue'er finally had his child again!

"Xiao Ling will soon have a new playmate. She will be very happy when she learns the news." She reached out and hugged her into her arms, and a gentle and pleasant voice sounded in Mu Qianyue's ears.

Yes, it's not bad to have a child, so Xiao Ling won't be alone anymore.

Soon, Mu Qianyue accepted this fact, and in a month, she will be nineteen years old, so it's not too young to count.

Moreover, cultivating women are inherently more capable of withstanding in their bodies than ordinary people, and both their body and soul are developed several times stronger than ordinary people, so there shouldn't be much problem in having children.

"It's been a long time since I saw Xiao Ling, I really miss her!" The corners of his lips were slightly bent, and his eyes became soft ~ soft.

"When the things in the wild ancient world are over, we will go to the Temple of Ruthlessness. Xiaoling has been working hard recently in order to be able to accompany you and fight side by side with you." Nalanjing's voice was soft and he sighed slowly. .

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