Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 978: Tooth for tooth【1】

Bing Yan moved his lips. I don't know how to say it. Such a thing is really hard to tell.

"Sister Yue, I'm fine, it's just that I just met a frivolous person who was beaten away by Big Brother Bing Yan." Jin Xiaoying said.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes fell suddenly, "Who?"

"It's Li Hongxiao, the eldest son of the Li family." Jin Xiaoying said.

"Huh! If he hadn't run fast with the return to the city just now, I must have abandoned him!" Bing Yan said angrily.

"Now go back to the city." Mu Qianyue stood up immediately, with a cold expression on her beautiful face, she raised her head to look at Jin Xiaoying, her voice was cold, with a trace of sullenness, "Jin Xiaoying, you will remember it for me in the future. If anyone dares to bully you, you will bully me back ten times a hundred times! If we don't bully people at will, it doesn't mean we are easy to provoke!"

"Yes, I remember, sister Yue." Jin Xiaoying nodded heavily.

Mu Qianyueqian sighed, Xiaoying is too simple and kind, so sometimes she has to learn to be cruel, otherwise she will suffer a loss if she goes to the mainland to practice in the future.

The group of people returned to the city in mighty force, heading directly in the direction of Li Mansion.

The Li Mansion is located in the relatively prosperous area of ​​Jinzhou City. It occupies a large area. The door plaques are all made of gold, and the luxury has a strong tackiness.

The housekeeper of Li House saw a team walking straight towards the house, he couldn't help but stop him, his eyes filled with arrogance, and he looked at Mu Qianyue and the others contemptuously.

"Who are you? Dare to break into my Li Mansion! Do you know what place this is? Are you people who can come here at will, quickly get out of me, otherwise don't blame me for waiting for someone to throw you out!"

In his opinion, even though these people are very outstanding people, this is Li Mansion, but they are not free to come here.

In the past few years, the position of Li Mansion has risen sharply, and he has gained a lot of power in Golden State. Naturally, his steward has also risen, and he has stepped on the ground.

"Bold! How dare you speak to this lady like this!" Jin Xiaoying was angry and raised her eyes to look at the housekeeper of Li Mansion coldly.

"Hehe, who am I? It turned out to be Miss Jin Xiaoying. Hehe, I don't know what is wrong with Miss Xiaoying coming to my Li Mansion? But I figured out that I want to marry our young master?" The Li Mansion steward said unconsciously .


As soon as his voice fell, Bing Yan relentlessly slammed his chest with a punch, and saw the housekeeper of Li House flew out like a dead pig, and then fell to the ground fiercely, dying of anger. .

Bing Yanbing's blue eyes were surging with anger, and his movements were straightforward and rough.

The housekeeper of Li Mansion was killed with a punch. The four guards at the door were terrified. They ran into the yard and shouted, "It's not good, it's murdered! Someone killed the butler!"

"Damn, who came to my Li Mansion to run wild! The man who dared to kill my Li Mansion was a bear heart and leopard..." A loud and arrogant voice sounded, I saw Li Hongxiao shaking his fat His body came out step by step.

When he saw Bing Yan leading someone to kill him, his face turned pale in fright, and he didn't say the last word. After swallowing hard, the expression on his face became arrogant again when he thought that this was his mansion.

"Little white face, I haven't bothered you yet, do you dare to run to the door?"

Bing Yan's eyes flashed with unexplained killing intent, gearing his hands, grinning, and showing a bloodthirsty and ferocious smile, "Just now you were running fast outside the city, but now I see where you can go!"

How dare to tune it~ Play Xiaoying! court death! She is the master's cousin!

Li Hongxiao's expression changed in fright, and he hurriedly said to the guard behind him, "Come on, hurry up on me, hurry up and protect me..."

Only a dozen or so guards waved Bing Yan and flew out. They were seriously injured one by one, and they didn't even have the strength to get up.

Li Hongxiao's face instantly turned pale, and his legs couldn't help but shake out. His face was full of panic. Now he knows how terrible this little white face is!

"You, do you dare to kill me... My father is a martial artist... If you dare to hurt me, my father will not let you go..."

"Shen Wuzhe? Oh, I still put it in my eyes!" Bing Yan let out a cold snort, and slowly stepped forward, exuding an extremely cold breath.

Mu Qianyue and Moshang Fengling were just standing still, with Bingyan, one person was enough.

There is no need for them to act.

"What happened?" At this moment, a middle-aged man's slightly thick voice sounded.

"Father, daddy, save me, someone is going to kill me..." Li Hongxiao saw the visitor rushed over with his nose and tears, hugged the visitor's feet, and cried out spinelessly. Trembling.

Seeing this scene, Jin Xiaoying curled her lips in disdain, she was really timid and had no spine at all. I was so arrogant when I was in the sea of ​​flowers, and now I am afraid of death again. It is obviously bullying and afraid of hardship. It is really disgusting!

Mo Shang Fengling and Mu Qianyue's eyes also flashed with disdainful coldness.

Patriarch Li raised his head to look at Mu Qianyue and his party, and there was a sudden surge of horror in his heart. The aura of these people was very calm, introverted, and they were all extraordinary, obviously not lower than him! Looking at their momentum, they are definitely not ordinary people! Could it be that this time Xiao'er provoked some disciples of the big family?

No one knows the virtues of his son better than him!

I thought, Patriarch Li handed his hands to Mu Qianyue and said, "I am the Patriarch of the Li Family and his father. It must be my son who made some mistakes that made you unhappy. Pass him!"

"He almost insulted me, how can this matter be easily settled?" Jin Xiaoying said angrily.

Patriarch Li's face changed when he heard the words, Li Hongxiao had already stood up, and shouted loudly from the side, "Jin Xiaoying, don't know what is good or bad..."

"Shut up!" Patriarch Li was furious, and instead slapped Li Hongxiao's face with a fierce slap. A slap hit him to the ground. There was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his fat mouth. He covered the half of his face. Looking at him with an incredulous face, he said angrily, "You dare to hit me? You didn't want to hit me since you were a kid, and now you help an outsider hit me?"

"Nizi! I spoiled you since I was a child, so I can make you such a lawless!" Patriarch Li angered, and he took a deep breath before he raised his head to look at Mu Qianyue and his party, and arched his hands again. He said, "Because this child has no mother since he was a child, I feel ashamed in my heart, so I spoiled him. Miss Jin, I, the father, will apologize to you for the foolish things he did, and I am willing to make compensation. , Give you one hundred thousand-year-old medicinal materials of the Jin family and one thousand three-hundred-year old medicinal materials."

With so many medicinal materials, for a small family like the Li family, it is already a big handwriting, which shows the sincerity of the Li family master.

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