Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Is there any difference? Aren't you all eating?"

Su Zimo shot into Mu Yunxuan's eyes, she knew what he was thinking?

However, she will not ignore Shao Feng, nor will she keep a distance with Shao Feng.

It doesn't matter what others think of it. Between She and Shao Feng, it's not what happened to them.

Neither she nor Shao Feng went back and broke the thin layer of paper.

"There is a difference! I just want you to do it for me."

Mu Yunxuan had his own pride in his heart, and his woman, he hoped that she was the only one in her heart.

"Go out and talk."

Su Zimo broke free of his hand.

There is not much speculation, and in Shao Feng's affairs, she will not have a dispute with Mu Yunxuan.

She knew in her heart what she would do to not hurt Shao Feng.

Further, no, step back, Shao Feng will be injured all over.

Therefore, she will hold her own angle in the middle.

"You still care about the Murong Shao summit being injured, don't you?"

Su Zimo's dressing hand suddenly stopped.

"Yes, I will not let Shao Feng be hurt between you and me or between her and me. Between me and Shao Feng, I have told you several times and I don't want to say more."

After that, Su Zimo turned and wiped her hair.

Mu Yunxuan looked at the hot mist in the hot spring and was dazed.

He pulled at the corners of his lips, and twitched with a smile.

He was jealous of Murong Shaofeng, jealous that he could treat Mo Er unrestrainedly, but admired him for no return.

Mo Er was right, he really couldn't understand what kind of feeling was between them.

Whether it is going further or stepping back, Murong Shao Feng will be injured.

However, what Murong Shao Feng did in recent days made him feel that Murong Shao Feng was no longer covering up.

He got up, his beautiful wide back was bare, and his skin shone brightly under the crystal clear waterdrops.

Su Zimo came to the kitchen. People in the dining room greeted Su Zimo warmly!

Seen not far away Zhu Yan is killing fish.

Su Zimo looked at it and smiled in a low voice.

"Zhu Yan, it's really hard for you to let yourself do it."

Zhu Yan raised his eyes, and there were some fish scales on his face.

"As soon as the emperor heard that Zhuang had cooked himself, he immediately ordered me to catch fish. I had caught a basket and waited for the owner to come and do it."

"Am I here?"

Su Zimo smiled and went to the stove.

Tonight she has to show her skills, not only to feed others, but also to take good care of herself.

Su Zimo prepared meals and returned to the lobby, and unexpectedly saw Junlin Tian.


Jun Lintian looked at Su Zimo with a smile.

"How did you come?"

Su Zimo's face was not good.

"I'm here to cook rice."

Jun Lintian ignored the expression on Su Zimo's face.

"When was the monarch of a country so poor that he would come to my Mingyue Villa to have dinner?"

Su Zimo walked to Mu Yunxuan.

Jun Lintian glanced at Murong Shaofeng.

"This is the question for the Emperor Xingyue Kingdom, but the sloppy grains were swept away by the sudden sandstorm."

Murong Shao Feng took a sip of tea elegantly.

Caiyou said quietly: "The person who took your forage is the wind, not the cricket. Besides, Haoyue Kingdom is not short of that forage."

"But it also made me weak."

Junlin Tian is more straightforward.

"Was it just saving you a bit of effort?"

Murong Shao Feng arrived and didn't feel anything? The truce is only temporary.

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