Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1305: : Someone is following us

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Zimo should only do good things!

"Anyway, my mother has always done this." Su Qi muttered softly.

"Momo, what are you going to do next? Just say."

Murong Shao Feng knew that she was thinking, and she always felt sorry for the difficult people in the mountains.

He saw with her own eyes that she had changed a poor lotus village. The current lotus village is not worried about food and clothing. Qi Er put Jun Shaochen there. For Jun Shaochen, he can appreciate a lot of things.

"I remember when you were at the border, you saw a house built of wood, and I remember you mentioning bricks."

"Shao Feng, I didn't expect you to remember to this day, yes, that family is Uncle Bai's family, and the flood was made the year before. The soil foundation of his family was washed away by the flood. Later, her daughter was married to Liujia Village. I was yesterday I went to see Tweety and found it. "

"That's it!"

Murong Shao Feng looked at her. She had helped many poor people while she was at the border.

"Shao Feng, the next step is to find someone to mine those coal blocks. The coal blocks are no worse than carbon and sold to rich people in Beijing. Our prices can change."

"Okay! In terms of manpower, I'll ask Zhu Yan to prepare."

"Huh!" Su Zimo nodded.

Then he said, "Go to Liujia Village first and ask if you are willing to do it, and you will be given twelve months a month."

"You don't have to look for this price, others will come to you automatically."

Murong Shao Feng shook his head. If this girl is a traitor, she is already Jinshan Yinshan.

"That's very tiring. I will let Yun Ting go there to build a factory and prepare for mining."

Su Zimo knew that her previous hometown was very close to the coal kiln.

As for the method of mining, she does.

"Little sister, let's go out and play."

Su Qi felt that if he had been staying in Mingyue Villa, it would be moldy, so he had to move his muscles.

"You two can play, don't cause trouble."

Su Zimo looked at his son with a warning look.

She could ignore her little gesture just now, because it was under her eyelids.

Su Qi jumped off the chair and smiled.

"My dear, right now Haoyue Guojing is a prosperous world, Qier has nowhere to mess up if he wants to cause trouble!"

He won't let his mother know if he gets in trouble.

Besides, Su Qi only bullies the bad guys if he causes trouble.

Today he mainly wants to go out and solve the man and the woman, and has been keeping him secretly for a long time.

"Come back early, don't play more off-road. In half a month, you and your mother will return to Mingyue Valley to pick up Xiner."

Su Zimo looked at his son in dissatisfaction.

How about five years old? There will be very few days to accompany her, if it is older, hey! Su Zimo dare not imagine.

"I see, my dear."

"Second sister, Emperor Xingyue, you talk."


Murong Shao Feng nodded.

Watching them leave, Su Zimo got up.

"Shao Feng, go, let's go and see He Yunting's results."

Su Zimo will also go and see if it is anthracite. If it is anthracite, that would be the best.

Out of Mingyue Villa, Su Qi deliberately slowed down.

Nalanyi's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Qier, why are you walking so slowly?"

"Shh ...!"

Su Qi made a silent gesture.

His eyes were cunning.

"Small sister, someone is following us behind, we pretend not to know, and then leave the city."


Nalan Yi was shocked!

Someone followed them and he didn't feel anything.

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