Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1271: : Always can't stand the temptation

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

In the palace, Jun Lintian also knew about the smashed Xiaoyao Tower.

It just made him unexpected that Murong Shao Feng was the one who went to Xiaoyao Lou, not Mu Yunxuan.

"Puda, get ready, let's go to Mingyue Villa."

Jun Lintian is wearing a black dragon robe.

It is mysterious and tempting, and makes people want to be wary of him and feel fortified everywhere.

"Yes, my lord!"

Tao Zixu, who just entered Yongtai Palace, heard Jun Lintian's words.

She frowned, and Areum lost her child and is now alive and crying.

And he has to see Su Zimo.

This man is simply impersonal.

"My lord! Chen Ye will go with you!"

Tao Zixu twisted the water snake waist and walked in.

"No, go with Areum! The child is gone and I am very sad."

Jun Lintian refused decisively.

Tao Zixu frowned, and the man was really unforgiving. What Yara needs now is his comfort.

The child in Areum's stomach was the only one who could tie the heart of King Lintian.

Tao Zixu sighed and turned to leave.

In the evening, Su Zimo slowly woke up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Mu Yunxuan.

He was staring at her hotly.

Su Zimo got up slowly, her hair was tight, and she smelled of sweat, so she had to take a bath.

"Woke up."

Mu Yunxuan looked at her with an expression.

"You haven't left yet?"

Su Zimo got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Mu Yunxuan followed.

Su Zimo, as usual, undressed and walked into the hot spring.

Mu Yunxuan stood by the pool.

Belly black smiled, also undressed and took away.

"What are you doing down?"

Su Zimo quickly moved to a safe place and looked at him with a look of vigilance.

Mu Yunxuan still looked at her fiercely.

Just when Su Zimo wanted to avoid his hot eyes, his big hand suddenly came over, caught her wrist by surprise and pulled it hard, "Wow", she fell firmly to his strong physically.

All of a sudden her hair was soaked and attached to her body, and her exquisite curves were visible at a glance.

His sudden move surprised Su Zimo, and after struggling for a second or two, she struggled **** him.

His iron arms clasped her waist, so strong that she couldn't move at all.

The more they struggled, the closer they got.

Their posture was extremely ambiguous, and Su Zimo swallowed heavily.

He ... shouldn't he be brutal?

"Mu Yunxuan ..."

As soon as she called his name, her lips were squeezed by his sudden lips, and all the words were sealed back.

His moist lips gently sucked her soft red lips, and the numbness quickly passed from the lips to the whole body, and her body trembled naturally.

At that moment, her brain was almost blank, and she looked at him so perfectly beautifully.

He felt that she did not resist, his eyes were smiling, this charming light bloomed, and he almost forgotten his kiss.

His heart, as if lost and restored, never wanted to put her into the bone marrow like now ...

Afterwards, Su Zimo was lying on the poolside and panting!

Mu Yunxuan gently hugged her from behind her.

The pet in that eye is more precious than the treasure.

He massaged gently on her waist.

Feeling comfortable, Su Zimo closed her eyes with enjoyment.

Su Zimo closed his eyes desperately.

Sexuality! Sexuality! Can't stand the temptation.

Su Zimo was very upset.

There aren't too many more than ten, and one less is really too much.

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