Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1170: : It just happened to give her a chance to approach Su Zimo

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Wizuki, watch the situation over Emperor Haoyue.

Geng Sangyao explained coldly.

Su Zimo is back. If Junlin Tian doesn't do anything, he will not be Junlin Tian.

"Okay! Yaoer, I'll pay attention."

After speaking, the Wizard of Shuibe turned and left.

Just out of Fengyi Palace, they saw Junlin Tian and Lin Puda coming to Fengyi Palace in person.

"I've seen my emperor."

Water times wizard salutes quickly.

"Where's the queen?"

Junlin Tian's tone is not very good!

Su Guifei met him and made him understand why Geng Sangyao hated Su Zimo so much. It turned out to be Mu Yunxuan.

Geng Sangyao loves Mu Yunxuan. This surprised him!

Junlin Tian strode in.

The Water Sorcerer looked at Lin Puda.

"Butler Lin, what's the matter with my emperor these days, why don't you go to the palaces to rest?"

Lin Puda knew what she meant, and he smiled brightly.

"Shuibei Wizard, this Puda is not easy to say. My emperor does not go to the palace of his own maiden, and Puda does not dare to speculate on the sacredness at will. My emperor has been in a bad mood recently. ? "

"Sorrow by drinking?"

The Water Sorcerer murmured softly, and thought deeply.

Geng Sangyao is finishing the poisonous snake and plant ash. Now that it is done, he sends a drop of blood and a hair from Su Zimo.

Life is unsatisfactory. Is she so tired because of the stress in her heart?

But as long as Su Zimo, these pressures will all disappear.


Jun Lintian looked at Geng Sangyao with a smile.

Geng Sangyao held his hand stiff and did not expect that he would come over at this time.

"Chen Ye has met my emperor!"

Geng Sangyao quickly got up.

She was dressed in black and looked neat.

"Yao'er, I want to go to Mingyue Villa. Su Qi has cured the plague in Qinglin City. I want to thank Su Qi in person. Just as Mu Yunxuan is also in Mingyue Villa, it is better to go with Yao Come on! "

Junlin Tian still seems to laugh.

Geng Sangyao frowned.

Why is Junlin Tian talking so strange today?

Also specifically mentioned the name of Mu Yunxuan.

But it just gave her a chance to approach Su Zimo.

"My emperor has spoken, how dare you not go."

Geng Sangyao's eyes were cold and condensed. She would not let go of such a good opportunity.

"That guy is waiting for Yaoer at the gate of the palace."

Having said that, Jun Lintian quickly turned and left.

Geng Sang Yao Yao looked at the back of Jun Lintian. Is this still what he knows? The imperial power of the emperor was getting stronger and stronger.

However, as she had suspected, after Jun Lintian met Su Zimo once, the whole person changed, it was really because of Su Zimo.

Geng Sangyao retracted her gaze and quickly drew dreams to dress her up.

Just the hatred in my heart is spreading little by little.

In Mingyue Villa, after having dinner.

Su Zimo accompanied everyone in the hall.

Mingyue Villa is getting more and more lively now.

Su Zimo is also a lively person, and he is easy-going and talks with everyone.

Everyone was chatting happily, Qinglian came in.

"The owner, the emperor and the empress later, have already entered Mingyue Mountain Villa."

The voice in the hall ceased.

They did not expect that Junlintian would come so late.

"Take them to the side hall."

Mu Yunxuan smiled.

Moer still cares, Junlin Tian can only go to the side hall each time.

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