Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1300: : A bowl of dirty water splashed on her head instantly

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Xiao Lihua did not expect that Su Zimo would be so bold, and he dared to speak like this in front of gentleman Xi.

"How did you hear it in your ears? What does the owner say? If you do n’t have good ears, the owner doesn't mind saying it again, but is this the cultivation of your famous family? This owner has learned a lot today If you want money, you can come to my Mingyue Villa in a blatant manner. "

Su Zimo's face was calm, but the coldness of that tone made people shudder.

Qiu Ziyue looked at her, and her heart could not help but clump together.

Is such a strong woman really worthy of Yunxuan's brother?

"Su Zimo, you are wanton!"

The gentleman was so intolerable that he rushed forward, and stretched out his hand to give Su Zimo a slap.

Su Zimo avoided it gently, and the gentleman's body fell to the side in an instant.

Su Zimo quickly pulled her back with mystery.

At this time, there were a few more people outside Mingyue Xuan.

"Oh! Cousin, are you okay?"

Xiao Lihua quickly helped the gentleman, worried.

"Reverse, really reverse, Su Zimo, you dare to fight me, don't you?"

The gentleman questioned Su Zimo aggressively.

Su Zimo's face was cold, did she hit her? She just didn't want her to fall, she fell well, and a puddle of dirty water splashed on her head instantly.

"If you are not Yunxuan's mother, do you think you can still stay in Mingyue Mountain Villa?"

Su Zimo's voice is very light, but the atmosphere is magnificent, and the cold momentum has the tendency to move the sea.

"Okay! Su Zimo, as long as my gentleman is alive, you don't want to marry into Yuncheng."

The gentleman roared his teeth!

"If you don't marry, you won't marry. The second sister of the king is the second princess from the grandeur of Li Xia, and her status is not lower than that of any of you in Yuncheng.

Nalan Yi couldn't bear to see her sister suffer from such anger, he was the first one who couldn't help rushing in.

And Na Lanyi's words instantly reminded the three of them Su Zimo's identity.

Su Zimo is the second princess of Li Xia Guo, and there is a place in Li Xia.

Qiu Ziyue was jealous. Even so, she wouldn't let her become the Lady of the Lord of Cloud City.

As long as the concubine doesn't allow her, she will be the headmother of Yuncheng sooner or later.

Seeing Na Lanyi's grievances for herself, Su Zimo's heart warmed, this is her family, and she couldn't see her family being a little wronged.

"Yi'er don't have to be angry, second sister is fine."

Su Zimo rubbed his brother's long hair, coddled.

"Second sister, although we are not as big as the other three countries, they are bigger than Yuncheng and a small Fuxi Villa."

Nalan Yi looked at Qiu Ziyue coldly, and a small Fuxi Villa wanted to pinch his second sister and really took herself seriously.

At the hearing of Qiu Ziyue and Xiao Lihua, their faces changed color instantly.

Especially Xiao Lihua, although she is Mu Yifeng's cousin, Fuxi Villa will eventually live on Yuncheng, and without Fucheng's support, they are nothing at Fuxi Villa?

But under the balance, if Yueer sits on the position of Mrs. Yuncheng, all this will be different.

Think of it this way, Xiao Lihua's courage grew fat again.

"Why, is this prince trying to use his identity to overpower someone?"

Xiao Lihua looked at Nalan Yi ironically.

"What about holding your identity over you? Yier has this capital. What kind of thing do you dare to run to my Mingyue Villa and yell?"

Su Zimo's eyes were cold and she could not clean up the gentleman. Couldn't other people still clean up?

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