Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Soon, two masked men in black appeared in front of Qingfeng.

"Take this woman and follow me."

The two men in black nodded and walked towards Yu Waner.

"Don't, sir, save Waner, Waner really likes his cousin, who coaxed Waner to the bed."

All the self-confidence on Yu Waner's face disappeared at the moment. She underestimated Mu Yunxuan. She didn't expect him to be so cruel. She just liked him and wanted to marry him. He had only one idea, and he wanted to send her away. Go to the blue house.

"You go away, Qingfeng, Mrs. Ben ordered you, you must not move."

The gentleman guarded Yu Waner and retreated to the bed.

Unfortunately, Qing Feng was still expressionless.

The footsteps of the two men in black didn't stop.

In a blink of an eye, before the gentleman was too late to speak, Yu Waner was already in the hands of the two men in black. Yu Waner was wearing only red bellyband and lewd pants.

The slight coolness made Yu Waner realize that she was still wearing clothes.

"No, don't, you let go, I want to get dressed."

Yu Wan'er was trembling with fear. She never dreamed that Mu Yunxuan would treat her so ruthlessly. Now even a gentleman can't save her.

"Did Miss Yu forget something? If Miss Yu wants your family to lose Yuncheng's help, it's not only you who have suffered, but also your parents who are far away from Blue City."

Qing Feng's words made Yu Waner cry and struggle. She never thought that things would become so serious. The price was too great. She just married Mu Yunxuan as a woman who became Mu Yunxuan.

"take away."

Qing Feng's tone was without a trace of emotion.

He now feels that the Lord has become kind. If before, this Yu Waner has become a corpse.

"Waner." The gentleman looked helplessly at Yu Wan'er being taken away.

She looked at Qing Feng fiercely. "Qing Feng, you bastard."

Qing Feng didn't speak, turned and disappeared quickly.

He Yunting not far away waited for Qingfeng to leave.

He said to the gentleman, "Mrs., please leave Mingyue Villa before the sun goes down."

The gentleman was angry and heard He Yunting's words, she looked at He Yunting angrily.

"Do you think I like living here? But my grandson is here, and no one wants me to leave here."

After that, the gentleman left with high spirits.

He Yunting shook his head, but this matter was a bit difficult for him.

This gentleman is not bad.

"Mo, are you okay!"

Murong Shaofeng looked at her worriedly.

She is not a person who likes to show her thoughts, especially when it comes to feelings.

"Do you look at me like something?"

Su Zimo is not sad, after all, she already guessed what Yu Waner wants to do?

"You are heartless and heartless, naturally you won't be sad, but don't forget, it's your man lying with other women."

Ye Qinghan glared at Su Zimo, who smiled heartily.

"Light cold, narrow-minded minds are widened by grievances. Who is my Su Zimo? It's worth living and living. It's worthless! Well, don't follow me, I have something ? "

"Just because you have something to do with us?"

Ye Qinghan looked at the expression you thought we would.

Su Zimo smiled, knowing they were worried about her.

"Okay! I would never want to commit suicide. I have something to do when I go out."

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