Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 951: Goodbye Mu Xiaoci [1]

Anyway, the hatred between Niangqin and Mu's family cannot be resolved so easily.

Just kill it directly, so as not to look anxious.

Just as she was about to make a move, suddenly there was a cold drink next to her.

"You all stop me!"

There was a trace of irresistible majesty in the cold young voice.

"Damn, who doesn't have eyes, dare to take care of Lao Tzu's nostalgia?" Mu how was furious when he heard the words, looked back, and when he saw someone coming, his legs trembled, his body trembled, and a touch of his eyes appeared. Fear and panic.

When the four people around Mu Ho saw the people coming, they couldn't help their bodies trembling, and the arrogance on their faces immediately changed to flattery and flattery, "Jiu Young Master, why are you here?"

"Young Master Nine, did you come here to eat too? Haha, I'll treat you to this meal today." Mu Ho said with a flattering smile, just as wretched as it looked, it was disgusting.

A hint of curiosity flashed in Mu Qianyue's eyes. When she looked up, she saw a boy about fourteen years old standing in front of him. He had beautiful and handsome eyes, a tall and slender figure, and his ink hair was tied with a jade hairpin, and his temples were on each side. Leaving a wisp, Qingjun was a little more gentle in his cold and proud.

He wore a dark-green robe with intricate patterns embroidered with gold silk, which made him look extraordinary.

At this moment, he was curling his brows, and there was a look of disgust and disgust between his brows, "Huh, how are you, are you bullying the people and tyrants here again?"

"Young Master Nine, I don't have it, really don't. It's a few people who humiliated our Mu family. I was angry for a while, so I wanted to teach them a lesson." In front of this young man, Mu Hezhen It's not a bit of temper or arrogance, he bows his knees, is very humble, like a pug.

Upon seeing this, Nalan Xueling could not help but snorted coldly, "Huh, disgusting."

"Damn, who do you say is disgusting?" Mu how suddenly rounded his eyes and looked angry.

Hearing that, Nalan Xueling's eyes became cold, and she didn't see any movement. The next moment, she suddenly came to Mu He's face, and her delicate palm was shot out from the air, only to hear a crisp'pop. The sound rang, accompanied by Mu Ho's screaming like a pig.

But for a moment, I saw Mu Ho's face swelled high, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, mixed with a dozen teeth, and it looked miserable.

"The mouth is not clean, you just owe you a lesson." Nalan Xueling snorted angrily, two groups of anger surged in her cute big eyes, "This time just polish your teeth, next time you scold these two Words, I will make you better than death!"

"Woo, see to throw the mud..." You bitch.

Without his teeth, Mu Ho could not speak at all. Moreover, the moment he spoke, his heart hurts. The pain made him worse than death, and the words he said were completely gone, so vague and unintelligible.

Everyone around couldn't help but breathe air-conditioning when they saw this. This little girl is so courageous! He even polished Mu Ho's teeth as soon as he shot it!

You have to know how Mu is a bastard, not learning and skillless, but he is also a martial artist!

Could it be that this little girl who looks only a few years old is stronger than him? Otherwise she would never have lost Mu Ho's teeth so easily!

Thinking about this, in addition to being amazed, everyone's eyes are more envy and admiration.

It's a pity, no matter how bold and strong she is, she can't be an enemy of the Mu family! The fate against Mu's family has always been miserable!

Next, it is estimated that these three people will bear the anger of the Mu family! In any case, how could Mu be a disciple of the Mu family? How could the Mu family let go of being beaten up in the restaurant?

As everyone shook their heads and sighed, the young man in the dark green robe let out an exclamation.

"Sister Yue? Is it you? Is it really you?"

He walked forward quickly, with excitement and joy in his eyes, Qingjun's indifferent face showed a happy smile, strode to Mu Qianyue's table, and then sat down quite familiarly.

"you are……"

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, her eyes filled with doubts, did she know him?

I don't seem to know each other!

Except for Mu Rutian, Mu Ruke, Mu Yifeng, and Mu Lingheng, she seems to have no one else in Mu's family!

"Sister Yue, I’m Mu Xiaoci! We met in Qingzhou back then, but you were going back then. I didn’t take you around Qingzhou city very well. I thought I would never see you for a long time. I didn't expect you to come to Qingzhou again!" Mu Xiaoci said excitedly.

After hearing this, Mu Qianyue just remembered that three years ago, the Huanzhou Continent held a sect competition, when she brought members of Jingyue Pavilion to participate in the competition.

After the game, she and Xiao Ling, Jing, and a family of three strolled on the street. They met Mu Xiaoci. He was enthusiastic and cheerful. He took them to visit Qingzhou City and invited them to eat some snacks, especially in Xiaoling After that, the two looked at each other reluctantly...

"It turned out to be you. I haven't seen you for three years. You have grown into a big man. I almost can't recognize it." A smile was drawn from the corner of his lips.

"Hmph, I knew that Sister Yue would definitely forget me!" Mu Xiaoci said coquettishly.

"Are you really a small speech?" Nalan Xueling's eyes fell on him, and she kept looking.

Only then did Mu Xiaoci notice Nalan Xueling, tilted his head and pondered for a moment, with excitement in his eyes, and stood up with a sigh, "Xiao Ling? You are Xiao Ling!"

"Nonsense. Hey, I said why you only saw my mother and didn't see me. I've been sitting here for a long time." Nalan Xueling's mouth pursed slightly, a little displeased.

"Xiao Ling, you can't blame me, I can only say that you have not seen you for three years, you have become a lot more beautiful, I didn't recognize it for a while!" There was a trace of tension in Mu Xiaoci's eyes. It was very different from the indifferent image of Qingjun before, and it was like two people.

"Then you mean I wasn't pretty when I was a kid?" Nalan Xueling raised her brows slightly, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction between Dai's eyebrows.

"No, no, my little spirit is of course the most beautiful, whether it was when I was a child or now, it will always be the most beautiful." Mu Xiaoci said hastily. After finishing speaking, he realized what he had said and couldn't help his face. red.

"Poor mouth, who is your little soul, I am my mother's baby, not yours." Nalan Xueling groaned, looked up and saw him with a dazed and embarrassed expression, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle." Hey, student Mu Xiaoci, how do I feel that you are a lot more shy when you grow up, you were not like that when you were young."

Nalan Xueling didn't have many friends, except for Chu Xiaoxue, it was Mu Xiaoci.

Although I had only been friends with Mu Xiaoci for one day and played for only one day, they were very impressed with each other and never forgot each other.

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