Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1384: : Coward, you come back to me

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

The setting sun smiled.

"Sister go down with him! He will be alone."

After the words were finished, Luo Xia's eyes were brewing with killing intention.

"Kill! You killed me. This dragon city is not the same as before. You may want to restore the dragon city to the former bustling state. It may take a lot of time. In recent years, my sister has done this position. It ’s very good. Your gold and silver jewellery has been almost defeated by me. "

Luo Wu's face was glowing with evil light. She took a deep breath, but her hands were clenched into fists. From an early age, her sister was more beautiful than him, everything was better than her, even the human husband. It can be found, and the man would rather die than look at her more, he knew it was because of his ugliness.

"You can rest assured that under my administration, the bustling Dragon City will be restored for a maximum of two years, because I have always been the most popular among the people. Now I have complained to you from outside. My return will make They see the dawn. "

Upon hearing Wu Luo's eyes narrowed, she could do it with her ability.

"Is that so great?" Said Wu Wu with an ironic smile.

"Do you really think I haven't defended you? Since the day you fled from the prison, I have arranged a lot in secret, waiting for you to throw yourself in the net."

Su Qi felt vaguely wrong.

I saw Luoxia raise her hand, what seemed to be summoned?

Su Qi quickly moved forward, kicking Wu Wu with one kick.

Luo Wu didn't even see how Su Qi came to himself.


Luo Wu fell uncontrollably and fell to the ground, looking at Su Qi venomously, this human child is very powerful.

"Kill me, do you think you can escape by yourself? It has been surrounded by my cousin, and he has set up a barrier method. You can't imagine a dragon city."

As soon as Su Qi heard, a smile of evil charm bloomed in the corner of his mouth, and his voice was low. "For the little master, as long as the dragon in the dragon city does not run with the master, it is not a problem to solve the barrier method."

"Hope you can solve it?"

Luo Wu smiled evilly, a tail slowly sticking out from under her clothes.

"Little boy be careful."

When Luoxia looked at Luowu, her tail was revealed, and she quickly flew and hugged Su Qi to leave.

The huge tail fell at their feet, and the hard marble floor was smashed into a large hole.

so close! Su Qi was slightly surprised! ? He really didn't notice the tail just now.

"People in their family have always been insidious and vicious. This kind of dragon has a terrible tail. Little boy, you are watching, Aunt Luo Xia will kill her with her own hands."

When Luoxia finished speaking, she flew to attack Luowu.

Su Qi tilted his head and looked out of the hall. A man in a silver armor surrounded the place with many people.

There are also some evil Warcraft.

Su Qi opened her mouth slightly, thinking that this battle would be easier, but did not expect that there were so many evil Warcraft.

Su Qi removed the barrier method and shouted: "Fire spirit, fire silver, come out when you are hungry, you can have a full meal today!"

"Ah! Evil Warcraft?"

When Huo Yin saw it, he turned back quickly.

"Coward, you come back to me, those evil Warcraft repairs are not high, this is scared, you are really not worthy to be my Su Qi mount."

Su Qi's words made Huoyin stop quickly, and there was no urge to escape.

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