Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"what did you say?"

Du Yixuan asked in a silent voice, looking sad, he actually felt that her love was dirty, which hurt her heart deeply.

"Huh!" Mu Yunxuan snorted coldly.

"None of you witches will miss it."

Mu Yunxuan's cold voice was unemotional.

"It's not good for Yuncheng to work with the Witch clan. You don't know. The old patriarch is very powerful. She controls the life and death of your Mu family."

Du Yixuan urgently reminded Mu Yunxuan.

"That seat is even more to kill. Why does she control the life and death of our Mu family?"

Mu Yunxuan's eyes were more angry.

Ghost sword quickly transfigured in his hand.

Du Yixuan stared sharply at the ghostly sword in his hand that exudes the cold light of the forest.

Her throat was sore, and today is just the beginning. The old patriarch has more plans, and they can resist when.

Once the old patriarch's repair is restored, she will summon Wushan's soul beast to settle the whole world.

"The life and death of your Mu family are under the control of Tianwu, including Su Zimo's life."

Du Yixuan smiled sweetly. She won't hit him today. Will she still keep watching Su Zimo's end?


Du Yixuan shouted loudly, and quickly flew away.

Leaving three Warcraft puppets controlled by alien spells.

Mu Yunxuan's eyes narrowed, and a steel needle in the wide sleeve shot toward Du Yixuan's figure.

"Huh!" Du Yixuan exclaimed.

The body fell straight down.

At the same time, Su Zimo also quickly released the Rosewing in his hand to attack the hawk bat evil Warcraft.

Du Yixuan, who was about to land, was quickly caught by Bai Aoying.

Mu Yunxuan's eyes were more intense.

"Jinlong, kill them."

As soon as Mu Yunxuan's voice fell, a man dressed in red appeared suddenly beside Mu Yunxuan.

This is the transformation of the nine-winged golden dragon. Today's battle allowed Jinlong to break through the bottleneck period and successfully transform into a human figure.

"Yes, master."

Jinlong's body leaped and turned into the original shape and flew towards Bai Aoying.

In order to survive, they will certainly withdraw the spell.

Mu Yunxuan quickly flew back to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo was also fierce, and the three hawk-bat bats were burned into black charcoal by her rosemary wings.


"You let them go?"

Su Zimo turned and glared at him.

These vicious women, she will not feel guilty if she kills a hundred times.

"I worry about Mo Er."

Mu Yunxuan smiled and looked at her smile full of pampering.

"Don't worry about you, letting them go will only make them trick."

"Golden Dragon has chased it."

"You had a chance to kill her just now, Mu Yunxuan, wouldn't you hide your selfishness."

Su Zimo stumbled a few times on his chest.

Mu Yunxuan smiled silently and caught her pink boxing. Su Zimo struggled hard ...

"Ah, ah ...!"

Su Zimo had long forgotten where he was.

Slipping at the foot, Su Zimo's figure fell to the tree.


Mu Yunxuan was startled, and quickly flew down to save Su Zimo.

At a glance, He Lanjun abruptly lost his heart.

"Master, let's go down! It's dangerous here."

You Xi looked at He Lanjun's look, and he frowned slightly.

"Well, go on!"


When Su Zimo was about to land, Mu Yunxuan quickly pulled her into her arms, and the thrilling moment ended.

Su Zimo had a lingering fear in her heart and hated herself for not remembering it.

"Scared me, why don't you hold me fast."

The moment Su Zimo fell, remembering the moment when she fell on the cliff at the night of thunder and lightning, only she knew the fear in her heart.

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