Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 972: Go to Jin's House【3】

"My own daughter, you don't need to worry about her lifelong affairs!" Jin Yicheng said angrily.

In order to preserve his eldest brother's position in the family, to make him more secure as the head of the Jin family, and to allow his father to live well, he was forced to marry a woman he did not love as his wife.

Although he has lived together for so many years and has given birth to feelings, he does not want his only daughter to follow in his own footsteps!

So he will never agree!

"You are too mean, threatening me with Xiaoying?" Jin Yiran said coldly.

As he looked at Xiaoying who was aside, he reached out and touched her hair, showing affection and love in his eyes, "Don't be afraid of Xiaoying, uncle won't let you marry such a wicked person. Our Xiaoying is so smart and beautiful. , When I grow up, I will certainly find a man worthy of you."

Jin Yiran hasn't married yet, so in his heart, he always treats Xiaoying as his biological daughter.

If he were to exchange Xiaoying's happiness for the position of Patriarch, he could not do it! Disdain to do this!

"Hmph, if that's the case, then please hand over the position of Patriarch and Jin Jiayin." Jin Yi sneered indifferently.

Thought that if she handed over the position of Patriarch, Jin Xiaoying would not have to marry the Li family elder son? It's so ridiculous.

After he became the head of the family, there were ways to force Jin Xiaoying to marry the eldest son of the Li family. Then, he would receive the gold coins and medicinal materials more naturally and smoothly. As if thinking of the scene, Jin Yimo's mouth evoked a smug sneer.

Jin Yiran frowned.

"Patriarch, no!" The third elder of the Jin family shouted, with an anxious look in his eyes. He belongs to Jin Yiran's line and has been loyal for so many years.

"Patriarch, don't! Once you hand over the Jin family seal, they will be even better. I am afraid that we will no longer have a foothold in the Jin family!" The fifth elder of the Jin family shouted.

There are ten elders in the Jin family, including Jin Yimo and Jin Yicheng, but the only elders Jin Yicheng, Jin San, and Jin Wu who are still supporting Jin Yiran.

Other elders have already turned to Jin Yimo's line one after another. As the elder of the Jin family and Jin Yiran's cousin, Jin Yimo has secretly wooed everyone these years.

"Yes! Brother, they are the hearts of Sima Zhao, everyone knows that, don't be fooled by them!" Jin Yicheng said angrily.

"What are you talking about? Although you didn't take care of the Jin family, so that the Jin family has fallen a lot, but we have no intention of resenting you. We just hope that the position of the head of the Jin family will be taken care of by a capable person. What's more, we are still cousins, we are all a family. In the future, you will be the elders of the Jin family, the capable officers of the Jin family, and the development of the Jin family is indispensable to you." Jin Yimo said with a weird smile.

Obviously arguing for nonsense.

"Heh... Do you think that if the Patriarch does not take out the Jin family seal, we can't do anything?" Jin Yimo's supporter Jin Er elder sneered.

"Yes! Do you take it out obediently, or let us do it? If we do it, I am afraid it will not be so easy to talk." The fourth elder Jin also showed a hideous sneer on his face, and his voice was full of threats.

"I heard that you are fighting for the position of Patriarch?"

Suddenly, there was a sneer outside the door, and an old man came over. He walked with a strong waist.

When Jin Yimo saw the incoming person, there was a hint of joy on his face, "Father, have you left?"

When Jin Yiran, Jin Yicheng and others saw the old man here, their expressions suddenly changed. The only elder of the Jin family was also a ninth-order martial artist and the father of Jin Yimo!

Originally, the old Patriarch Jin, who was also Jin Yicheng’s father, was a sixth-order emperor martial artist, but he was defeated in the battle 19 years ago, his strength was wiped out, and he became a paralyzed man, so most of the real power in the family fell on On Jin Yimo’s father.

Now his appearance has undoubtedly increased Jin Yimo's momentum.

Originally, Jin Yiran had 40% of the strength of the Jin family, and Jin Yimo had 60% of the strength. If there was to be a big battle, Jin Yimo would not be able to ask for any benefit.

But now Jin Yimo's father King Kong has appeared!

"Yes, I heard you talking here just after leaving the customs today, so come and have a look." King Kong nodded lightly, his expression rather arrogant and cold.

"Father, your current strength?" Jin Yimo asked kindly.

"Well, I have just been promoted to a Tier 1 Emperor Martial Artist." King Kong snorted, his arrogance and coldness in his eyes even worse, as if becoming an Emperor Martial Artist is such a great thing! As if the whole world had grasped his clasp!

The eyes are higher than the top, the nostrils are in the sky, and the look on his face can't be described in twelve words.

Jin Yiran and the others sank as they heard the words ‘sigh’.

Emperor Warrior!

King Kong has been promoted to Emperor Martial Artist? !

King Kong is a Tier 1 Emperor Martial Artist, and with him, the two brothers are not his opponents at all!

A Tier 1 Emperor Martial Artist can instantly kill a Divine Martial Artist below Tier 8, and a Tier 9 Divine Martial Artist will not make ten moves at most in his hands!

"Haha, that's great! Congratulations, father, father!" Jin Yimo laughed excitedly.

"From now on, I will be the ancestor of the Jin family. After all, the Golden Dragon has been abandoned and is no longer qualified to be the ancestor of the Jin family. Now he is just a burden to the Jin family. Now the Jin family has to support him. It's already very kind." King Kong snorted coldly with disdain.

Elder Jin San was furious when he heard this, "King Kong, don't go too far! Although the ancestor has lost his strength, how many things he has done for the Jin family, and he is still your cousin!"

"Hmph, if he hadn't insisted on being an enemy of the Mu family twenty years ago, our Jin family would have suffered a great loss in strength, so declining? Don't forget, how many disciples of our Jin family died in that battle!" King Kong disdain Cold snort.

No family affection is too small in the face of power.

Power is the highest and most important!

"Jin Yiran, will I give you the last chance, should I hand over the Jin family seal, or let us do it?" Jin Yimo sneered.

"Don't you want the Patriarch of the Jin family? How about giving it to you?" Jin Yiran snorted with disdain.

"Big Brother!"


The exclamation of the two elders Jin Yicheng and Jin San and Jin Wu sounded nearby.

"Okay, you don't need to say any more, I will hand over the Jin family seal..." Jin Yiran said helplessly. Now that he has reached this point, he has no power to change anything.

Just as he was about to take out the Jin Jiayin, a young girl's light and mellow voice suddenly came from above.

"Emperor Martial Artist? What a mighty prestige!"

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