Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

No one in the world can solve it. Murong Shao Feng shook his head in pain. How could this be? If she had an accident, how would the three of them, brothers and sisters, bear it.

As soon as Zhu Yan heard, Su Zimo's style of the woman was not annoying at all, straightforward, kind, very sincere to others, serious and capable, and a woman that men want to marry.

"Go back, a **** storm, can't be avoided, you can't help her, neither you nor others can help her, you can only rely on herself, her mother planted the cause, she must return it, this is her life. "

"Thank you Uncle!"

Murong Shao Feng's tall figure stood up.

The painful figure, along with the surrounding ones, followed with pain.

"By the way, give your old jade who is hemolyzed to the old man. The old man looks so painful to you, and you ca n’t bear it anymore. Since you want to be with her next life, the old man will help you back."

Murong Shao Feng Xiu's long white hands trembled slightly. In his palm, he lay quietly a piece of jade with two drops of blood in it.

At first glance, the old man took down the life star belonging to Murong Shao Feng.

When Murong Shao Feng looked, his eyes were shocked and he stopped the old man's behavior instantly.

"Uncle, you are going against the sky, Shao Feng can't let the uncle go against God's will for Shao Feng."

"Shao Feng, it ’s time for the uncle to run out of light. The soul has never been able to fly. Seeing you here today is supposed to be waiting for you. The uncle has been young and frivolous, knowing your pain. In my lifetime, you will definitely be with her. This is the only thing Uncle can do for you. "

Having said that, the old man instantly blended Murong Shaofeng's fate into two drops of Yu Peli's blood.

"Put Yupe in long flowing water, he will bring you what you want."

"Uncle!" The old man suddenly weakened. The Xingyu fusion just now seemed to have exhausted all his cultivation.

It's just that the old man has already closed his eyes, his body becomes more and more transparent, and in the end it becomes nothing, leaving no trace of light smoke, walking so cleanly.

Murong Shao Feng closed his eyes, his body trembling slightly.

When I opened and raised my eyes, it was still so warm.

Long running water!

Murong Shao Feng looked at the side stream.

"Mo Mo, I'm sorry, I can't help you lift the death curse, I'm really sorry!"

Murong Shao Feng shook his hand and put away Yu Pei in pain. "The scenery here is very good, but there is no anemone you like."

Zhu Yan shook his head, and his family couldn't escape the palm of Su Zimo's life.

The dark night sky, no fingers can be seen, and the sky not far away is covered by dark clouds, and a heavy rain is coming.

Sanqing Mountain.

After dinner, Mu Yunxuan followed Jiutian Xuanzun to Houshan.

"Xuaner, look, this is the rosewing that that girl gave the old man. It's been so long, and it still lives well!"

Jiutian Xuanzun presented the fresh rosemary wings to Mu Yunxuan like a treasure.

"Is the teacher's common spirit supporting this wing of rosemary?"

Mu Yunxuan looked really good.

"No, the old man just left it like that, but it still hasn't withered. Don't you always wonder if the girl's death curse can be solved! The old man can tell you now that no one in the world can solve it, only to see her own fortune , Tian Wu Nai Heaven and Earth, human beings cannot change its power, but ...

"But what? Teacher."

Mu Yunxuan asked with pain in his face, is there really no solution?

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