Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1408: : Last night was helpless

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"By the way, Mo Mo, the tide of Warcraft in the psychedelic forest ten days later, Shao Feng and I, Qing Han also wanted to go. Shao Feng also specifically asked me to come and tell you, but Mo Niang is faster than us. This is the cream that Shao Feng asked me to send to you. When the wound is scarred, there will be no more scars. Shao Feng wanted to come to see you, but she was infected because of the cold weather these two days Wind chill, he was afraid of contagion to you, and did not come over. "

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Su Zimo couldn't help but smile, her pink face was charming, and her big eyes seemed to speak the same.

"What does Shao Feng think of me? My body is not so weak. Go back and tell him that we will go together when the time comes."

"Who came back **** last night, you! It's such carelessness, you can be careful in doing business, but you are always so careless when facing the enemy."

He Yunting looked at her with blame. She didn't care about her body so much, and he didn't know what to do with her.

"Last night that was also helpless. You also know that it was entangled in the blood of the Wu tribe, but it was the pain of death. To alleviate the pain, I will cut the flesh to get rid of it."

When He Yunting heard it, his throat rolled involuntarily.

"Only you can be so cruel to yourself. Speaking of this, the Wu people are really endless. Wu Jiang said that many strangers have recently entered the city. It may also be for the World of Warcraft in ten days. It is also very likely. It's someone else. "

Su Zimo heard a frown slightly.

"There are still many old parts of the Wu tribe Geng Sang Yao. Yun Xuan thoroughly cleaned up after Geng Sang Yao died, and there may be exposed fish in contact with the Wu tribe. In short, many people paid attention For a moment, if there is a change, someone who is definitely a Witch must report it to me immediately. Now the person we face is the old witch of Geng Leyu. "

A fierce cold light shot from Su Zimo's eyes, and she deliberately explained that Geng Leyu's method, she would step into the palace of Yan Wang earlier if she took the wrong step.

"Okay! I'll tell Wu Jiang and Hong Xiang to pay more attention. They run outside all day and it's much easier to check the news."

"Huh!" Su Zimo nodded her head.

Ten days later, the tide of Warcraft also spread quickly across the four kingdoms, and the city of Haoyue suddenly became lively.

Junlin Tian also heard the news. He also let Lin Puda prepare early and set off for the psychedelic forest ten days later.

Wu tribe, in the forbidden area.

Geng Leyu also knows things about Warcraft.

She paced back and forth, as if meditating.

Suddenly, her eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at Hongyan aside.

"Hongyan, let Li come here."


Hongyan frowned, but turned around.

After half a cup of tea, Hongyan brought in a beautiful woman in a black dress.

Geng Leyu stepped into her.

"Liyun, I haven't seen you in a few years. You have grown into a big girl."

When Liyun heard it, she smiled, "Thanks to the love of the clan chief, Liyun can grow up safely."

Geng Leyu nodded comfortably.

"Rarely do you remember this love."

Geng Leyu pulled Li Yun to sit on the soft couch aside.

"The patriarch came to Liyun today, but what did he command?"

Today, the position of the Heavenly Girl Palace is still vacant. If the patriarch gives her a task, she will have the opportunity to win the position of the Princess of the Heavenly Girl Palace. The predecessor, Ru Rou, died without heat in her buttocks.

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