Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Mu Yunxuan chased all the way to the gate of the city. Seeing the familiar back, he was about to chase after him. He lifted his feet, but stepped into another world.

Mu Yunxuan's dark eyes were cold and ruthless.


It is not easy to set up enchantment in a place with so many people.


Mu Yunxuan was anxious, someone set up a trap and waited for them.

No, I'm afraid that Mo Er will be in danger.

Who is the envoy?

King of heaven?

He just had that weird smile.

Damn it!

Why didn't he think of it just now?

Mu Yunxuan was annoyed, and the urgent task was to walk out of the enchantment to find Mo Er.

Mu Yunxuan looked around. He was in the mountains, and the rolling mountains were more than a thousand miles away.

Mu Yunxuan had to sigh, the people who set up the enchantment were so big, it took a lot of repairs.

Looking at such a rolling mountain, Mu Yunxuan summoned the golden dragon. He stood on the golden dragon with a sense of pride, his dark eyes were dark and deep, and his face was solemnly looking down.

At this moment, he looks like a **** above nine days, looks like the sky and the earth.

Fly over several mountains, the sun on the horizon is like blood, reflecting the sky.

And the mountains are getting more and more complicated, Mu Yunxuan frowns with the complicated vertical mountains.

The key to breaking enchantments should be here.

"Jinlong, go down."

Mu Yunxuan carefully identified Jin Long and went down.

Out of the city, Zi Zimo followed Du Yixuan all the way, but Du Yixuan still did not want to stop.

Su Zimo squatted and touched her calf.

Did this woman deliberately take her around?

She wouldn't believe that they would live in this old forest in the mountains, and, if you go further, you will not return to the mountains.

The topography of the unreturned mountain is intricate and lacking in mystery. This woman actually drilled inside, what happened? She didn't want to die.

But there were a hundred unwillingness in his heart, Su Zimo still followed.

This followed, really entered the mountain of no return.

Entering the mountain of no return, Su Zimo narrowed her eyes, and the drooping eyes were all cold.

The woman always knew that she was following her.

What is the purpose of she leading herself to the mountain of no return?

Su Zimo wanted to go back. This is a trap, but if she goes back, she will be unwilling. It doesn't matter if she can't be a hero or a bear. What's more important is that she will be unwilling to go back.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Su Zimo followed.

After entering the Mountain of No Return, there was a hidden killer everywhere, and Su Zimo was extra careful.

After about a few kilometers, Su Zimo felt that he was asking for his own crimes. What can Du Yixuan do when he does not return to the mountains?

Don't you just want to kill her? She came over stupidly, no, she couldn't move.

Su Zimo sat under a big tree and held his breath, because not far from her, there were several hawk-bat bats that were passing by.

In order to save effort, Su Zimo decided not to compete with them and let them go first.


The dull voice was deafening in the mountains, and the breath of thriller spread everywhere.

This is the world of evil Warcraft.

Su Zimo's **** just landed, and as soon as he lifted his eyes, the two men were hung from a big tree, not far from the evil Warcraft.

And the front gargoyle bat evil Warcraft has discovered the breath of human beings.

"damn it!"

Su Zimo whispered, and flew towards the two men quickly.

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