Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 959: The hypocritical ancestor Mu [2]

Mu Qianyue silently twitched the corners of her mouth. It is estimated that Xiao Ling had brought the resentment towards Mu's Taishang ancestor to Mu Xiaoci's body...

But looking at Mu Xiaoci like this, I don’t know all of this at all. It’s okay, so I don’t want to lead him.

Connect in.

The corners of her lips curled slightly, and Mu Qianyue entered the palace.

It can't be said that the garden of Mufu House is really big. The garden of hundreds of temples, the flower group and the brocade, is colorful and very gorgeous.

Nearly a thousand tables were placed in the garden, and the ostentation was unprecedentedly grand. After all, it was the 150th birthday of the patriarch of the Mu family this time. Naturally, everyone hurriedly pressed their faces upwards.

Maybe you can please the ancestors of the Mu family, and the whole family will be able to make progress.

The entire garden was full of seats, and the voices were full of people and it was very lively.

Everyone is nothing more than boasting of politeness, wooing and so on.

Mu Qianyue and her party took their seats under the guidance of the Mu's housekeeper. After a while, they heard someone shouting, "Ancestor Mu is here!"

Suddenly, she looked at him one by one, Mu Qianyue followed everyone's gaze, and saw a group of people in front of him walk over.

The leader is a handsome middle-aged man with clear eyes and bright eyes. He is wearing a festive dark red longevity gown with thousands of'shou' characters embroidered with gold silk, which looks like blossoming golden plum blossoms. .

The aura on his body was as plain as water, not overflowing, as if he had no profound strength.

But this is the highest state of strength!

Without showing the mountains and dew, and being able to converge the breath so clean and clear, this is the real strength.

It seems that he is the ancestor of Mu!

It’s just that Mr. Mu looks so young on the outside. If you don’t talk about age, who would have thought that he is 150 years old now?

Mu Qianyue noticed that he had taken Gusheng Meiyan Pill.

Behind him were the Mu family master, Mu Rutian, and some of the elders and elders of the Mu family.

"Welcome everyone to join the old man's birthday banquet. Today, you can eat and drink as much as you want. Don't be restrained, just treat this as your own home!" A gentle and friendly smile appeared on the face of Old Zu Mu, and his laughter was also very impressive. The noise and power immediately aroused the atmosphere in the garden.

Of course, there are some people who agree, please follow with laughter.

"Ancestor Mu is really nice!"

"Yes! Ancestor Mu is not only strong, but also upright and loyal. He also prepared a generous return for us."

"Ancestor Mu is really nice! The person I admire most in this life is Ancestor Mu."

Suddenly, flattering sounds sounded.

Xiao Xuan'er curled the corners of her lips in disdain, "True hypocrisy! She is so treacherous, but she has to pretend to be a good person!"

There was a trace of coldness in Tian Shuo's blue eyes, "The dog that can bark is not terrible, the most terrifying thing is that the dog doesn't bark or makes trouble, and has a kind and friendly smile."

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips raised slightly, "Let's try to dismantle it."

While talking, everyone began to send gifts and blessings.

After a while, it was Jingyue Pavilion's turn.

When everyone saw Jingyue Pavilion coming, their eyes were full of curious and doubtful expressions, and more of them were curious about Mu Qianyue. This legendary woman actually looked so young!

Didn’t she hear that she went to the wild ancient world? How come out in only three years? Where does the average person who enters stay in there for more than ten years?

Everyone's eyes fell on her pregnant belly, and there was a sudden look in her eyes. It turned out that she was pregnant. It seems that she should be giving birth soon, no wonder she will come out early.

This is the child of the young master of the temple! What a noble honor and identity, it is natural to be treasured.

"Paradise Master Mu, although the old man has been in retreat, but your fame has spread throughout the Huanzhou Continent. No one knows it. Such talent and achievement are really admirable! Today you are willing to appreciate your face. It's a great honor for the old man!" The ancestor Mu looked kindly and looked like a kind and lovely old man next door, he couldn't get along with the bad guys at all.

If it weren't for Mu Qianyue to know the truth in advance, he might really be confused by him.

In the breeze, Mu Qianyue lightly raised her white chin, and her beautiful face showed a humble and bright smile, "My ancestor passed the prize, but I was lucky. I have to attend the ancestor’s birthday banquet. It's an honor."

Since they want to act, then accompany him to act?

It’s boring if it’s opened up, right?

After sending the gift, Mu Qianyue sat back in her position. The gift was just a bottle of ordinary Gusheng Beauty Pill. She wouldn't expect Mu's ancestor to take the pill she gave. The cunning old fox must be in her heart. Be vigilant.

"The reason why the old man celebrated his birthday banquet today is that there are two important things to announce!" Old Zu Mu stood up, his eyes filled with joy, and smiled.

Everyone couldn’t help but pricked their ears when they heard the words, and only listened to the ancestor Mu continuing to say, “The first thing is that Mu Qianyue, the patron of Jingyue Pavilion, is a descendant of my Mu family a thousand years ago! My Mu family has a direct disciple named Mu Xuan. He has a light personality and loves to travel to the mainland. He finally went to the Tianwu Continent and lived there. Now it is time to let his descendants return to the Mu family. , Her body is filled with the blood of the Azure Dragon from my Mu family, so she naturally wants to return to the family!"

"So, Mu Qianyue has been the second lady of my Mu family's direct line from immediately."

As he said, he raised his head to look at Mu Qianyue and smiled, "You should be two years younger than Ke'er. If that's the case, you are the second Miss Mu family, how about?"

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes, and a cold light flashed quickly in her eyes. It was really a good calculation!

Want to keep yourself under your nose and monitor?

The corners of the lips are slightly bent, and the smile is innocent and joyful, and the expression is vividly and vividly, "Since the old ancestor Mu has said so, what can I say? It is just such a glory given by the ancestor Mu, which is really a bit surprising I am flattered!"

Everyone screamed, what? Mu Qianyue is really a descendant of the Mu family!

No wonder she has the Azure Dragon bloodline in her body, even after the Mu family!

Everyone's eyes and faces showed all kinds of envy. It is really happy. Since then, they have climbed to the Mu family and become the second daughter of the Mu family. Such glory is so jealous that their eyes are red.

Becoming the second lady of the Mu family's direct line, that's really a steady progress!

"This Mu Qianyue is really incredible! Now not only is the second lady of Mu's family, but also the lady of the temple, tusk, this dual identity is really enviable!"

"Yeah, yeah! If only we had such good luck." A woman said in a sour tone.

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