Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 928: Temple Guardian

The ancient giant elephant's eyes were fierce and furious, and he snorted coldly, "Even if you have the ability to reorganize flesh and blood? You can resurrect once, and I can make you die again!"

His second brother died, indirectly by Mu Qianyue's hands. Originally thought that seeing Nalanjing died, and seeing Mu Qianyue's heartbroken appearance, his heart felt so happy, but he didn't expect that Nalanjing would come back from the dead, his flesh and blood reorganized!

This makes him very angry!

Why is his second brother dead, not even a trace of flesh and soul, but Nalanjing can come back from the dead?

He is not reconciled!

With endless anger, the ancient giant elephant fiercely rushed towards Nalanjing.

Suddenly an excited and hideous smile appeared on the face of the ancient giant elephant, "Haha, I feel it, your breath is very unstable, and the reorganization of flesh and blood must have cost you a lot of energy! This time I will definitely make your flesh and blood reorganize. No chance!"

When the words fell, his figure shook, and he directly transformed into the form of a beast, his huge body immediately covered the sky and the sun, and endless demonic energy hovered in the air.

The ancient giant elephant looked up to the sky. With a roar, it rushed towards Nalanjing again.

The bitter wind blew Nalanjing's ink hair and danced wildly with the wind. His snow-white robe was hunted and hunted by the terrifying demonic air, but his slender and tall figure remained motionless.

There was a deep chill in the purple eyes, and an invisible aura erupted from his body.

"Guardian of the temple!"

The dazzling golden light burst out from his body, dazzling and dazzling, immediately shrouded in this world, covering the ancient giant elephant inside.

A golden war **** slowly floated from behind Nalanjing, majestic and majestic, majestic and mighty aura oscillating around, countless sacred auras filled the air.

There was a look of fear in the eyes of the ancient giant elephant. He turned around to run, but was grabbed by the golden war god, and then threw it out fiercely, instantly seriously injured.

"Puff!" opened his mouth, the ancient giant elephant vomited a few big mouthfuls of blood, his face was covered with horror, "No, it can't be! This is the ancient **** of war... how could he appear here..."

No one will answer his words.

Nalanjing squeezed his fingers, and struck the ancient giant elephant with strange tactics. Suddenly, countless golden lights rushed towards him, rushed into the center of his eyebrows, penetrated into his mind, and eroded his consciousness.

"Ahhhhh..." Suddenly the ancient giant elephant roared in pain, and the golden light that suddenly broke into his mind bit by bit ate his will and his soul.

The sacred golden light, with an incomparably holy breath, was washing the demons and sins from his body...

Gradually his eyes became dull, the light in his eyes dissipated, his will was completely invaded by the sacred golden light, and he completely turned into a thoughtless puppet.

"Jing, you are..." Mu Qianyue's eyes showed a touch of surprise.

Wash the devil! Purify sin!

What a heaven-defying thing!

"This is the sacred light of the temple, the nemesis of monsters." Nalanjing's lips curled up, and said to the ancient giant elephant, "Go and join the battle."

"Yes, Master." The ancient giant elephant made a mechanical answer, and moved into the battle circle.

"Ah! Ancient giant elephant, you madman, how come to help the enemy deal with us!" A demon was attacked by him with a shocked and angry expression on his face.

But the ancient giant elephant didn't listen to him at all, or said that he couldn't hear what he said. At this time, his was like a machine that could only fight non-stop, fighting fiercely against the two companion demons.

After that, Nalanjing joined the other battle circles. For a while, the situation turned sideways. The people on Xiao Lanyan's side were almost crushed and beaten, miserable and dangerous.

Originally Moshang Fengling, Xiao Xuan'er, Mu Rutian and others all suffered some injuries, but under Mu Qianyue’s realm of life, they quickly healed, and the true vitality was instantly full, with 100% effect. I don't know how many times faster than Xiao Lanyan and the others taking the pill.

After Xiao Lanyan and the others felt that Mu Qianyue's domain was the domain of life, their expressions changed drastically, and they yelled.

"Damn! The realm of life! Damn, it's so abnormal!"

"Yeah! If we continue to fight like this, we are not their opponents at all, and we will all die here!"

"Unless someone rushes back to kill Mu Qianyue, they will never be injured."

"Damn! It's impossible to fight! How could there be such a perverted realm of life!"

Even if their strength is generally higher than that of the people on Mu Qianyue's side, but in the realm of life, the opponent will not be injured at all, but they will become more and more courageous. On the other hand, their true energy is consumed more than half, and they have suffered a lot of injuries.

It will be consumed if this continues!

"Day! I won't fight anymore, I don't want any baby!" someone in the crowd shouted, only to see the person turning around and running, quickly got into a passage and disappeared.

Baby or something, compared with life, it's not worth mentioning.

My life is gone, what more baby!

"Wipe! I won't fight anymore! Run!" Another person turned and ran.

The two demon also felt that something was wrong, and they turned around and ran, flashing their stature, and then got into the passage, extremely fast.

Then a few people ran away quickly, one by one slipping faster than the rabbit.

Soon there were three people left here.

Those are Xiao Lanyan and the two elders of the Xiao family.

When Xiao Lanyan saw this, a look of horror appeared on her charming face, and she cursed in her heart, these cowards! All are greedy for life and fear of death! All ran away!

In fact, she wanted to run too, but she couldn't run because she was dragged by Mo Shang Fengling and Mu Rutian.

The other two elders of Xiao's parents were dragged by the two brothers Xing and Nebula.

Under the siege of Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian, Xiao Lanyan soon showed a tendency of defeat. He was violently knocked into the air by a sword, and fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth. His face was instantly pale, as if seriously injured.

She raised her head and saw the murderous intent in the eyes of Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian, and she shrank in fear.

"What do you want to do?"

"Heh! What do you want to do? Of course it is to kill you." Mo Shang Feng Chi's lips raised a bloodthirsty arc.

She hadn't forgotten that when Yan Qingya performed the final forbidden technique, it was Xiao Lanyan's block that caused her and Rutian to lose their last chance and let Nalanjing die.

Fortunately, Nalanjing is now resurrected, otherwise she will live in guilt all her life.

"I am the eldest of the Xiao family in the Profound Sky Realm! If you dare to kill me, my Xiao family will never let you go!" At this moment, Xiao Lanyan was finally scared.

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