Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1294: : Offended your old photo

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

He worried that she was terribly worried, but she would stand in front of him and smile so heartlessly.

Mu Yunxuan was greedy for her breath.

When she was by his side, he always wanted to hold her in his arms, and he felt relieved when he felt the unique breath.

"Mo Er, you are so happy, but what good things happened?"

Seeing her happy, he always raised his lips, and those who knew him knew that he was in a good mood.

"Yeah! Yunxuan, you will know in a few days, yes, are you busy with your business today?"

Su Zimo leaned on her arm, leaning intimately on him.

Mu Yunxuan spoiled her face, stretched her arms, and embraced her tightly.

"I'm busy, so I'll be back with you!"

He shaved her cute nose with a dodging.

Does she seem to have forgotten what just happened, or does she not want to mention it at all?

"Well! That's right, I feel like I'm in love lately? Oh, yes, Yun Xuan, I took Tweety over, her mother-in-law is really abominable, and even a chicken can't bear to feed Tweety."

"You! With good heart, Mingyue Villa is almost a refuge."

Mu Yunxuan held her hand tightly, with her in her arms, his heart was very satisfied.

When she left without a face, his heart seemed to be hollowed out instantly, and he was anxious to find the lost and empty feeling in his heart.

"I don't count on that, what about Mu Niang?"

A strand of hair drifted to his nose, and a faint scent came instantly.

Mu Yunxuan played in the hands.

Her fingers inadvertently touched her moist face like Meiyu!

He involuntarily painted her delicate features, and finally the attractive red lips.

"Yunxuan, don't make trouble!"

A woman puzzled Mu Yunxuan's hand, and someone happy was ignoring the tenderness in the eyes of a man.

"Yes, Yunxuan, have you heard what happened on the street today? Sorry, today ’s troubles offended your good old friends, and they hurriedly rushed at the bazaar. They were originally theirs. Right? "

Su Zimo knows that the gentleman in this matter will soon know that he is afraid that his opinions will be even greater.

Good old!

In this way Mu Yunxuan listened very uncomfortable.

Also, he didn't like her pushing him on other women.

"I have no opinion even if you kill them, Moer, you remember, I only love you Su Zimo, a woman."

Mu Yunxuan caught her slightly troubled tenderness, with a serious face, he loved her more than himself!

With such a look, Su Zimo was touched with heart.

"You've said it many times."

The excitement on Su Zimo's face overflowed with words.

"I'm afraid you can't remember, so I'll remind you often!"

Mu Yunxuan stared at her like a sea, her mouth raised, she was her, and he will always be his stranger, only his stranger!

"Do you treat me like a seven or eight?"

Su Zimo hugged his sturdy waist behind him, and looked at his handsome face with a smile.

I never thought that one day I would be spoiled by a beloved man. This feeling is more unique than any feeling, just like sitting in the cloud.

"Yunxuan, I'll make you spicy chicken tonight! I used to learn this to make it for my beloved."

Su Zimo is a bit shy, she never thought that such romantic things would also happen to her. On the road of love, she grew up with Yun Xuan and experienced together.

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