Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

The man in black didn't want to say that, but his mind was beyond his control.

Soul Eater, Geng Sangyao quickly thought of Soul Eater on Su Qi.

Su Qi controlled him with Soul Eater.

This **** Su Zimo, she wanted to put her to death.

In the past ten years, she has never lost so miserably.

Now that things are revealed, she can only make another plan.

The words of the man in black was undoubtedly pushing Geng Sangyao into an endless place.


Suddenly, Yafu remembered that when she came, her stomach suddenly hurt severely.

"Then my child is not ..."

Yafu's face touched his belly like a dead face.

The child in the belly is her only chip.

Junlin Tianmei frowned.

"Really did you do that?"

There is no trace of emotion in Junlin Tian's vicious voice.

"Su Qi has Soul Eater in his hand. Soul Eater can control people's thoughts. Would the emperor also believe his words?"

Geng Sangyao continued to excuse himself and walked towards Su Zimo.

She doesn't want to make herself feel better, then she will make her worse off.

"Come, take down the queen."

Jun Lintian gave a cold voice and ordered Geng Sangyao to be charged.

Geng Sang Yao looked at him fiercely.

Sure enough, this man was ruthless enough.

"Wow! She did it."

"This queen is a Witch, and this mind is really wicked."

The ministers and ladies talked a lot.

Yu Wan'er was disappointed, thinking that Su Zimo was dead, but did not expect the end, but pulled the queen into the water, this Su Zimo was really powerful.

Listening to the footsteps of the guard was close to himself.

Geng Sangyao smiled coldly, flung wide sleeves, and a black gas threw the guards out fiercely.

When they fell to the ground, they all died.

Tao Zixu smiled coldly, this time it's alright, she is the one who collects the profit.

Without her hands, just a Su Zimo can make them turn their heads.

"you wanna die!"

Jun Lintian struck Geng Sang Yao with a mysterious energy.

It was only lightly resolved by Geng Sang Yao.

Immediately after, there was a heartbreaking pain in Jun Lintian's body.

It seemed as if I had lost my strength instantly.

Geng Sangyao looked at Su Zimo with a smile, and now she just wanted her hair.

"Su Zimo, I didn't expect you to be so clever, you have seen all the concealment done by this palace."

Only one step away from Su Zimo.

Geng Sangyao shot instantly.

Between the electric light flint, Su Zimo also responded quickly.

"Mor, be careful ..."

"Mor, be careful ..."

Junlin Tian and Mu Yunxuan spoke at the same time.

Just a few strands of blue silk have fallen.

Geng Sangyao quickly picked up.

She smiled strangely at Su Zimo.

Meng turned his head and looked at Junlin Tian.

"King Lintian, without the Wu tribe, you just have to wait and see for yourself!"

After that, people disappeared.

Jun Lintian could only watch Geng Sangyao leave without help.

His body was very painful, and he knew in his heart that Geng Sangyao must have moved his hands and feet.

"Mo, are you okay!"

Mu Yunxuan helped her to sit on the soft chair.

Knowing that she could avoid it, she was still worried.

"I'm fine, just she we want my hair?"

Su Zimo wondered.


Mu Yunxuan frowned, yeah! She did this to get Mo Er's hair.

"My dear, will she use her hair to do bad things?"

Su Qi looked worried, and he crooked his head.

Suddenly, it was like remembering something fiercely.

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