Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 925: Resurrection 【1】

Because all this consumed all his mana and life, he had to be reincarnated.

"Suzaku, I owe you too much..."

Mu Qianyue sighed quietly.

Huo Xi's previous life was the Suzaku. Suzaku can be reborn from Nirvana like a phoenix, but he gives the little spirit the chance of Nirvana, so the little spirit can be reborn after thousands of years.

But he himself fell into reincarnation...

She couldn't imagine that without Huo Xi, she might never find Xiao Ling again!

Yan Shu! !

At this moment, Mu Qianyue's black pupils burst out with an icy, bloodthirsty chill. No matter you are reincarnated or not, no matter where you are, I will definitely find you, and then dismember you by myself!

In the past, how you treated Xiaoling, I will treat you like that! !

As if feeling the anger in Mu Qianyue's heart, a soft light radiated from Drunk Linglong, gently enveloping her.

"Linglong, ten thousand years, we have met again." Mu Qianyue lowered her head to look at the bracelet on her wrist, her eyes were deep. At this moment, her aura climbed steadily, from the fifth-order martial artist in an instant. , Promoted to the realm of Emperor Wuzhe.

"It's time to go out." Mu Qianyue murmured softly. After walking a few steps, she paused her figure and shook her palms. She took out the nine-leaf golden lotus, took off one piece, and put it in the stone box. A handful of immortal artifacts and some noble holy pills were left in the hall of dreams, and then he turned and left.

Drunk Linglong returned, and the hall of dreams was empty.

Now leave something in it, so that no one will come in after passing the 108 steps of the Heavenly Path, but there is nothing.

"She's out!"

No one in the crowd yelled, and immediately raised their eyes one after another, and they all looked at the hall floating in the air.

I saw that lavender figure slowly walked down from above.

When everyone saw this, they immediately stood up from the ground, each of them clenched the swords in their hands, their eyes locked on Mu Qianyue's body without blinking, and countless rays of light flashed in their eyes.

"Little girl!" Moshang Fengling's pupils suddenly shrank, and immediately greeted him.

"Master!" There was a touch of joy on Mu Rutian's face, and he quickly stepped forward, looking at her tightly, and seeing her face calm, his tight heart slowly relaxed.

"I make you worry, I'm fine." Mu Qianyue glanced at Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian faintly, then raised her head, and her cold gaze swept over the surrounding people.

"Mu Qianyue, what baby did you get in it, take it out and take a look!" said an ancient nine-layer strong man, his eyes flashing with greed.

"Yes! Show it to everyone, so you can open your eyes!"

"Yes, there is any good baby that can't let you go alone, right?"

"I think you should take it out, lest we do it."

Everyone spoke one after another, and everyone's eyes flashed with greed and calculation.

After all, she has a great treasure in her hands! !

"You are really mean!" Mo Shang Feng Chime's eyes were filled with anger, and his gaze swept across everyone in front of him coldly. Except for the two brothers, Xingying and Nebula, there were a total of ten human beings and three monsters.

But there are only three on her side, she, the little girl, and Mu Rutian.

The three of them are not the opponents of the other 13 at all!

"Huh! It's not mean, it's just that she can't swallow the things in this dream palace alone. She should take them out and share them together. After all, we are here, but we can't come for nothing." Xiao Lanyan sneered.

"Everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime. Why don't you take the things out and give them to me, naturally they won't stare at you again." The eyes of the ancient giant elephant demon filled with hideousness.

As everyone talked, their footsteps moved lightly, and they unconsciously surrounded Mu Qianyue, Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian.

"Want baby? Then see if you have that ability!" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and a biting chill erupted from her slender figure.

Human nature is greedy.

These people only knew that they wanted to grab the treasure, but they didn't even know that Zui Linglong belonged to Mu Qianyue.

Everyone changed their eyes, "She is an emperor!"

"Oh my God! She seemed to be a Tier 5 Divine Warrior when she entered!"

"She actually jumped five steps in a row in the Palace of Dreams!"

"Huh! Even if she is an Emperor Martial Artist now? It's not our opponent either!"

"We all go together, kill her, and whoever belongs to the baby will have his own ability! How?"

"This line!"

The jealousy and calculations in everyone's eyes have become more crazy, Tier 5! In such an hour, she jumped five steps in a row! How many years of cultivation will take! Such opportunities really make them envious!

"It's really shameless for you to do this. At any rate, they are all of the same kind. Just can't wait to kill each other, human beings are really the most greedy." Suddenly a sneer sounded next to him.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, and saw Xingying approaching, his star-like eyes were filled with coldness. He walked to Mu Qianyue, and the corner of his lips twitched, "You are Mu Qianyue, right?"

"Who are you?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, with a vigilant look on her face.

Xingying raised her head to look at Mu Qianyue, a kind smile appeared on her cold and handsome face, "We will not be enemies with you, on the contrary, our two brothers will help you."

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, her expression rather puzzled.

"My Wang Shang's surname is Chu." Xingying said lightly.

Last name Chu?

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's pupils suddenly shrank, and there was joy on his face, Chu Tiange? Are they from Tiange?

Xingying looked at her and nodded.

The eyes of the two met, and their thoughts were in harmony.

Mo Shang Fengling and Mu Rutian scratched their heads in doubt. What are Qianyue and that Xingying talking about? It looks like they know each other.

"Xingying, Nebula, what do you two want to do? Pretend to help these three human beings, gain their favor, and then grab the treasure?" The ancient giant sneered, his words were full of provocation.

However, Mu Qianyue ignored the instigation of the ancient giant elephant. Since these two people are members of Tiange, they can be completely believed.

With that said, there are two more helpers on his side, and the odds of winning are suddenly bigger.

"Your instigation is useless." Xingying curled his lips in disdain.

At this moment, everyone's faces looked a little ugly.

Xiao Lanyan's eyes were filled with jealousy, "Even if they have two more helpers, they are still not our opponents. They are only five, but we are thirteen."

I really don't know what is good about Mu Qianyue, even these two beasts helped her!

Everyone nodded, indeed, they were only five people, and they were still not their opponents!

The attraction of the treasures in the Palace of Dreams is too great!

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