Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1400: : Are you going to crush me

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Hongyan suddenly had nothing to say, and she didn't expect Su Zimo to deal with it!

She was able to break even the enchantment that was born after her death, and she pierced the short arrow into her heart without hesitation.

Hongyan raised her eyes and looked into Tianwuli.

Su Zimo's hands were bloody.

Her pupils narrowed slightly. "Patriarch, Mu Yunxuan found Su Zimo them."


Geng Leyu snorted, but still looked at Tian Wuli.


Mu Yunxuan saw her **** hands, a strong anger filled the whole body.

Su Zimo turned back, "Yunxuan, Lier, why are you here?"

Su Zimo looked at Mu Yunxuan who was angry, and said secretly that he was not good! Yunxuan was angry.

At this time, He Lanjun and You Xi were awake and killed the man posing as both of them.

Seeing Su Zimo's injuries, He Lanjun's deep eyes were full of guilt.

"You are hurt?"

Mu Yunxuan's tone was horrifyingly cold, and a pair of gloomy eyes were addicted to overwhelming killing.

"Qing Feng, I demolished this courtyard for this seat, and no one in it was spared."


Qing Feng quickly moved with people.

The Lord is angry, but the consequences are serious.

"My dear."

See the blood on the back of Su Zimo's hand.

Instantly stinging Su Qu's eyes, his eyes became deep and terrible!

"Quer, don't be afraid, my mother doesn't hurt, it just hurts a little."

Seeing his son's sudden cold eyes, Su Zimo was shocked! When Lier saw her hurt, she must be angry and worried.

Su Qu bowed her head, hiding the worry on her face, but a pain in her face.

"Such a big wound, how dare you say you're okay?"

Mu Yunxuan wanted to be angry with her, but seeing her innocent eyes, how could his anger not be raised.

He had a pair of elegant and charming black eyes with deep guilt.

Su Zimo raised his eyes and looked at him, smiled lightly, and smiled enchantingly.

"Yunxuan, just such a small injury, don't worry about it." Su Zimo said, hiding his injured hand behind him.

The slight movement was still noticed by Mu Yunxuan, he glared at her and quickly pulled her injured hand.

Su Zimo took a breath of cold air in an instant of pain. She gritted her teeth, but did not dare to make a slight sound. These ten fingers connected her heart, and she hurt herself again.


When looking at the wound on the back of her hand, Mu Yunxuan also took a sip of cold air, and the strength of her hand could not help softening.

I saw a long wound on Su Zimo's hand, and the flesh flew out to the bone.

"Tell me, who hurt you?"

Mu Yunxuan's tone was low and terrifying, and even the big hand holding her slightly trembled, showing how terrible the anger in his heart was.

"This seat is going to shatter that person." His eyes were like obsidian, staring at her face tightly.

"Oh!" Su Zimo grinned, and said with some guilty conscience: "I hurt myself, do you want to break me to pieces?"

Mu Yunxuan was choked in his throat, and his heart was severely stabbed.

Fierce, Su Qu's eyes were full of shock!

Su Qu is unbelievable. The mother herself hurts her own personality, and if it is necessary, she is really cruel to her, and she ca n’t help hurting, watching that drop of blood mixed into the soil. It's like being cut by a knife.

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