Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1289: : Fuxi Villa is not something you can afford

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"It seems that this girl doesn't know where this Fuxi Villa is yet, and the acquaintance hurry up!"

Fei Xue looked at Su Zimo coldly.

This woman just practiced a horse-drawn carriage that stopped the gallop for a moment, and now she detects it slightly, which is actually the peak of the Holy Age.

Su Zimo heard a cold smile, and a cold smile bloomed on the corners of his lips.

Frosty, with bloodthirsty killing intentions.

Her seductive red lips said very ironically: "I don't really know where Fuxi Villa is. I only know that you are too bullying. Even the emperor of Haoyue Kingdom will not run rampant on this street. Not to mention you a small Fuxi villa. "


There was another heavy, sharp voice in the carriage.

"Bold, how old is your mother today?"

Su Zimo looked awkward, and whoever provoked her was unlucky.

Who made them so unlucky, they hit her when Su Zimo was in a bad mood.

"Girl, Fuxi Villa is not something you can afford, it's our fault, just hurry up!"

The sound coming from the carriage with thick warnings was envious.

Su Zimo smiled ironically.

Feng Qingyun said lightly, "I think you probably misunderstood. I didn't mean to provoke you to Fuxi Villa. Since you are such a distinguished person, you should pay for things that have damaged others?"

Offending her Fuxi Villa, Su Zimo didn't have the restlessness.

But things are so coincidental, isn't it, offended by accident?

You still need her to deliberately offend?

However, these families have always been good-faced, especially in places where there are so many people, she doesn't agree to pay.

It was a long time before the intolerable voice came from the carriage.

"Li Wei, it's not for the injured or the people who broke things, they're paying them their losses."

"Yes, ma'am."

Then Li Wei glanced at Su Zimo, and quickly got out of the carriage.

Su Zimo smiled proudly. This time, not only offended, but also Liangzi.

"Thank you owner! Thank you owner ...!"

People in the street thanked Su Zimo loudly!

"It's a trivial matter. Everyone has something damaged. Hurry up and get compensation! This Fuxi Villa has money. Don't talk about how much you should pay.

Su Zimo directed everyone.

Oh shit! I'm sorry for you, the distance from the city gate to here is not short.

If you want to cover the sky with one hand, the aging mother can let you go to the six gods without master.

In the large carriage studded with precious stones, a shocked little face looked at Su Zimo slightly.

When you look at the appearance of Su Zimo.

The woman's face was jealous. When did Haoyue Guojing appear such a woman who thought she looked amazing.

Su Zimo looked at the scene and she was fine. She's going to buy something and go and see Tweety!

Su Zimo's face faded instantly.

Tweety had a hard time looking at it.

On the second floor of a restaurant not far away, Jun Lintian laughed and watched the back of Su Zimo going away.

She was frosty then, and sometimes naughty and cute.

Limpoda also saw what just happened.

That's how their owners care about themselves! At this time, I had formed a beam with Fuxi Villa, but I thought back that if the owner didn't care about his affairs, he wouldn't stand here at this moment.

"Puda, get some presents, let's go to Mingyue Villa to thank Moer."

As soon as Lin Puda heard it, he froze!

He was here to see the owner, so he didn't miss a chance!

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